
How is perilla seed, a traditional Chinese medicine popular at home and abroad, planted?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How is perilla seed, a traditional Chinese medicine popular at home and abroad, planted?

Perilla seed, formerly known as "Su", is a plant of Labiatae Perilla frutescens (L.) Britt. The dried ripe fruit. Autumn fruits are harvested when they are ripe, removed from impurities and dried in the sun. It was first published in "other Records of famous doctors" and listed as middle-grade. Its nature is pungent and warm; it returns to the lung meridian. It has the effect of reducing qi and resolving phlegm, relieving cough and relieving asthma, moistening intestines and relieving defecation. it is mainly used for phlegm obstructing qi, cough and asthma, intestinal dryness and constipation and so on. It belongs to both medicine and food.

Perilla has been planted and used in China for nearly 2000 years. It is mainly used in medicine, oil, spices, edible and other aspects. Its leaves (perilla leaves), stem (perilla stem), fruit (perilla seed) can be used as medicine, tender leaves can be eaten raw and used as soup, and stems and leaves can be flooded. In recent years, perilla has become a kind of multi-purpose plant with high economic value because of its unique active substances and nutrients. Russia, Japan, South Korea, the United States, Canada and other countries have carried out a large number of commercial planting of perilla plants, and developed dozens of perilla products, such as edible oil, medicine, flooded products, cosmetics and so on. So, how does perilla seed, which is favored at home and abroad, be planted? Now the planting techniques are introduced as follows:

Original plant of perilla seed

[growth habits]

Perilla has the characteristics of shade tolerance, light and fertilizer, poor drought resistance, dampness and fear of waterlogging, so it is not suitable to be planted in saline-alkali land and poor drainage land. The seed germination is about 5 ℃. The optimum temperature for germination is about 25 ℃. The suitable temperature for growth and development is 15-25 ℃. Under the condition of moist soil and sufficient water, the growth is good and the quality is crisp and tender. During drought, the plant grows poorly, but if there is too much water, the root is easy to rot and die. Soil requirements are not strict, before and after the house, the edge of the ditch, the corner of the land, under the shade of trees, large crop rows can be planted.

[cultivation techniques]

I. selection of land and land preparation

In the nursery land, the sandy loam with loose, fertile and well drained soil and the place with convenient irrigation should be selected. Before sowing, ploughing the soil, fully fine raking and leveling, combined with land preparation, 1500 kg of rotten barnyard manure per mu was used as base fertilizer, and then sown in a high border with a width of 1.3m. Transplanting land, choose sunny, good drainage, loose, fertile land for planting. Before transplanting, first ploughing the soil 15 cm deep, smashing the clods, leveling and raking fine, making a high border 1.3 meters wide, opening a ditch 40 cm wide, 15 cm deep, and arranging the drainage ditch all around.

II. Planting methods

1. Seed collection and seed treatment

Seed propagation can be used for direct seeding or seedling transplanting. The plants with strong growth, purple leaves on both sides and no diseases and insect pests were selected as the mother plant for seed collection. Increase the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer in the field to promote more fruit and full grains. From late September to mid-October, when the calyx at the lower part of the ear turns brown, the ripe ear should be cut, dried, threshed, winnowed and stored.

two。 Sowing method

(1) Seedling: sowing seeds at the right time before and after the Qingming Festival. In the flat rake fine border surface, according to the row spacing of 15cm to 20cm horizontal trench sowing. When sowing, mix the seeds with fire and ash, spread them evenly into the ditch, and cover the fine soil so that you can't see the seeds. Finally, cover the border with grass, keep warm and moisturize, and the seedlings can emerge in 10-15 days. After emergence, uncover the grass and carry out intermediate ploughing, weeding and topdressing. The height of the seedlings is 5 cm, the dense seedlings and weak seedlings are removed, and the plant spacing is 3-5 cm. After the seedlings, 1500 kg of thin human and animal feces were applied per mu; when the seedlings were 7-9 cm high, they were combined with fixed seedlings, and then 1500 kg of thin human and animal feces were applied per mu. It can be transplanted when the seedling is 10-15 cm high and has 4 pairs of true leaves. The amount of seed used per mu is about 1 kg. When there are plenty of seeds, they can also be sown.

(2) Direct broadcast: sowing before and after the Qingming Festival is the appropriate time. On the whole planting land, the holes were dug according to the row spacing of 25 cm and the plant spacing of 25 cm. According to the sowing amount of 300 grams per mu, the seeds mixed with fire soil ash and human feces and urine were evenly mixed into seed ash and sprinkled a little into the hole. After sowing, cover the fine fertile soil to the extent that there are no seeds. Keep the soil moist and seedlings can emerge in 10 to 15 days. In the middle of May, the seedlings were carried out when the height was 5-7 cm, and 2-3 strong seedlings were left in each hole. Other management methods are the same as raising seedlings.

3. Seedling stage management

There are many weeds in the seedling stage, so they should be pulled out in time, and the intertillage should be carried out in combination with weeding, which generally requires intertillage for 3 or 4 times.

4. Planting and management

Raise seedlings in spring and transplant in the middle or late May, no later than the end of June at the latest. Transplanting will be carried out on a cloudy day. When the soil is dry, the seedling bed should be watered in the first day of transplanting to make the soil moist, and the roots of the seedlings should be dug completely to facilitate survival. When planting, dig holes at the distance of 25 × 30 cm each, with a depth of about 10 cm, dig and level the bottom of the hole, first apply appropriate amount of fire soil ash, and mix well with the subsoil. Then, 2-3 strong seedlings were planted in each hole. After planting, the soil was compacted to stretch the root system, and the fixed root water was irrigated for the last time. After transplanting, the soil was loosened and weeded once within 7 days, and 1000 kg of human and animal manure water was applied per mu, and 2000 kg of human and animal manure water per mu was applied for the second time before the plant was closed. The direct seeding seedlings, fixed seedlings and topdressing were carried out once respectively before closing. 1000 kg of sparse human and animal dung water was applied per mu for the first time, 1500 kg of human and animal manure water per mu for the second time, and 2000 kg of slightly thicker human and animal manure water per mu for the third time. After sowing or transplanting, in case of dry weather, we should pay attention to timely watering to protect seedlings. In the rainy season and after irrigation, clear the ditch and remove the remaining water in time to prevent the stagnant water from rotting the roots.

[pest control]

I. Diseases

1. Spot blight

It started in June and ended before harvest. At the initial stage of the disease, small brown or black spots appeared on the leaf surface, then expanded into large disease spots, dried up and formed holes, and the leaves fell off.

Prevention and control methods: (1) reasonable close planting, improve ventilation and light transmission conditions, pay attention to drainage and reduce field humidity

(2) at the initial stage of the disease, 65% Dyson zinc 600 μ m 800 times or 1 V 1 V 200 Bordeaux solution was sprayed once every 7 days for 3 consecutive times. Stop spraying within 15 days before harvest.