
Introduction to the method of artificial Propagation of Cymbidium

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Artificial cultivation of Cymbidium is not difficult, but care should be taken to avoid pouring too much water, as long as it is kept moist. Cymbidium can be propagated by means of ramet and sowing. If you are also interested in hands-on reproduction, you can learn about it with the editor.

Artificial cultivation of Cymbidium (details) is not difficult, but we need to pay attention to avoid pouring too much water to the orchid, as long as it is kept moist. Cymbidium can be propagated by means of ramet and sowing. If you are also interested in hands-on reproduction, you can learn about it with the editor.

green-tip forest lily

1. The method of dividing plants: after flowering in spring every year, the offspring next to the mother plant of Cymbidium are separated and cultivated independently, which are generally planted in the soil containing sand, and can be planted in the basin after about two months.

2. Sowing and propagation: the sowing and reproduction of Cymbidium should be carried out in winter, and the room temperature must be kept above 20 degrees Celsius, otherwise it will lead to seed rot. It will sprout after a month or so of sowing.

What does the cultivation method of Cymbidium stand for?

The ancients often compared the orchid to a gentleman, which shows that it is noble and noble, and its faint fragrance makes people relaxed and happy. Smiling gentleman orchid is also more like a gentleman, with integrity, integrity and demeanor. Now let's get to know the laughing gentleman orchid and its pictures.

An overview of smiling gentleman orchids

Cymbidium (Shanghai Plant list), a plant of the genus Cymbidium of Amaryllidaceae, is distributed in southern Africa and Hubei Province of Chinese mainland. It has been introduced and cultivated artificially. Plant height 38 cm, flowers drooping, orange-yellow, and with a little light green, narrow leaves, flower stems slightly shorter than leaves, leaf color dark green, elegant and solemn appearance.

Morphological characteristics of smiling gentleman orchid

The root is fleshy and fibrous, the leaf base forms a pseudobulb, the leaf is shaped like a sword, up to 45 cm long, alternate and arranged, entire. Umbels terminal, each inflorescence with 30 florets, up to more than 40. Florets stalked, umbrella-shaped at the tip of the flower, funnel-shaped, erect, yellow or orange. It can blossom all year round, mainly in spring and summer. The fruit ripening period is about October.

Roots fleshy, rarely branched, grayish white. Leaf blade dense green, alternate, central hypertrophy and margin thinner. Scape drawn from foliage, 1 or 2 or 3. Cymes. There are several to dozens of florets. When the flower is in bloom, it seems to bow its head and smile and get its name. The florescence is from June to July, and the florescence is as long as 30-50 days. Compared with Magnolia grandiflora of the same genus, the main characteristics are as follows: the leaf is narrow and long, the flower stem is slightly shorter than the leaf, and the flower hangs down when it blooms, showing a bucket shape.

Smiling gentleman orchid culture

① soil: it is suitable to use humus rich soil, this kind of soil has good air permeability, good permeability, fertile soil quality and slightly acidic (PH6.5). In humus. Infiltration of about 20% sand is beneficial to root maintenance. The pot used in cultivation increases gradually with the growth of the plant, and the 3-inch pot is suitable for the cultivation of one-year-old seedlings. Change 5-inch pots in the second year, and then change into larger flowerpots in the next 4 to 2 years, which can be carried out in spring and autumn.

② watering: Cymbidium has well-developed fleshy roots, can store more water and has a certain degree of drought resistance. The general experience is that the soil water content is about 30%, and the surface of the three pots of soil should be dry and re-irrigated, once every 3-5 days in winter, once every 2 days in spring and autumn, and increase the watering times in summer. Less water is needed at the seedling stage and more at the flowering stage. When watering 7, do not pour water on the leaves to prevent them from rotting. When you find dust on the leaves, you can use a soft cloth to gently wipe the leaf surface, or you can use a soft hair brush to brush, do not wash with a lot of water.

