
The Beginning of Autumn is the right time to sow Chinese cabbage.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The Beginning of Autumn is the right time to sow Chinese cabbage.

The Beginning of Autumn's solar term is on August 7th, which indicates that the hot summer is about to pass and autumn is coming. After the Beginning of Autumn, the next rain will cool off, so there is a farm proverb of "one autumn rain and one cold". The Beginning of Autumn's weather is still in three volts, with plenty of light, hot and rainy, so vegetable production should do a good job in autumn crop sowing, seedling raising and field management.

? Sowing Chinese cabbage and radish in autumn

The suitable sowing time of Chinese cabbage in Daxing, Shunyi, Tongzhou and other plain areas is August 3-8, and that of Xinmei radish is August 5-12; the sowing time in Miyun, Yanqing, Huairou and other high altitude mountain areas is 5-7 days earlier than that in the plain areas. mature and fine organic fertilizer should be used as base fertilizer, and 5000 kg of Chinese cabbage per mu or 3000 kg of commercial organic fertilizer should be applied. Xinmei radish per mu application rate of 3000 kg-4000 kg, or commercial organic fertilizer 2000 kg-3000 kg. Improve the quality of soil preparation, make a high border sowing about 15 centimeters above the ground, so that the sowing is uniform and the density is reasonable. The row spacing of Chinese cabbage is 60 cm, the plant spacing is 33-35 cm, and there are 2400-3000 plants per mu. Xinmei radish row spacing 55 cm, plant spacing 20-22 cm, 5500-6000 plants per mu. In case of high temperature after sowing, Chinese cabbage should be watered between rows in time to cool down. If Chinese cabbage is to achieve the goal of evenness of seedlings, strong seedlings and no infection with virus disease, it should be "seedling in three waters and set trees in five waters".

Seedling raising and Seedling Management of Autumn crops

Tomato, pepper, sweet pepper, eggplant and other crops planted in solar greenhouse with good thermal insulation performance in autumn and winter are still in the suitable period of sowing and breeding, so we should choose excellent varieties that are resistant to low temperature and low light. It is very important to select a good seedling breeding place, which is carried out in a greenhouse or special seedling shed with high and dry terrain, irrigation and drainage and good ventilation, and the tuyere and doorway are tightly sealed with an anti-insect net. At noon, the roof is covered with a sunshade net to cool down, and conditional installation of external shading and micro-spray cooling facilities. In order to prevent rain and waterlogging, the drainage ditches were dredged around. It is also necessary to do a good job in seed disinfection and treatment, with emphasis on the prevention and control of tomato yellow leaf curl virus. Celery is in the critical period of seedling management, when it is hot and rainy, and the seedlings are easy to grow and be harmed by diseases and insect pests. It is necessary to do a good job in cooling, shading, rain prevention, inter-seedling and pest control, and raise strong seedlings of appropriate age under unfavorable climatic conditions.

? Cauliflower planting in open field in autumn

Crops such as cauliflower, cabbage, lettuce and lettuce planted in the open field in autumn can also be planted, with sufficient base fertilizer, 3000 kg of rotten and finely crushed organic fertilizer per mu, or more than 2000 kg of commercial organic fertilizer. Fine soil preparation, made into a flat bed 1.3m wide and 8-10m long, the heavy soil should be made into a high border, do a good job of drainage and waterlogging prevention, plant in the afternoon on a sunny day, not too deep, and the soil cover is flat or slightly higher than that of Miaotuo. Cauliflower, cauliflower and cauliflower plant 2500-3000 plants per mu, with an average row spacing of 60-65 cm and plant spacing of 40-50 cm. Cabbage and heading lettuce are about 4000 plants per mu, with an average row spacing of 40-45 cm and a plant spacing of 30-35 cm. Lettuce 6000-9000 plants per mu, average row spacing 20-25 cm, plant spacing 18-20 cm. Sufficient planting water should be poured in time after planting.

