
How is the torreya seed of "one fruit every three years" planted?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How is the torreya seed of "one fruit every three years" planted?

Torreya grandis also known as Bizi, Torreya grandis, Juzi, Yushan fruit, red fruit, Torreya grandis, Torreya grandis, wild Chinese fir, Torreya grandis and so on. It is the Torreya grandis Fort of Taxodiaceae. Dry mature seeds. When the seeds are ripe in autumn, the fleshy aril is removed, washed and dried in the sun. It has the effect of killing insects and relieving cough, moistening and relieving cough, moistening dryness and laxation, mainly used for hookworm disease, ascariasis, taeniasis, abdominal pain, infantile dyspepsia, lung dryness cough, constipation and other diseases. Mainly produced in southern Jiangsu, Zhejiang, northern Fujian, northern Jiangxi, southern Anhui, west to southwest Hunan and Guizhou Songtao and other places. It grows on hillsides and has wild or cultivated varieties. It belongs to both medicine and food. There is a folk saying that Torreya grandis has a fruit every three years, which means that it takes three years from the formation of the flower bud primordium to the ripening of the fruit. Torreya grandis has luxuriant branches and leaves, long life and beautiful evergreen trees. It is an important economic and ornamental tree species. How to grow Torreya grandis, which is widely used in medicine, edible and ornamental purposes? In this paper, the cultivation, harvest and processing techniques of Torreya grandis in three years are introduced as follows:

[cultivation techniques]

I. selection of land and land preparation

Nursery land requires convenient transportation, deep soil layer and adequate water supply. In order to ensure the implementation of construction and irrigation measures, power supply is required. Before sowing, make a good seedbed and apply enough base fertilizer, mainly farm manure, applying 40-50 piculs per mu. The width of the seedbed is about 1.5m and the height of 15cm is about 1.5m.

II. Planting methods

1. Seed collection and seed treatment

When selecting seeds, it should be selected according to the seed color. Generally, it is more suitable to be used as seedling seeds when the fruit aril changes from turquoise to yellow-green. After the seeds were harvested, the aril was removed first, and then the seeds were stored in stratified sand to maintain a moderate dry humidity. Sand seeds generally began to germinate one after another in late November, and the germination rate was more than 90% by the end of March of the following year. When the radicle was 0.5~1.5cm long, the seeds could be sown.

two。 Sowing method

When sowing, the seeds should be disinfected first. 10min can be soaked in 0.2% potassium permanganate solution, then taken out and washed with clean water. The row spacing of the sown plant is 15cm × 30cm, the radicle of the seed is placed horizontally downward, and the soil is covered shallowly (about 3 times the transverse diameter of the seed), covered with straw to keep the bed loose and moist.

III. Field management

1. Seedling stage management

The shade shed should be set up in time after the seedlings are unearthed from late April to early May. The shade canopy is 1.8m high and the light transmission is 50%-60%. In case of drought, water should be watered every 10-15 days, and sprinkler irrigation is the appropriate watering method. Appropriate fertilization can be applied in the middle of the seedling stage, and urine dung is the best. Pest tigers can be controlled by mixing dimethazone 2g/m2 with loess. Torreya seedlings are also prone to root rot in the moldy season, so the diseased plants should be removed manually first, and then the root of Torreya grandis seedlings should be applied to the roots of Torreya grandis according to the ratio of firewood and lime at 8:2 to prevent the spread.

two。 Planting and management

Ploughing, weeding and soil cultivation should be carried out every year, and grafting, pruning and pruning should be carried out after 5 years of planting.

[pest control]

I. Diseases

1. Green algae: the harmful way of green algae is to form a rough gray-green moss on the branches and leaves of Torreya grandis, which affects the normal photosynthesis of leaves and leads to insufficient supply of nutrients for Torreya fruit, resulting in fruit drop and reduced yield. Most of the green algae occur on the old leaves of Torreya trees and do less harm to the new leaves. In the plum rain season, due to continuous rainy weather, green algae are easy to occur. The incidence of green algae in Torreya grandis is 51%-64%, mainly mild, and the peak period is from late June to early July. Under humid and warm conditions, the shaded side of the hillside, lack of light, dark and moist valleys, and over-planted and overgrown Torreya forests are conducive to the growth and spread of green algae. In addition, the Torreya forest with extensive management and poor ventilation and light penetration is also conducive to the occurrence of green algae.

Prevention and control method: before the plum rainy season comes in early June, or when it clears up in the rain, spray once every half a month, continuously spraying for 2 or 3 times, the control effect can be achieved. Using 800 times liquid crystal stone sulfur mixture to control green algae, the effect is obvious.

two。 Bacterial brown rot: the disease mainly harms the fruit, starting in early May, the peak period in mid-May and late May, the peak period of fruit drop from mid-May to mid-June, and the peak period of fruit drop from late May to early June. needle-like oil stains appeared on the surface of the fruit, and the subcutaneous tissue turned purple-brown when the epidermis was removed. 2After 3 days, the spot expanded into a piece or striped rust-brown disease spot, slightly sunken, and water bead-like mucus overflowed, and the pericarp changed gradually from green to grayish yellow. After invading the seed kernel, the injured part became purple-brown and fell off. When the disease is late or mild, only the fruit surface scarring or deformed fruit, generally does not fall off, but affect the continued development of the fruit and the improvement of fruit quality.

The control methods are as follows: (1) spraying 800x Dysen zinc solution or 1000 times solution "402" antibacterial agent in the crown before the disease. Depending on the incidence of the disease, it will be sprayed once or twice every 1-2 weeks, which has a certain prevention and treatment effect. (2) in the first and middle of April, 5000 times of "love more harvest" was sprayed on the crown to enhance the tree potential and resistance.

3. Root rot disease: this disease often occurs in nursery seedlings from May to July.

Prevention and control methods: before raising seedlings, disinfect the soil with quicklime or 75% dimethazone wettable powder 100 times; when the disease occurs, dig out the diseased plants, and spray 5% 10% copper sulfate solvent to prevent spread.

4. Stem rot: mainly caused by high temperature and humidity from June to August, harming seedlings and young trees.

Prevention and control methods: take protective measures such as covering grass in the rhizosphere, shading, strengthening fertilizer and water management and so on.

5. Sclerotia root rot (purple root rot): cover the root system with a mycelium net during the onset of the disease, so that the root system is not ventilated, resulting in root rot, so it is commonly known as "reticular bar". It generally begins to occur in June, and the serious disease can make the whole Torreya grandis die. When acid clayey soil and interplanting potato crops, it is easy to be infected, and it is also easy to grow Torreya grandis in the land where the original potato has "net reinforcement".