
A treasure chest on top of a basin! These eight kinds of flowers will not lose much in summer!

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Seeing that summer is getting hotter and hotter, many flower friends' flowers either fail or go dormant, and they don't even have the motivation to take beautiful photos and post moments every day. in fact, we can raise some flowers suitable for summer, not only for a beautiful summer, but also for other purposes.

Mosquito repellent grass

Every summer there is a pile of mosquito repellent grass, flower friends have not been dazzled? To say that mosquito repellent is the best, it also belongs to this one: fragrant leaf geranium.

Function: mosquito repellent

In the smell of geraniums, there is something called citronellal, which can ward off mosquitoes, so people call it mosquito repellent. Put a pot in a ventilated place at home, and you can smell the fragrance in a room of more than ten square meters, saving even mosquito incense!

Mosquito repellent cutting:

If you want to grow mosquito repellent grass, just cut the roots and branches, with leaves in length of 5-8 cm, and insert them in wet sand (hot weather, high survival rate of sand). Be careful not to insert too deep, 1-2 cm is enough, put it in a cool place, spray water and humidify every morning and evening, and take root for about a week.

If you want to speed up rooting, you can also pour some potassium permanganate solution (potassium permanganate: water = 1). Don't be curious to move branches in the process of cutting, or all your previous efforts will be wasted.

Daily maintenance:

Mosquito repellent grass grows fast and is usually kept in a sunny and ventilated place at home. If you see the soil dry and then water it, you can go crazy when you are lazy. If your mosquito repellent grass teeth and claws, Hua Hua suggested or trimmed, the aroma will be stronger, mosquito repellent effect is better!


Most flowers are afraid of the summer sun, only sunflowers, dare to chase the sun. This big gold face, the mood will be much better at a glance.

Function: watch and bear melon seeds

The flowering period of sunflowers is from June to September (it varies from region to region). You can not only watch it in summer, but also bear melon seeds in autumn. We can have a full harvest in a few months.

Sunflower sowing:

General melon seeds can not be planted, oh, you need special sunflower seeds, do not need to shell directly buried in the soil, pour through the flowerpot, put in the shade for 3-5 days to sprout, after sprouting, you can see light every morning and evening, grow faster ~

Wait for the seedlings to grow to 8-10 cm, ready to transplant. Common caliber 20 cm pot species 1-2 trees are more appropriate, too many are prone to malnutrition. When changing the basin, it is best to bring some soil to the root, do not hurt the seedlings, slow down 2-3 days in the shade after transplanting, and then move to a place with good light for normal maintenance.

Sunflower maintenance:

We all know that sunflowers like light, so it's best to raise them in the open air or in Nanyang, and water the soil when the soil is dry. If your home only has the north balcony, if there is a little astigmatism, you can also raise it, even if the flowers are not big, it is very difficult to set seeds.


Aloe vera is recognized as a good flower grower. You can live without a tube all the year round. In summer, you must raise several pots at home, both for food and medicine.

Function: edible and anti-inflammatory

The main edible aloe is Aloe barbadensis, Chinese aloe, Shangnong big leaf aloe, but it is unknown whether other varieties are edible. It is best to pick large aloe leaves for more than 3 years, cut into sections, peel, thick mesophyll and taste good.

The leaf meat can be cut into small pieces after rinsing with water for several times. Whether it's honey water, lemonade, or cold sauce with tomatoes, it's a good taste to cool off the summer heat. It's just natural jelly!

In addition to eating, aloe can also reduce inflammation and analgesia, bask in the sun in summer, go home in the evening to pick up a piece of aloe leaf, take out the mesophyll and mash it, you can directly apply it to your face, whitening and anti-inflammatory, but it is recommended to apply it for 5-10 minutes. It is easy to stimulate for too long. There are other scalded parts. Apply it with aloe vera to relieve the pain.

Aloe Vera curing:

Aloe vera is very easy to raise. You only need to put it in a place with good light and ventilation at home. It is best to plant it with sandy soil mixed with ordinary garden soil. If the weather is hot and watered once every 3 to 5 days, you can grow quickly and explode the cubs in a summer!


When it comes to hot summer, which kind of flower is the most fragrant, of course it belongs to jasmine. Huahua looks like many flower friends have been raised, and they have bloomed several times.

Function: make tea

When the jasmine is picked, it can be dried to make dried scented tea, which is convenient for storage. It can also be directly used to make tea, preferably with some green tea and hairy tips. It tastes fragrant and "drunk" after a sip in summer.

