
Three ways to fertilize potatoes in winter

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Three ways to fertilize potatoes in winter

1. It is not suitable to apply too much chlorine fertilizer. Potatoes should not apply too much chlorine-containing fertilizer, when the concentration reaches a certain degree, it will be toxic to plant roots, it can reduce the content of starch and sugar in products, affect yield and quality, and seriously cause crop death. therefore, be cautious about the use of ammonium chloride, potassium chloride and other fertilizers.

2. Organic manure is applied to base fertilizer. The application of commercial organic fertilizer, such as ordinary farm manure, must be composted at high temperature to kill grass seeds and pathogens, and the compost can be aged for 1-2 months if possible; the chemical fertilizer applied in the base fertilizer should be 3-5 cm away from the seed potato, so as not to affect the germination and emergence of seed potato.

3. Timing of foliar fertilization should be grasped. Foliar spraying of trace elements and Diguo Zhuangtiling should be sprayed before 10:00 or after 3pm. Spray the first time after the seedling height is 30cm, spray the second and third times every 7 days. Improve the nutrition absorption capacity and expansion vitality of underground fruit, and promote the speed of development. Wang Baihui