
There is a way to grow vegetables skillfully

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, There is a way to grow vegetables skillfully

? First, the scale of planting vegetables is to expand the area and form a scale. In recent years, the practice of vegetable production has proved that only when there is scale, there is a market, and if it cannot form a large scale, it is difficult to solve the problem of selling vegetables. For remote rural areas far away from large and medium-sized cities, it is necessary to properly develop some "long-leg" vegetables that are resistant to storage and transportation, such as garlic, onions, onions, potatoes, etc., which have relatively less market risk.

? Second, planting three-dimensional vegetable three-dimensional planting can make rational use of time, space and soil nutrition, and improve the multiple cropping index. Such as spring cucumber intercropping Pleurotus ostreatus, summer bean intercropping straw mushroom, watermelon interplanting sweet pepper; long towel gourd, bergamot melon, pumpkin, coriander, cabbage under the greenhouse; shepherd's purse, Chinese cabbage, spinach and so on under fruit trees.

? Third, grow characteristic vegetables such as fennel bulb, chicory, spore kale, super sweet corn, vegetable sweet potato, fruit radish, dandelion and so on, which have an irreplaceable market because of their small cultivation area and high commodity value. it can be introduced (tested) before being popularized according to local conditions.

4. growing health vegetables some vegetables have health and cosmetic effects, such as small red pumpkin with a single fruit weighing only 1-1.5 kg, with deep red skin and sweet pulp, which has a good effect on reducing blood lipids, enhancing gastrointestinal peristalsis and reducing cerebral vascular sclerosis; red lentils and four-rowed beans can help gastrointestinal digestion, clear heat and remove dampness; lettuce (leaf chicory) has analgesic, hypnotic and cholesterol-lowering effects. Shepherd's purse has the functions of eyesight, hemostasis, cooling, antipyretic, diuresis, etc.; asparagus has the functions of heat-clearing and detoxification, diuresis, hemostasis, etc.; balsam pear has the functions of relieving heat, clearing heat, diuresis, promoting appetite and so on. For these health-care vegetables, the production can be appropriately expanded.

Growing wild vegetables China is one of the countries with the largest variety of vegetables in the world. At present, about 160 kinds of vegetables are cultivated, and more than 400 kinds of wild vegetables are available for consumption. Most of the wild vegetables have not yet been developed and utilized.

6. Planting color vegetables refers to the comparison with general green vegetables. For example, the usual tomato peel is red, while the color variety is golden yellow. The common cabbage is white-green, while the color variety is lavender. Also such as sweet waxy corn, purple sweet pepper, red cabbage heart, as well as some small fruit shape, novel shape, color-specific melons, legumes and vegetables also belong to this category. Although they are not the mainstream products of edible vegetables today, because of their extraordinary charm, they can stimulate consumers' curiosity, add new varieties to the vegetable market and accelerate the circulation of vegetables.

Planting ornamental vegetables, such as petite and exquisite golden bead tomato, winding snake melon, hammer-like non-hammer long-necked gourd and so on, can be used as the first choice for sightseeing agriculture.

In order to meet people's demand for pollution-free food, pollution-free cultivation techniques of vegetables should be vigorously promoted and standardized production should be carried out. At the same time, it is necessary to establish brand awareness, register trademarks for vegetable products, and implement pollution-free agricultural product certification as soon as possible, so as to seize and expand market share.