
Don't relax the management of peach trees after fruit picking.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Don't relax the management of peach trees after fruit picking.

Peach fruit has entered the picking period one after another, some fruit growers relax the management of peach trees after picking, and some even do not manage them, which will be very disadvantageous to the growth of peach trees in that year and the high yield in the coming year. Peach trees consume a lot of nutrients after fruiting, and peach picking is the key period of peach nutrition accumulation and flower bud differentiation. Strengthening management at this time can increase the nutrient accumulation of peach trees, restore tree potential as soon as possible, and make trees form good flower buds. To create favorable material conditions for improving the yield and quality of peach in the coming year. The post-harvest management measures are as follows:

First, clear the garden

After the peach trees are picked, the garden should be cleared in time, and the rotten fruit, diseases and insect pests, fallen leaves and weeds in the peach orchard should be cleaned up and buried deeply, so as to eliminate the spread of diseases and insect pests.

Second, intermediate ploughing

Ploughing and loosening the soil in time after fruit harvest, with a depth of 10-15 cm.

III. Fertilizer and water management

1. Top dressing. During the period of fruit growth, peach trees consume a lot of nutrients and lack of nutrients in the body, so they need to replenish nutrients in time and restore the tree potential. Digging shallow ring ditches on the outer edge of the vertical projection of the crown, the plants were applied 1 kg of urea, 2 kg of ammonium bicarbonate and appropriate amount of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. Foliar fertilizers such as 1% urea solution and 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution can also be sprayed to prolong the leaf maintenance period and accumulate more nutrients.

two。 Apply enough base fertilizer. The base fertilizer is mainly based on fully mature farm organic fertilizer, supplemented by ternary compound fertilizer, with the trunk as the center, 35 centimeters away from the trunk, digging 4-8 radial ditches, 15-20 cm deep near the trunk and 35-40 cm deep at the distal end. 4000 kg of rotten high-quality ring fertilizer + 30 kg of potassium sulfate was applied per mu and irrigated after fertilization.

3. Water it. After peach harvest, there are generally more Rain Water, but do not need to water, some drought time is too long, can be watered as appropriate to replenish soil moisture. Drainage and waterlogging prevention should be carried out in the rainy season, and the soil should be watered once before freezing.

4. Pruning in time

1. Remove overdense branches, leave 1 or 2 secondary shoots for strong branches, and those without auxiliary shoots are 35 cm long and 40 cm long. Lignification tips should be treated lightly. Pick the heart of the fruitful and prosperous branches that have not stopped growing.

two。 2-3 reserve branches were left at the base of the fruiting branch. The strong branches twisted, pressed and pulled during the last winter shearing can be shrunk at the base of the auxiliary tip, or cut at the curved tip, and then pick the center of the shoot.

3. The weak branchlets and horizontal drooping branches were renewed and rejuvenated. Remove the erect, dense and disease and insect branches on the strong branch group, and leave a short cut of 15cm to 20cm where there is space.

V. Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests

The main diseases and insect pests after peach harvest are bacterial perforation disease, aphids, leaf moth, red spider, gum disease and so on.

1. Bacterial perforation. From the first ten days of June, zinc sulfate lime solution was sprayed on leaves, and zinc sulfate ∶ quicklime ∶ water was prepared according to the ratio of 0.5 ∶ 2 ∶ 120, once every 15 days, for a total of 4 times.

two。 Aphids. It can be controlled with 3000 times of imidacloprid or 1500 times of acetamiprid.

3. Red spider. It can be controlled with 1.8% avermectin 3500 times or 20% dicarboxylic acid 1500 times.

4. Leaf miner. It can be prevented and treated with 1000 times solution of 25% thiazuron 3.

5. Gummy disease. First, it is necessary to avoid mechanical damage to the branches as far as possible; second, after scraping off the glue on the branches, use 10 parts of quicklime, 1 part of stone-sulfur mixture, 2 parts of salt, 0.3 parts of vegetable oil and a proper amount of water as a protective agent, and smear the affected area or cut place.

6. Pear heart borer. It can be prevented and treated with 4.5% cypermethrin 2000 times solution or methylvitamin salt 4000 times solution.

Shang Sujuan Lei Ling, Forestry Tourism Bureau of Zanhuang County