
There are tips for growing good peppers

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, There are tips for growing good peppers

Determine the variety

Huh? think about what kind of chili peppers you want to plant before you plant them. Colored pepper, persimmon pepper, horn pepper, sheep horn pepper, line pepper, pickled pepper, Chaotian pepper and so on. Can be selected according to the market and planting experience.

Seed disinfection: uncoated seeds must be disinfected before sprouting, otherwise they are easy to be infected with germs and viruses.

Treatment: 50% carbendazim 500 times, 70% methyl topiramate 800 times, 8% Nonglinfeng 2 2000 times, 0.5% aminooligosaccharides 1500 times or 60 degrees Celsius hot water for 20 minutes (while soaking and stirring to prevent scalding seeds), generally soak for about 30 minutes and 60 minutes, then rinse for budding.

? Cultivate strong seedlings

As the saying goes: Miao Zhuang is divided into three parts. Cultivating strong seedlings is the key to high yield.

The standard of strong seedling is: strong stem, thick green leaves, well-developed root system, no diseases and insect pests.

Seedling age is generally about 30-40 days, 3-5 leaf stage is easy to survive, slow seedling fast; more than 7 leaves, seedling age is too large, slow seedling growth. Pepper generally carries on flower bud differentiation at the three-leaf stage, so the cultivation of strong seedlings is the key to high yield of pepper.

Fertilizer and water management

Pepper belongs to shallow root crops, the root system is underdeveloped, afraid of both drought and waterlogging, so special attention should be paid to fertilizer and water management.

The production of 1000 kg fresh pepper by formula fertilization requires about 5 kg of nitrogen, 1 kg of phosphorus pentoxide and 6 kg of potassium oxide.

According to the law of fertilizer absorption and fertilizer demand characteristics of hot pepper, the fertilization scheme is arranged as follows: for the purpose of labor-saving, labor-saving, high yield and high efficiency, and for disease prevention, resistance to continuous cropping, soil improvement and cost saving.

1. Base fertilizer: 50kg / mu of 200 million enzyme bacteria (instead of chicken manure, pig manure and all kinds of biological bacteria organic fertilizer), 15mur15 balanced compound fertilizer 40kg / mu. Cultivation ditch or cultivation hole can be used, it is best to use the cultivation method of plastic film mulching on the ridge, high yield and easy management.

two。 After the first batch of flowers set fruit, they were combined with watering every 15 days or so, and 4 kg of 20 Mel 10 Mel 20 water soluble fertilizer + 3 kg of common mineral potassium humate was applied.

3. In the middle and later stage, 5 kg of 20 / 10 / 30 flushing fertilizer + 300 grams of potassium fulvic acid 400 grams was applied every 15 days.

4. Foliar spray of "plant vaccine" was sprayed every 10 to 15 days after slow seedling to prevent disease and insect pests, regulate growth, increase production and improve quality. Use as required, basically free from diseases and insect pests.

Water management pepper drought drop flowers and fruit, waterlogging vomit root dead trees, but also drop flowers and fruit, so chili pepper is afraid of drought and waterlogging. Therefore, small water should be watered frequently, preferably seepage irrigation or drip irrigation.

Cultivation and management of pepper root system is not developed, in order to make the root system developed, drought and waterlogging resistance, change the past cultivation methods, change under-ridge cultivation to ridge cultivation, can increase production by more than 20%. The combination of ridge cultivation and drip irrigation is better.

? Pest control

The main diseases and insect pests of pepper are anthracnose, blight, virus disease, soft rot, root rot, bacterial wilt, stem rot, Fusarium wilt, root-knot nematode, as well as some whitefly, gray whitefly, beet armyworm, cabbage worm and so on.

Anthrax incidence conditions: high temperature and high humidity, field depression, sunburn easy to cause anthrax. Anthracnose is easy to cause rotten fruit and dried leaves, and there are concentric wheel patterns and blackening on the leaves, which will lead to the decline of pepper yield and quality.

Control methods: (1) increase the application of organic fertilizer and bio-organic fertilizer to increase crop resistance. (2) Chemical control, anthrax magnesium, Shigao, mancozeb, fluorosilazole prochloraz, Nonglinfeng No. 2 and so on.

Precautions: give priority to prevention, minimize the spread of pathogens and reduce the incidence of the disease. Must control the temperature and humidity, humidity is too high, the temperature is too high, it is easy to produce diseases, not just anthrax. Temperature and humidity control, basically will not get sick, tomatoes, cucumbers and other crops are like this, high temperature and humidity is conducive to the reproduction and spread of germs.

Most of the blight is caused by soil residue or residue of pepper. Soil residue is the most, in general, 80% of bacteria and viruses exist in the soil, especially in airtight greenhouses or greenhouses, so soil treatment is very critical.

Disease condition: the bacteria overwintered on the soil or residue. The humidity is above 85%, the temperature is 10: 32 ℃, and the optimum temperature is 20: 30 ℃.

Control methods: (1) soil treatment. (2) to use Ruidu copper, Nonglingfeng No. 2 and Phytophthora Ling to control. (3) apply more bio-organic fertilizer and chitin fertilizer to improve the resistance.

Virus disease pepper virus disease is a relatively stubborn disease, strong replication, fast spread, difficult to control, there is no specific treatment agents, mainly prevention.

Disease conditions: high temperature and drought, overgrown plants, high nitrogen.

Route of transmission: grey planthopper, whitefly, aphid, etc.; soil transmission; man-made transmission.

Control methods: seed disinfection, pay attention to insect control, spraying pesticides, improve resistance.

Note: if there is a diseased plant, it should be pulled out in time. Try not to touch the diseased strain with your hands to avoid the spread of the virus.

Soft rot is the main disease and bacterial disease of pepper, which mainly harms the fruit of pepper.

Occurrence characteristics: high temperature and humidity, 25: 30 ℃, more than 85% humidity occurred seriously, germs entered from the wound.

Route of transmission: Rain Water transmission, watering transmission, splash transmission, pest transmission.

Control methods: (1) increase the application of bio-organic fertilizer in soil to improve resistance. (2) timely control of tobacco green insects, cotton bollworm and other drilling pests. (3) spray treatment with agricultural streptomycin, copper succinate, copper oleate, Diyi copper, Nonglinfeng No. 2, generally once every 5-7 days, 2-3 times in a row, and pay attention to the rotational use of chemicals to avoid drug resistance.

Soil-borne diseases such as root rot, bacterial wilt, Fusarium wilt, stem rot and root-knot nematode all belong to soil-borne diseases. Once infected, whether it is root irrigation or pesticide spraying, the effect is not good.

The characteristics of the disease are as follows: serious harm, difficult prevention and treatment, difficult to cure, large investment and serious production reduction.

Solution: only formula fertilization can be used (1) bacteria can be treated with bacteria. (2) increase the application of mineral organic fertilizer. (3) do not apply immature chicken manure. (4) the effect of comprehensive soil repairing agent is better.

Umbilical rot is a non-communicable disease caused by calcium deficiency. High temperature in summer is easy to cause calcium deficiency and navel rot. At this time, some people do not know what is going on, to supplement calcium every day, but also can not cure navel rot. First, because the way of calcium supplement is different, and second, the variety of calcium supplement is different.