
Artificial suckling lambs should be "determined"

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Artificial suckling lambs should be "determined"

Artificial lactation of lambs can be carried out with goat milk, milk, skim milk powder or milk substitutes. When feeding, attention should be paid to the following issues.


Reasonably arrange nursing time. Lambs within 1 month of age were fed once every 3 hours; lambs from 1 month to 2 months of age were fed 4 times a day; lambs from 2 months to 3 months of age were fed 3 times a day; lambs from 1 month of age were fed 1 to 2 times a day. With the increase of age, gradually reduce the number of feeding, appropriate increase in the amount of each feeding.


Feed amount to meet the nutritional needs of lambs as a prerequisite. Feeding too much can cause indigestion, even diarrhea; too little nutrition is insufficient, affecting the growth and development of lambs. At the beginning, each lamb was fed about 250 grams each time, which could be increased or decreased according to the individual, exercise amount and age. Generally speaking, the amount of lactation per day and night should not be less than 16% of body weight.

fixed temperature

The milk temperature of artificial lactation should be close to or slightly higher than the body temperature of ewes, that is, 38℃~42℃ is appropriate.


Feed lamb milk to fresh, clean, fresh milk to squeeze the best. For low-temperature preservation of milk should be heated and stirred before feeding, so that milk mixed evenly.

regular disinfection

In order to prevent the occurrence of disease, after each feeding, the utensils should be washed with clean water and disinfected with boiling alkali every two days.