
How to raise native chickens in mountainous areas

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How to raise native chickens in mountainous areas

Grazing is given priority to in hilly, shallow mountain and grassy slope areas with better ecological conditions, supplemented by supplementary feeding to develop local native chickens, which has the advantages of low investment, high price, meets the requirements of green pollution-free food, and is deeply loved by consumers. it is a pollution-free practical chicken raising technology which is worth popularizing.

I. Mountain selection

Choose pollution-free, away from residential areas, industrial and mining areas and trunk roads, quiet environment, clean air, preferably shrub forest, thorn forest, broad-leaved forest and other mountain forest, its slope should not be too large hills and mountains.

? Second, build a shed

In the stocking area to find a leeward to the sun of the flat, with bamboo, bark, colored steel, linoleum, canvas and other opportunities to build a simple chicken house facing south, you can also build a plastic shed, the shed can keep heat, block the wind, cover the rain, and do not accumulate water.

? III. Stocking scale

The appropriate seasonal stocking scale is 1000 birds per group, which is too large to be managed. If the scale is too small, the benefit is low. About 100 animals per mu of mountain area is suitable. The "all in and all out system" is adopted when going out of the hurdle. The stocking density is determined by the conditions of mountain woodland, with many shrubs and abundant grass, which can appropriately increase the breeding density.

The suitable season for stocking is from late spring to Mid-Autumn Festival. At other times, due to the low temperature and the decrease of insects and grass, stocking should be stopped.

? IV. Stocking methods

Native chicken breeds can be selected from Sanhuang chicken, native black-bone chicken, Jiuyuan black chicken and Daheng series broiler and so on. 3 like ordinary brooding before 4 weeks of age, choose a room with good heat preservation performance for artificial brooding, and then transfer to the mountain woodland for stocking. In order to let the chicks form the habit of looking for food in the mountains as soon as possible, guide training should be carried out every morning. Generally, it takes two people to cooperate, one person whistles in front and scatters pellet feed to let the chicken follow the looting, and the other person drives it with a bamboo pole until all go up the mountain. In order to enhance the effect, one can whistle on the mountain at noon every day to supplement food. at the same time, the breeders should drive away the chickens who return in advance in time in the shed, and control the range of activities of the flock, and then use the same method to guide them until the evening. After training for a week or so, the chickens can establish a conditioned reflex of "whistling-feeding", and then just whistle and summon.

? V. stocking management

In order to prevent stress, a certain amount of electrolyte multidimensional or multivitamin can be added to feed or drinking water for the first few days of stocking. In order to ensure the quality and safety of free-range chickens, antibiotics and insect repellents are banned one month before sale.