
Pay attention to six points of scientific fertilization in greenhouse

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Pay attention to six points of scientific fertilization in greenhouse

Greenhouse vegetables are different from open field vegetables in fertilization types and methods. Greenhouse vegetables are more stringent in fertilization technology, such as improper fertilization will produce harmful gases and cause harm to vegetables, which will not only affect the yield and quality of vegetables, but also cause soil salinization in the greenhouse. Therefore, the following problems must be paid attention to when fertilizing vegetables in greenhouse:

1. Control the application amount of nitrogen fertilizer and prohibit the application of nitrate nitrogen fertilizer. Nitrogen fertilizer is an indispensable fertilizer in vegetable production, but it should not be overapplied. In order to make vegetables reach the pollution-free standard, the content of nitrate in vegetables must be reduced. In addition, it is not suitable to apply chlorine-containing fertilizers such as potassium oxide and ammonium chloride. Chloride ion can reduce the starch and sugar content of vegetables, make the quality worse, reduce the yield, and the residue in the soil is easy to cause soil decalcification and cause hardening.

2. Volatile fertilizers are prohibited when topdressing. Greenhouse production is mostly carried out in the cold season, the greenhouse air tightness is good, the amount of air release is small or not, if the use of volatile fertilizer, it is easy to form a high concentration of harmful gases inside, endangering crops.

3. When using as base fertilizer or topdressing fertilizer, you should not apply immature organic fertilizer. Especially unripe cake fertilizer, chicken manure, human urine and so on, because these fertilizers will produce a large amount of ammonia when decomposed under the condition of high temperature in greenhouse, which is very harmful to plants.

4. It is emphasized to apply more organic fertilizer. Organic fertilizer can not only improve soil fertility, increase plant nutrition, increase carbon dioxide, but also prevent salt damage.

5. Implement formula fertilization. According to the fertilizer demand characteristics of different vegetables and the status of soil fertilizer supply, the appropriate amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and trace elements and the corresponding fertilization techniques were determined.

6. Spraying plant cationic active agents (Zhuangtiling and Zhuangzhuanling) in time after fertilization can activate plant ecological growth positive energy, broaden plant catheter path, enhance plant water and fertilizer absorption, and improve yield and quality.