
It is necessary to "catch five" to raise Rex rabbits in autumn.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, It is necessary to "catch five" to raise Rex rabbits in autumn.

The temperature difference between morning and evening in autumn is large, which is easy to cause diseases such as colds and pneumonia in young rabbits. Therefore, the feeding management in autumn is very important.

1. Do a good job of autumn propagation

To make the Rex rabbit as soon as possible. To restore the physique, it is required to increase nutrition, raise carefully and prepare for autumn reproduction. The first mating age was 7 ~ 8 months in male rabbits and over 6 months in female rabbits. During the peak period of female rabbit breeding in late autumn, the conception rate can reach 70%-80%, with an average of 5-7 litters per litter.

two。 Grasp the matching feed.

Autumn is when the Rex rabbit is changing hair, and the breeding rabbit has a poor appetite, so it is necessary to feed more palatable green feed. Formula feed should make full use of local commonly used, nutritious and inexpensive feed resources, especially protein feed, such as alfalfa hay (containing 20.1% crude protein), locust leaf powder (19.3% crude protein) and Rumex hay (31% crude protein). Attention should be paid to forbidding feeding harmful, toxic and moldy feed such as dew grass and cotton leaves, and controlling feed with high nitrite content such as carrot leaves.

3. Pay attention to meticulous management

The temperature is unstable in autumn, and sometimes the temperature difference between morning and evening can reach 10: 15 ℃. It is necessary to prevent colds, pneumonia, enteritis and pasteurellosis. In case of cooling weather, you should close the doors and windows to keep warm. The rabbit house can be disinfected with 3% caustic soda or 10% lime water once a week. It is necessary to clean up the feces in time and keep the house clean and hygienic.

4. Grasp the feed reserve

With the harvest of crops, a sufficient amount of winter feed should be stored in time, such as carrots, locust leaves, sweet potato vines, bean stalks, peanut vines, corn stalks, alfalfa hay, cereals and so on.

5. Do a good job of disease prevention

The vaccination of rabbit plague, Pasteurella multocida and Clostridium welchii should be done in autumn. Rabbits over 2 months old were subcutaneously injected with 1 ml or vaccinated with triple vaccine twice a year. In order to prevent the outbreak of coccidiosis, anti-coccidiosis drugs such as chlorophenyl guanidine, gram ball powder and coccidia should be added to the formula feed.