
Key points for attention in feeding and Management of Beef cattle in High temperature season

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Key points for attention in feeding and Management of Beef cattle in High temperature season

The high temperature and humidity in summer, especially the weather in volts, has a great influence on the normal physiological function of beef cattle, which is directly manifested as poor appetite, decreased feed intake, slow growth and development, and increased morbidity, which is very easy to cause the loss of large-scale house-fed beef cattle. Therefore, in order to ensure better production efficiency of beef cattle in summer, it is necessary to strengthen feeding and management in summer and reduce heat stress. Measures to prevent heat and cool down

1. Strengthen ventilation. You can open all the doors, windows and vents of the barn, install fans in the barn, turn on the fans to cool the barn from 10:00 to 5pm every day, or install blowers at both ends of the barn to strengthen ventilation and cooling.

2. Sprinkle water to cool down. First, you can sprinkle water every 2 hours between 11:00 and 4pm on the fence house and the playground; second, you can install water spraying cooling facilities on the roof of the fence house. Cooling with water must be combined with ventilation to achieve the desired effect, otherwise it will cause high temperature and high humidity, which is counterproductive. Do not directly pour cold water on the cow, because of the strong cold stimulation, the sweat pores of the whole body contract sharply, the heat in the body is blocked, and the body temperature rises abruptly, causing high fever and inflammation of the lungs, or death of the cow.

3. Do a good job in the transformation of fence houses. First, barn roofs, walls and barn floors use materials with good thermal insulation, such as paving shavings or foam under roof tiles, hollow bricks for walls, insulating cement or leaky floors for corral floors; second, increasing the greening area of the field area and improving the environment in the field, it is best to plant trees in the barn and playground; the third is to avoid direct sunlight and pull sunscreen on the roof of the barn. Second, do a good job in the hygiene and disinfection of barracks to prevent the occurrence of diseases

1. Clean the feces at least 2-3 times a day and disinfect them once every 7-10 days, so as to create a dry, clean and hygienic environment for beef cattle.

2. Remove the garbage and faeces that are easy to breed mosquitoes in beef cattle enclosures, and eliminate mosquitoes so as to block the transmission of infectious diseases through mosquitoes.

3. Do a good job of disinfection in the beef cattle enclosure and cut off the source of infection. According to the situation, different disinfection measures such as purple light irradiation, spray, drinking water and so on should be taken.

4. Strengthen the management of feed and drinking water of beef cattle to prevent mildew and deterioration of feed and pollution of drinking water.

5. According to the local immunization procedure, vaccination should be carried out timely in order to establish a high-level immune population and effectively prevent the outbreak of infectious diseases. III. Key points of feeding and management

1. Rationally allocate diets and properly supplement minerals and vitamins. In the hot summer, we should appropriately increase the proportion of protein and energy feed in the diet, reduce the intake of crude fiber feed, at the same time, we can add food attractants and select high-quality fresh raw materials to increase feed intake and maintain a higher growth rate of beef cattle.

2. Stagger the high temperature, feed repeatedly and drink water frequently. Add 0.1% Mel 0.2% artificial salt, multivitamin or 0.5% baking soda to drinking water to regulate electrolyte balance in beef cattle and reduce the occurrence of heat stress.

3. Reduce the feeding density. Reduce the ratio to 1 beat 4-1 stroke 3, which can avoid crowding, improve air quality and reduce heat stress, especially pregnant cows, if the density is too high, it will cause miscarriage due to hot fights, so it is best to raise them in a single column.

4. Control the mating time. Properly avoid the hottest July-August breeding and calving, reasonable arrangements for production; at the same time, breeding, semen collection in the morning and evening when cool.

5. Reasonably arrange the time of cattle transfer, sale, castration and vaccination. This work should be carried out when the weather is cool in the morning and evening to avoid long-distance transportation of cattle in high temperature season. IV. Other matters needing attention

1. The feed in and out plan is strict, shorten the inventory time and speed up the turnover.

2. To do a good job in the collection and storage of silage corn, follow the principle of "timely harvesting, entering the cellar as soon as possible, cutting and compacting, and sealing intact".