③ fertilization: Xixiao gentleman orchid likes fertilizer, but too much fertilizer will cause rotten roots. In addition to applying base fertilizer, topdressing should adopt the method of "thin fertilizer and more fertilizer". Apply base fertilizer when changing pots. Apply fermented solid fertilizer every other month in spring and autumn, and then apply liquid fertilizer once a week, it is best not to topdressing. When the whole plant can rely on the nutrients accumulated in spring and autumn to slowly grow and apply solid fertilizer, peel open the basin soil and bury it 2 cm deep. Do not directly touch the root system to avoid burns. When applying liquid fertilizer, the best way for seedlings to apply liquid fertilizer is as follows: water 1:40 is better, large and medium flowers are better at 1:20, fertilization time is appropriate in the early morning, avoid splashing on leaves, watering should be timely after applying liquid fertilizer, but water does not need to be too much, on the one hand, dissolve fertilizer, on the other hand, the newly grown fleshy root can be rinsed to prevent and injure the new root. The types of fertilizers are different in different seasons. Partial application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer in winter and spring, such as bone meal, etc.; partial application of nitrogen fertilizer in autumn, such as bean cake water; extra-root topdressing is commonly used in summer, spraying foliar with 0.1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate or calcium superphosphate, and extra-root topdressing can be carried out all the year round.

④ light: in the whole cultivation process, try not to let the plant be exposed to direct sunlight, and you can spend about four hours a day in scattered sunlight. Too much light will narrow the leaves. Laughing gentleman orchid summer avoid high temperature and hot sun exposure, should be placed in the air humidity and shady environment, pay attention to ventilation. The gentleman orchid is afraid of the cold in winter, so you should move it indoors and put it in a place with plenty of light. The room temperature is about 5 ℃ to survive the winter safely. If there are conditions, it is best to keep the ambient temperature stable between 15 and 25 ℃.

What does the gentleman orchid stand for?

The ancients often compared the orchid to a gentleman, which shows that it is noble and noble, and its faint fragrance makes people relaxed and happy. Smiling gentleman orchid is also more like a gentleman, with integrity, integrity and demeanor. The smiling gentleman orchid represents the noble and gentlemanly style.

The above is the introduction of the laughing gentleman orchid introduced by the editor. I hope I can help you. For more information about the laughing gentleman orchid, please continue to pay attention to the decoration of Tuba Rabbit.