? Sowing heat-resistant leafy vegetables

Heat-tolerant leafy vegetables such as amaranth, hollow cabbage, agaric, spinach, rape and coriander can still be sown in batches, and the planting area of each batch can be determined according to the expected sales.

Generally, 30-50 days after seedling emergence, it can be harvested and listed on the market. Fine soil preparation should be made into a flat bed with a width of 1.3 meters and a length of 8-10 meters. Strip sowing is adopted, the sowing is uniform, and the depth of soil cover is suitable. We should also do a good job in drainage and waterlogging prevention.

? Crop management of summer and autumn crops in greenhouse

Towel gourd, balsam pear, pepper, eggplant and tomato in summer and autumn are in blossom and fruiting stage, while tomatoes and cucumbers planted in autumn are in seedling stage and flowering stage, so field management should be strengthened to promote plant growth.

After the ◆ has finished shading and cooling the Beginning of Autumn, the temperature is still high, so a shade net with a shading rate of 60 percent of the roof should be covered from 11:00 to 15:00 on a sunny day; it can also be watered between rows or slightly sprayed at noon on a sunny day to reduce the greenhouse temperature.

◆ strengthens the plant arrangement, wraps the seedlings and branches in time, and removes the lower old leaves, yellow leaves and diseased leaves in time, so as to facilitate ventilation and light transmission and reduce nutrient consumption.

◆ do a good job in fruit management melons and fruits vegetables should not sit on fruits when the temperature in the greenhouse is too high, balsam pear and pumpkin take artificial flower-to-flower method in the morning, eggplant and tomato adopt bumblebee-assisted pollination or "high yield agent No. 2" and "Guomening" spraying methods to improve fruit setting rate. After sitting down, the young fruit should be thinned out as soon as possible, and the abnormal fruit should be thinned out as soon as possible.

◆ scientific topdressing watering according to weather conditions, soil conditions and plant growth timely watering topdressing, so that plants do not grow too long, not early senescence, more fruits with high commodity rate. Promote the integration of water and fertilizer and apply fertilizer with reasonable ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Foliar fertilizer is sprayed every 7-10 days to quickly replenish nutrients.

◆ diseases and insect pests control virus diseases, powdery mildew and other diseases and white whitefly, red spider, tea yellow mite and other pests are common. In particular, it is necessary to prevent the occurrence of tomato yellow leaf curl virus and control the infection at seedling stage. Priority is given to the use of armyworm yellow board and blue board to trap and kill adults of whitefly, aphids, thrips, Liriomyza huidobrensis and other pests; cover insect control nets at the tuyere and doorway to prevent pests from entering the shed; biological pesticides or low-toxic and efficient pesticides are used at the initial stage of occurrence. Strictly abide by the provisions of harvesting after safe intervals after the application of pesticides to ensure the safety of the products.

After the timely harvest of the Beginning of Autumn by ◆, the temperature difference between day and night increases gradually, the crop grows fast, the ripe fruit should be harvested in time, the best time to harvest is sunny morning, and the product quality is good. When it cannot be sold immediately after harvest, it should be stored in a light-proof and low-temperature environment.

? Green onions should prevent pests such as thrips.

Spring onion is in the period of vigorous plant growth, it is necessary to do a good job in cultivating the soil and ploughing and loosening the soil, timely watering and topdressing, watering in time when the soil is dry, and applying organic fertilizer in combination with soil cultivation, 300 kg of bio-organic fertilizer per mu, or 20 kg of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium ternary compound fertilizer. Early planted plots should be cultivated in stages, each time to the junction of the leaf body and the leaf sheath, and do not bury the heart leaves. Pull up weeds between rows and on the ground in time. This period is the most rampant period for pests such as thrips. In order to control them in time, ethyl spinosad 1500 times liquid spray should be used to control them. Attention should be paid to spraying on the young parts of the plant and on the ground, because there is a layer of wax on the leaves of green onions. 80% of the pesticides will slip down and affect the control effect. Pesticide auxiliaries such as "anti-bacterial liquid" or "silicone" should be added at the same time to ensure the control effect.