Jasmine water plug:

In addition to using sand cuttings, you can try water cutting when the weather is too hot. Cut 5-8 cm long jasmine branches, with a pair of leaves at the top, cut off half of the leaves to preserve nutrition, insert them in the foam board, expose 1-2 cm below, put them on the bucket, and take root in the shade for 7-10 days.

Jasmine maintenance:

The more the jasmine is in the sun, the more fragrant it is, so keep it in a place with good light at home. Some flower friends' jasmine will go on strike once, hurry up and prune them, leaving 2-3 pairs of leaves on each branch, which can stimulate the jasmine and bloom again!


Rose is so popular this year that almost every family has raised it. Which ones have been planted in your family? Anyway, Huahua has been fascinated by the rose of our Huayou community!

Function: watch

Artificial cultivation technology is getting higher and higher, now the rose florescence is also getting longer, and there are more varieties, fuller flowers, more bright colors, which flower lovers can refrain from raising them?

Compared with other flowers, rose is easier to preserve, cut and hung upside down in a ventilated and dry place, it can be dried in 2-3 days, the color will not fade, and you can enjoy it in a vase for as long as 1 year.

Rose cuttings:

The survival rate of rose cuttings is low in hot weather, so you can soak the branches in potassium permanganate or carbendazim solution for 10-20 minutes, during which the disposable water cup is pierced and breathed, and put into the sand as the substrate.

Branches inserted into the sand 2-3 cm deep, too deep easy to black rot, each branch leaves a few leaves for photosynthesis, outside a large basin or foam box, better moisture retention, must be placed in a cool place, avoid light, so that 5-8 days to take root.

Rose maintenance:

Rose is easy to attract aphids, red spiders, flower friends can make garlic water, pepper water, pepper water to spray insects, serious when ruthless pruning and re-growth. When the summer temperature is too high, pay attention to shade, otherwise it will enter a false death state, it is difficult to blossom normally.


Ivy is evergreen all the year round and can be raised by flower friends in both the north and the south. It is drought-resistant and sun-resistant, which is much easier to raise than green pineapple.

Function: purify the air

When it comes to purifying the air and absorbing formaldehyde, you may first think of green pineapple, but the purification power of ivy is stronger than that of green pineapple.

Ivy water plug:

Pour half of the water in the mineral water bottle, cut an ivy and put it in it without a lid. Change the water every 2-3 days. It will take root in about a week. After taking root, you can grow in water or cut a small section of soil, and soon burst the pot!

Ivy maintenance:

Ivy has low requirements for the environment, as long as it is not exposed to the sun in summer, it is best to keep it on a well-lit windowsill, the pot soil is dry and then watered, a small pot can climb the wall crazily, and flower friends who do not like it can also shape it.

Dendrobium candidum

The Dendrobium flower, which can be fed by an old piece of bark, blossoms without leaves, and the room is full of fragrance. Do you recognize it?

Function: edible

Dendrobium in the iron skin of Dendrobium, flowers and stems can be eaten, flower-making tea, stir-frying vegetables are OK, the stem can be used to cook soup, has the effect of nourishing.

Planting of Dendrobium:

Dendrobium likes to grow on wood, find a piece of bark live wood, soak in carbendazim solution for 20 minutes, tie Dendrobium branches to wood with thread, spray water, and take root in a few days.

Maintenance of Dendrobium candidum

Dendrobium likes a humid environment and needs to spray water to moisturize every day. Flower friends who dislike trouble can put wood in flowerpots filled with water, which can save a lot of effort!


Summer is the season for eating fish and crayfish. When Huahua was a child, when making fish and shrimp at home, old people would add some perilla, the taste will not be forgotten for a lifetime, too fragrant!

Function: spices

Perilla has a strong aroma and can be fishy and fresh when put in fish and shrimp dishes. Huahua suggests that perilla is put in half a minute before the dish comes out of the pot, or put on the soup after the dish comes out of the pot, so that the taste of perilla can be brought into full play!

Those who like perilla must not miss the perilla barbecue and perilla field snail. Who knows the taste?

Perilla distinguishes:

In the early years, perilla grew naturally in front and behind our house, the leaves on both sides were purple, and the leaves on the front and green on the back were called green perilla. Pinch the leaves, and immediately a big flavor came to your nostrils. These two kinds can be eaten, and the others are a different matter.

Perilla maintenance:

Perilla is easy to raise, ordinary garden soil can be planted, it is best to put it in a sunny place to avoid exposure, the soil is dry and then watered, pick leaves when you want to eat, it will grow again!

Flower friends.

Have you planted all these flowers?

If you have any flowers for summer,

Recommend it as soon as possible.