Laugh at the gentleman Clivia nobilis Lindl. Laughing gentleman orchid map guide: laughing gentleman orchid how to raise / laugh gentleman orchid how to breed laugh gentleman orchid business card laugh gentleman orchid Clivia nobilis Lindl. Synonyms: classification: Orchidaceae: Monocotyledons class Aspartaceae: flowering: winter and spring Cymbidium (scientific name: Clivia nobilis Lindl.), is a plant of the genus Amaryllidaceae, distributed in southern Africa and Chinese mainland Hubei Province and other places, has been artificially introduced and cultivated. Plant height 38 cm, flowers drooping, orange-yellow, and with a little light green, narrow leaves, flower stems slightly shorter than leaves, leaf color dark green, elegant and solemn appearance. Introduction of Cymbidium (scientific name: Clivia nobilis Lindl.), is a plant of the genus Orchidaceae, distributed in southern Africa and Chinese mainland Hubei Province and other places, has been artificially introduced and cultivated. Plant height 38 cm, flowers drooping, orange-yellow, and with a little light green, narrow leaves, flower stems slightly shorter than leaves, leaf color dark green, elegant and solemn appearance. The morphological characteristics of Cymbidium are perennial herbs. The root is fleshy and grayish white. The persistent leaf base of the stem base of Cymbidium is bulbous. There are about a dozen basal leaves, thick, dark green, glossy, banded, 25-40 cm long and 3-3.5 cm wide, with rough edges. The flower stem of Cymbidium is extracted from the leaves, slightly shorter than the leaves; umbels terminal, with about 10-30 florets, 6 petals per floret, 6 stamens and 1 pistil. The colors of the smiling gentleman's orchid are orange, orange-red, crimson and so on. Flowers many, slightly pendulous when flowering; perianth narrowly funiculate, orange-red, inner perianth lobes lighter; stamens nearly as long as perianth; style long, slightly protruding from perianth. The flowering period of Cymbidium is from December to May next year, and the flowering period is as long as 30-50 days. Cross pollination shows that berries and fruits are green when they are not ripe, and it takes 8-9 months for seeds to mature. The ecological habits of smiling gentleman orchids like a warm and cool environment, with plenty of sunshine in winter and a little shade in summer. Loose and fertile rotten leaf soil is required. The flowering time is short and the color is light when the room temperature is lower than 5 ℃ in winter and stops growing when it is higher than 30 ℃ in summer. Laughing gentleman orchid requires air humidity 70% muri 80%, soil water content 20% Mui 30%, soil moisture is too large easy to rot roots. Cultivation techniques of Cymbidium the ramet and sowing propagation. Ramet, after flowering in spring every year, the offspring next to the mother plant will be removed and planted. If there is no fleshy root on the seed plant, it can be inserted in the sand first, waiting for it to take root in the basin. Sowing, indoor pot sowing in winter, room temperature should be more than 20 ℃, otherwise the seeds are easy to rot. The seedlings germinated 20-25 days after sowing, and the seedlings could not bloom until 4-5 years after sowing. The soil is suitable to use humus rich soil, this kind of soil has good air permeability, good permeability, and fertile soil, with slightly acidic pH6.5. About 20% sand grains are infiltrated into the humus soil, which is beneficial to root maintenance. The pot used in cultivation increases gradually with the growth of the plant, and the 3-inch pot is suitable for the cultivation of one-year-old seedlings. Change 5-inch pots in the second year, and then change into larger flowerpots in the next 1-2 years, which can be carried out in spring and autumn. The seedlings used for planting are planted in pots filled with nutritious soil in early spring from February to May. Generally, only one plant is planted in a flowerpot with a diameter of 25 centimeters. If the seedling does not have a well-developed corm, it should be planted in the sandy soil first, and then the root system should be cultivated and then transplanted into the pot. Because it is difficult to root directly into the planting basin installed above, if you do not have the conditions to find sand, you can also plant it directly into the basin, but it will take a little longer. Those who sow bulbs generally germinate 20-25 days after sowing; soak the seeds in warm water for about 40 ℃ for about 24 hours, sow the seeds 0.5-1cm under the topsoil, put the seeds downward and belly-up, and cover them with plastic film or glass after pouring water so as to improve the ground temperature and promote seed germination. If the temperature is too low, the seeds are easy to rot, when the temperature is about 20 ℃, the seeds will germinate in about 60 days, and the seedlings will not blossom until 3-5 years. Fertilization laughs that gentleman orchids like fertilizer, but too much fertilizer will cause rotten roots. In addition to applying base fertilizer, topdressing should adopt the method of "thin fertilizer and more fertilizer". Apply base fertilizer when changing pots. Apply fermented solid fertilizer every other month in spring and autumn, and then apply liquid fertilizer once a week, it is best not to topdressing. When the whole plant can rely on the nutrients accumulated in spring and autumn to slowly grow and apply solid fertilizer, peel open the basin soil and bury it 2 cm deep. Do not directly touch the root system to avoid burns. When applying liquid fertilizer, the best way for seedlings to apply liquid fertilizer is as follows: water 1:40 is better, large and medium flowers are better at 1:20, fertilization time is appropriate in the early morning, avoid splashing on leaves, watering should be timely after applying liquid fertilizer, but water does not need to be too much, on the one hand, dissolve fertilizer, on the other hand, the newly grown fleshy root can be rinsed to prevent and injure the new root. The types of fertilizers are different in different seasons. Partial application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer in winter and spring, such as bone meal, etc.; partial application of nitrogen fertilizer in autumn, such as bean cake water; extra-root topdressing is commonly used in summer, spraying foliar with 0.1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate or calcium superphosphate, and extra-root topdressing can be carried out all the year round. Light in the whole process of cultivation, try not to let the plant be exposed to direct sunlight, can have about four hours a day in the scattered sunlight, too strong light will narrow the leaves. Laughing gentleman orchid summer avoid high temperature and hot sun exposure, should be placed in the air humidity and shady environment, pay attention to ventilation. The gentleman orchid is