
How to plant Fangfeng at home with high efficiency and high yield

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How to plant Fangfeng at home with high efficiency and high yield

The genus Saposhnikovia Schischk is derived from Umbelliferae. Saposhnikovia divaricata(Turcz.) Dry roots of Schizchk. Perennial herb. Stems solitary, dichotomously branched. Basal leaves pinnately divided, final lobes lanceolate; terminal leaves simplified, with extended leaf sheaths. Compound umbels; flowers yellow. Bipangulate fruits oblong-broadly ovate, flattened, lateral ribs winged; roots terete or long conical. The earliest recorded ancient book of windproof is Shennong Bencao Jing, which is listed as the top grade of Cao Department. It is warm in nature, spicy and sweet in taste. Returning to bladder, liver and spleen meridians. It has the effects of sweating, eliminating phlegm, expelling wind, releasing hair and relieving pain. It can be used for treating cold, headache, arthralgia and neuralgia. Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia, Hebei, Ningxia, Gansu, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Shandong and other provinces. It grows in grassland, hills and gravel slopes. It is one of the famous medicinal materials in Northeast China. It is the best variety of windproof originating in the three provinces of Northeast China. It is called Guan windproof. Windproof is a good medicine for treating common diseases and exogenous cold. It is a traditional export commodity with a large national consumption. It has good development potential. Windproof regeneration ability is strong, can be naturally renewed, artificial cultivation has formed production capacity. So, how to plant windbreak, what kind of planting technology do you need to master to grow high-yield windbreak?

(i) Ecological habits

Cold tolerance, drought tolerance, fear of waterlogging and ponding, suitable for planting in cool and dry places in summer, low-lying waterlogging land, saline-alkali land should not be planted, sticky heavy soil cultivation roots short and multi-branched, poor quality. The soil water holding capacity in the field should be 60~70%, the temperature should be 20℃, and the seeds should emerge in one week. 15~17℃ for two weeks. In addition, it should be noted that windproof likes sunny weather conditions with large temperature difference between day and night.

(ii) Cultivation conditions

1. Land selection and preparation

1.1 alternatively

Windbreak on the soil requirements are not very strict, but should choose the sunny land with high dry terrain, soil to loose, fertile, deep soil, good drainage sandy loam is the most suitable. Clay, waterlogging, acid or heavy saline soil should not be planted.

1.2 soil preparation

Windproof is a deep-rooted plant, with roots growing up to 50~70 cm in two years. Therefore, in autumn, it is required to carry out deep ploughing of the land up to 40 cm or more, leveling and harrowing in early spring, picking up stubble and sundries, and creating good basic conditions for windbreak growth.

1.3 fertilization

In order to meet the needs of perennial windbreak growth and development for nutrients, it is necessary to apply sufficient base fertilizer, apply 3000~4000 kg of high-quality farm manure per mu, and add 20~30 kg of calcium superphosphate or 8~10 kg of diammonium phosphate. It is best applied to the surface before deep ploughing in autumn and then ploughed into the plough layer. At the latest, it should be applied before soil preparation. Fertilize evenly.

2. Bedding, Nursery and Sowing

Sap can be propagated by seed direct seeding or seedling transplanting. It was found in production practice that the method of seedling raising in the first year and transplanting in spring in the second year could not only save seeds, but also facilitate centralized management and save land.

Conditions can be root propagation, the use of root germination and rhizomes. Cut 5 cm long root segments, ditching in early spring, planting root segments. 35 - 40 kg per mu. Cover soil after planting and water to preserve moisture.

2.1 bed making

There are two kinds of seedling-raising in open field and plastic arch shed in protected land, which can be selected according to the land.

2.1.1 The length and width of the open field direct seeding ridge surface are generally determined by the terrain conditions, and it is necessary to adapt to local conditions and facilitate management. Ridge bed requirements ridge flat, ridge straight, solid.

2.2.2 Middle shed: 2.4 meters wide and 15~20 meters long. Small shed: ridge width 1.2 meters, ridge length 15~20 meters. The furrows are spaced 40 cm apart and are made into footpath furrows 10 - 15 cm below ground level.

2.2 suitable sowing time

2.2.1 The time of using plastic arch shed to raise seedlings in early spring should be 7~10 days earlier than that of direct seeding in open field, because it has the function of keeping moisture and warming after closing shed. The sowing method is mainly broadcast.

2.2.2 Direct seeding in the open field should be carried out when the temperature reaches 15℃ or above in early spring, and in the middle of April, it is appropriate to sow in ridges (strips).

3. Seed treatment and seeding

Soak the selected seeds in warm water 3~5 days before sowing. Soak in warm water at 35℃ for 24 hours, soak in warm water at 40℃~50℃ for 8~12 hours, so that the seeds fully absorb water for germination. When soaking, stir while scattering seeds, remove the shriveled seeds and impurities floating on the water surface, soak the plump seeds at the bottom, take them out, and sow them after drying slightly.

When sowing seeds in arched shed seedling field, the ridge surface shall be adjusted, water shall be sprayed thoroughly, and then seeds shall be broadcast manually, with 2.5~3.0 kg seeds per mu. After sowing evenly, use bamboo sieve or iron sieve to sieve 2.0 cm thick wet new soil to preserve moisture, cover seeds tightly, and then insert bow button film.

Open field flat bed seedling cultivation adopts drilling, artificial trenching with pick, row spacing of 15 - 20cm, trenching depth of 2 - 3cm (slightly shallow loam and slightly deeper sandy soil), seeds are evenly sown in the ditch with a seeder, the soil is covered with 1 - 1.5cm thick, and the soil moisture is preserved by treading when the soil is slightly dry.

Production field direct seeding, sowing method is basically the same as the open field seedling method, but the row spacing should be increased to 25~30 cm, and the seed amount per mu should be reduced to 1.0~1.5 kg.

4. field management

4.1 seedling management

Nursery in plastic film arch shed, sowing to emergence stage is closed period, check frequently, control the temperature in the shed, generally 20℃~25℃ is the appropriate temperature, such as overheated weather, the temperature in the shed is too high, cover grass cover shade for cooling. When the seedlings on the bed surface are green, the temperature in the shed can be adjusted by removing the film and letting out the air. With the growth of seedlings, gradually increase the vent hole, seedling training, until the plastic film removed so far. Weeds should be weeded in time when weeds occur in border.

4.1.1 It is very important to manage the open seedling field and direct seeding field from sowing to emergence. During this period, all drought-resistant and moisture-preserving measures should be taken, such as pressing, trampling, hugging, rolling and stone, according to the land and time, to ensure that there is sufficient soil moisture in the seeding layer to meet the germination needs, to prevent the occurrence of soil "falling dry" and seed "bud dry", and strive to achieve complete seedlings and strong seedlings.