
Key points of management of towel gourd in full bloom

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Key points of management of towel gourd in full bloom

??? Towel gourd is deeply loved by people because of its unique aroma and rich nutrition. At the height of summer, it is the peak period of towel gourd. Let's talk about the key points of towel gourd management in this period, hoping to be helpful to vegetable farmers.

First, bracket hanging vine

The support hangs the vine to maintain the good permeability of the scaffolding. Towel gourd is most afraid of high temperature weather, and it is very easy to cause melons under high temperature. therefore, it is necessary to support scaffolding, increase the extension space of stem vines as far as possible, keep melon vines unfolded, and increase the good permeability of scaffolding, so as to make use of the differentiation of female flowers and improve the rate of melon sitting. And maintain the beauty of melon strips.

II. Scientific operation and management of fertilizer and water

After entering the melon-bearing period, the demand for water and fertilizer is higher, generally watering once every 3-4 days, watering in the morning and evening is better, combined with watering to promote melon fertilizer, mature peanut cake and bean cake can be applied (deep application of trench). Coupled with urea, phosphate fertilizer and potassium sulfate and other ternary compound fertilizer, the amount of topdressing should be determined by the growth of the plant and the use of base fertilizer, and fertilization should grasp the principle of "drink less and eat more".

Third, remove male flowers and tendrils

Towel gourd is a cross-pollinated crop, because the male inflorescence has a long florescence, about 30-40 days, it consumes a lot of nutrients during this period. Therefore, removing the excess male inflorescence as soon as possible can save nutrients and supply the need for female flowers to bear fruit. The method of male thinning: starting from the budding of female flowers, 80% of the male inflorescences on each litter of towel gourd plants are removed and 20% pollinated. Tendrils play a role in climbing and encircling branches in trailing crops. Towel gourd tendrils take a long time from growing to pulling seedlings and consume more nutrients, which is not conducive to more melons and good melons. Removing tendrils and using artificial binding instead of climbing function are beneficial to the progress of plant photosynthesis, the manufacture and accumulation of nutrients, the control of diseases and insect pests, and make towel gourd good pollination and high yield. The method of removing beard: in the early stage of towel gourd plant growth, the tendrils can be removed at any time after the tendrils are evenly distributed and fixed on the scaffolding.

IV. Timely prevention and control of diseases and insect pests

Towel gourd is mainly blight, downy mildew, powdery mildew, aphids, melon silk borer, melon fruit fly these diseases, as long as timely prevention and control. For example, blight was sprayed with 72% Kelu 800x solution or 70% mancozeb 800x solution, downy mildew was sprayed with 58% Ruidu 600x solution or 72% Klu 750x solution, and powdery mildew was sprayed with 2000 times solution of 20% strychnine.