afraid of the cold in winter, so you should move it indoors and put it in a place with plenty of light. The room temperature is about 5 ℃ to survive the winter safely. If there are conditions, it is best to keep the ambient temperature stable between 15 and 25 ℃. The suitable temperature of Cymbidium is 15-20 ℃. When the plant growth is higher than 25 ℃, the plant growth is poor, and the excessive growth of leaves often occurs, which affects the flower bud differentiation. At this time, attention should be paid to ventilation and cooling; when it is lower than 10 ℃, the growth is slow; when it is below 0 ℃, the plant will freeze to death. Attention should be paid to cooling in summer, which can promote flower bud differentiation. The temperature difference between day and night is large, which is beneficial to the growth of Cymbidium, and the suitable range is 6-10 ℃. The leaves grow obliquely and upward on both sides and are arranged in a fan shape. During maintenance, the light direction can be adjusted so that the extension direction of the leaf is parallel to the light direction, that is, the tip of the leaf on one side points to the light source, the room points to the window, and the flowerpot is rotated 180 degrees every other week, so that the tip of the leaf on the other side points to the window. In this way, the growing leaves can be arranged neatly, the front looks like an open fan and the side looks like a line. It is also possible to control the leaves with a lead wire bent frame after a year of seedling growth, and remove the lead wire frame a year later, so as to prevent the leaves from growing crooked. If there are individual leaves skewed in the future, you can use black paper paste a paper cover to cover it, 10-15 days can be naturally straightened. Watering potted plants should not be watered too much, just wet. Plum rainy season from May to June to prevent Rain Water from rushing and showering, so as to prevent the roots and leaves from getting sick and rotting. Pay attention to spraying water to cool down during the summer high temperature period. Proper topdressing in autumn promotes leaf growth. Heating up and keeping the soil moist in winter is conducive to flowering. The main diseases of Cymbidium are soft rot, anthracnose, leaf spot, white silk disease and so on. The leaf blight is mainly harmful to the leaves, the primary reddish brown, the oval stripe disease is obvious, and the surrounding tissue turns yellow. It was found that the diseased leaves were cut off in time; appropriate potassium fertilizer was applied to avoid excessive water accumulation on the leaves; and 1000 times of carbendazim wettable powder was sprayed at the initial stage of the disease. In the process of cultivation, tools and substrates should be strictly disinfected, and 400-600 μ g / L penicillin and streptomycin were used to irrigate the roots at the initial stage of the disease. In severe cases, remove all the rotten parts, soak the rest in potassium permanganate solution for 1 hour, then rinse with clean water and replant. All the leaves of sunburn turn yellow, which is caused by direct light for a long time in summer. Shade cultivation should be used, and the yellowed leaves can be cut off. Anthracnose mostly occurs in the rainy and humid season, and the disease spot is mainly at the edge of the middle and lower leaves. Moist brown spots appeared on the leaves at the initial stage of the disease, and then gradually expanded into an oval spot, and concentric ring lines were produced on the spot. In the later stage, the spot dried up and many small black spots were scattered on it. Control methods, one is to remove dead branches in late autumn or early spring. Fallen leaves and cut off the diseased branches in time, and burned together; second, spray 65% zinc 600 times solution before the disease; third, reasonable fertilization and watering, pay attention to ventilation and transparent light; fourth, at the initial stage of the disease, spray 50% carbendazim diluted 500m 800 letter, or 50% Tob body fluid, or spray with 75% chlorothalonil solution diluted 600m 800 times. The phenomenon that Cymbidium can't pull out scape and blossom after pregnant bud often occurs in cultivation, which is called "arrow clip". It has something to do with temperature and fertilizer. The main reason for the arrow trap is that the temperature is not suitable. The florescence of Cymbidium is mostly from December to March, when the room temperature is less than 14 ℃, the temperature difference between day and night is very small, and the flowers grow slowly after extraction, which leads to the phenomenon of arrow entrapment. The solution is: when the flowers and plants are exposed, the room temperature should be raised to more than 20 ℃ immediately, and the room temperature at night should be about 12 ℃, so that the temperature difference between day and night can be more than 18 ℃. It can also be poured into the soil with 25 ℃ warm water to accelerate the arrow. When the room temperature is too low, plastic film can be used as a frame to cover the flowerpot and place it in the sun to increase the temperature to urge the arrow. Improper management of fertilizer and water will also cause "arrow entrapment" phenomenon, so it is necessary to apply enough fertilizer before flowering to promote the growth of buds and plants with sufficient nutrients. Flowers and plants need enough water to grow quickly, so keep the soil moist from outcrop to flowering and apply a small amount of liquid fertilizer. Crustaceans can be controlled manually, with bamboo sticks, small sticks, small soft brushes, etc., gently brush off the insects and soot, and then rinse with clean water. In the nymph stage, spray 40-100 times of the emulsion, spray. The distribution area of Cymbidium is native to southern Africa. Cymbidium is the most planted in Beijing and its vicinity. Most of them are introduced and cultivated for viewing. The function of laughing gentleman orchid is elegant and solemn, the leaf is narrow and long, the flower stem is slightly short, the leaf is in the leaf, the flower is orange, when it is open, it is in the shape of a bucket, it is a potted flower that decorates the meeting place during the Spring Festival, decorates the hotel and beautifies the family environment. Smiling gentleman orchid flower words laugh gentleman orchid represents the noble, gentleman wind. The thick and smooth leaves of the gentleman orchid stand upright like a sword, symbolizing the noble character of being strong and resolute and unyielding. Smiling gentleman orchid full flower appearance, bright colors, symbolizing wealth and auspiciousness, prosperity and happiness, so people widely cultivate. Xiaoxiaozi Orchid has cultivated more than 160 valuable varieties in China in recent years, which is a common flower variety in common families. Smiling gentleman orchid pictures