
How to grow cardamom, a traditional Chinese medicine with digestion and warm stomach

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How to grow cardamom, a traditional Chinese medicine with digestion and warm stomach

White cardamom is a commonly used traditional Chinese medicine, which is the dried fruit of Zingiberaceae and Java white cardamom. White cardamom was first written in the Song Dynasty "Kaibao Materia Medica", which has a pungent taste and warm nature. Enter the lung, spleen and stomach meridian. Indications: invigorating qi, warming stomach, digestion, wide middle. Treat digestive system tumors. It is used for stomachache, abdominal distension, epigastric tightness, nausea, dyspepsia and so on. Baidou Kou is native to the Indonesian rainforest, but China's medicinal beans have always been imported in the past. Since the successful introduction and trial in the 1960s, it has filled the gap in the provenance of Doukou in China. At present, there is a large area of cultivation in Hainan Island and Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province. White cardamom is nutritious, and its taste is very good, which has a strengthening effect on our lungs and spleen and stomach. Therefore, often in the rice porridge to add cardamom, can play the role of daily health care. Cardamom has a wide range of medicinal value, and it is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine worth popularizing and planting, so how is cardamom planted?

[growth habits]

Because of its poor cold tolerance, cardamom is only suitable in the area where the annual average temperature is 22-23 ℃. If the low temperature is below 4 ℃, the leaves will suffer mild cold injury, and all the aboveground parts will die at 0 ℃. The flowering stage is sensitive to temperature. When the daily average temperature is lower than 20 ℃, the flowers generally do not bloom. Adequate rainfall is required. Generally, the annual rainfall is more than 1500 mm. All-day scattered light and a certain canopy density are required, and the canopy density at the seedling stage is 85%. With the growth of the seedling population, the canopy density decreases gradually. in order to promote the formation of flower buds, it is generally appropriate to control it at 60% and 70%. The sandy loam with deep, fertile and moist soil and good drainage is required. Clay with low humus content and places prone to stagnant water are easy to cause rotten roots and should not be planted.

[cultivation techniques]

1. Land selection and land preparation

The nursery land should be close to the source of water, good drainage, loose and fertile sandy loam as a seedbed. By ploughing the soil, applying sufficient base fertilizer, removing grass root stones and fine broken soil, applying rotten cow manure or compost as base fertilizer, the border width is 0.8-1 m, and the ditch width is 40 cm. The planting land should choose the middle and lower part of the mountain slope below 700 meters above sea level, with a certain number of evergreen broad-leaved trees, less affected by the cold current in winter, the slope direction is southeastward, and there are mountains on both sides or mountains on three sides or places where the waterside is not easy to scour. Sandy loam rich in humus. Ploughing the land at a row distance of 1.5-2 meters, combined with soil preparation, cutting down weeds and trees, digging roots and opening holes, the specification of the hole is 50 cm X 50 cm X 30 cm. Apply basic fertilizer and open drainage ditches on the slopes to prevent stagnant water and erosion. Where there is a lack of shade trees, plant fast-growing trees first.

2. The method of reproduction is to propagate with seeds and ramets.

(l) seed reproduction: it is generally selected to sow seeds with harvest from early August to September, and sprout before sowing. If the amount of seeds is small, 4 times the amount of wet sand can be mixed and placed in a basin, which is often kept moist. At the temperature of 30-35 ℃, the budding point can be produced in more than 10 days, and the seeds can be taken out and sown at this time. Sowing in trenches with a row spacing of 10-15 cm, covering 0.5 cm of soil after sowing, covering the bed with grass, unearthed in 20-30 days, and 40-60 days from sowing to seedling completion. When 2-3 leaves appeared in the seedlings, interseedling or bed transfer was carried out to accelerate the increase of leaves. When the leaves reached 5-7 leaves, the plant began to tiller, and the seedling height was about 30 cm. The row spacing of the plant is 1 m X 1.5-2 m. Plant 2-3 seedlings per hole, do not plant too deep, so as not to affect the root shoot. After cutting, it is compacted and drained with root water.

(2) ramet propagation: strong and high-yielding plants were selected in the field, and their rhizomes were cut, and each rhizome had 2-3 aboveground stems. In general, for the luxuriant biennial clumps, 8-10 small clumps can be used as seedlings, along with digging.

3. Field management

(l) shading: when the seedlings are unearthed, gently put the cover grass between the rows to facilitate the emergence of seedlings, and set up a shade shed when the seedlings emerge to prevent the sun from being exposed to the sun.

(2) weeding and cutting withered seedlings: pull out weeds in time after planting and before sealing, and be careful not to hurt young stems and fibrous roots. After fruit harvest, get rid of withered, weak, diseased and residual plants in time. If the density is too high, cut more weak seedlings.

(3) topdressing and soil cultivation: at the initial stage of planting and after the first fruit, human feces and urine or ammonium sulfate aqueous solution should be re-applied to promote the growth of seedlings. When entering the flowering and fruiting stage, the total fertilizer of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium should be applied, combined with the application of soil miscellaneous fertilizer, burning soil and so on. In the fruiting period, 2% calcium superphosphate aqueous solution can also be used as extra-root topdressing to promote seedlings and flowers, increase fruit and improve fruit rate. Java white cardamom is a shallow root plant with many whisker roots, which is often scattered on the soil surface and cultivated after fertilization in autumn and winter, but it should not be too thick so as not to hinder the extraction of flower buds.

(4) Irrigation and drainage: high temperature and drought will cause leaf curling, yellowing and weak plant growth; if drought occurs at flowering stage, inflorescence will senescence prematurely, flowering less, pollen and stigma mucus less, resulting in pollination sterility or dry death of young fruits, which should be irrigated or sprayed in time to increase air humidity. The drains should be repaired in the rainy season to avoid stagnant water causing rotten roots and flowers.

(5) adjust canopy density: 80% murine 85% canopy density is required in seedling raising stage, and 70% canopy density is required in flowering and fruiting stage, which can be increased to 80% in winter.

(6) artificial pollination: the flower structure of Java cardamom is special, so it is difficult to carry out self-pollination or cross-pollination, so artificial pollination is needed. In normal climate, it blossoms after 7: 00 in the morning, disperses pollen gradually after 8: 00, and the pollen reaches maturity at 10:00, so artificial pollination should be carried out at 8-12:00 every day. The specific method is to use a bamboo stick to pick up the pollen and apply it to the funnel-shaped stigma. When the pollen is more than one flower, the pollen can give 2-3 flowers.

4. Seed retention technique

Excellent varieties with strong plant growth, large fruit grains, full seeds and no diseases and insect pests were selected as mother plants. Generally from July to early August, the fruit is yellowish, the seeds are hard, and the seeds are dark brown. The fruit used for seed should not be exposed and hidden for a long time in the hot sun so as not to lose its germinating power. Remove the fruit shell and select fully ripe, full, large seeds as seeds. If sowing in spring the following year, the seeds should be hidden in wet sand and placed in a cool place.

[pest control]