
Cultivation techniques for increasing yield of wild jujube kernel with high efficiency

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Cultivation techniques for increasing yield of wild jujube kernel with high efficiency

Semen Ziziphi Spinosae is Ziziphus jujuba Mill.var. Dry mature seeds of spinosa (Bunge) Hu ex H.F. Chou. It was first published in the Classic of Shennong Materia Medica and listed as the top grade. It tastes sweet, sour and flat. Return to the liver, gallbladder and heart meridian. There are tonifying the liver, calming the heart, calming the mind, giving birth to fluid, and trapping sweat. For vexation and sleeplessness, palpitation and dreaming, dry mouth, excessive sweating, thirst and other symptoms. Growing on sunny slopes or dry barren soil, often forming shrubs. It is mainly produced in Xingtai, Neiqiu, Handan, Chengde, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia, Shandong, Shanxi, Henan, Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia and Sichuan. Sold all over the country and exported. It is a traditional Chinese medicine commonly used in China. The application has a long history and enjoys a good reputation at home and abroad. So, how to plant wild jujube kernel in order to increase production efficiently? What problems do we need to pay attention to when cultivating? Here are the key points of high-efficiency cultivation techniques of wild jujube seed.

(1) selection of land and land preparation

Select sandy soil with deep soil layer, fertile soil and good drainage. Prepare the land ahead of time before transplanting and let the land mature. First cut down and remove the shrubs and weeds in the plot, then break the soil, and make beds (about 100cm, 130cm wide) or fish-scale ditches along the slope according to the terrain. Dig a deep pit, apply sufficient basic fertilizer, apply 1500002000 kg of barnyard manure every 667 meters, rake flat and fine. An irrigation canal is opened every 15m to 20m on the ground after deep ploughing, and then ridges are made at a fixed point according to the row spacing of 1m between the two canals, the ridge height 15cm, the ridge width 35cm, the ridge bottom width 50cm, each ridge 2 rows.

(2) planting methods

Seed reproduction: the excellent mother plant with strong growth, high yield and no diseases and insect pests was selected, and the ripe reddish-brown fruit was collected from September to October, the pulp rotted in a wet place, and the seeds were scrubbed in clean water and mixed with 3 times the amount of wet sand. Dig a pit to accumulate sand in a sunny dry place outside, or put the seeds in a wooden box and store them in a cool and moist place. In the spring of the following year, the seeds can be sown when the seeds are white. Spring sowing takes place from late March to early April and autumn sowing takes place in late October. According to the row spacing of 30 cm trench, deep ditch about 3 cm, spread the seeds evenly into the ditch, cover the soil slightly suppressed, watering, cover grass heat preservation, moisturizing, about 10 days seedling. Remove the cover grass after finishing the seedling. Cultivated for 1 year or 2 years, the seedling height is about 80 cm, and the hole is planted according to the distance of 2 × 1 m. The hole depth is 30 cm, 1 plant per hole, solid filling and watering.

Split propagation: select the excellent mother plant, during the dormancy period of the plant in winter or spring, dig a circular trench about 40 cm wide from the trunk 15 to 20 cm, and cut off the horizontal root in the trench deeply to expose the horizontal root. When the height of the root tiller seedling is about 3 cm, the strong seedling is selected to cultivate, fertilize and fill the soil in the ditch, and then open a second ditch 30 cm away from the root tiller seedling, cut off the root connected to the original plant, promote the root seedling to grow its own whisker root, fill the ditch after a few days, and can be planted after 1 year.

(3) Field management

1. Intermediate ploughing and weeding: loosen the soil and weed in time at the seedling stage, loosen the soil and weed 2 or 3 times a year after planting. After planting, legumes, vegetables or annual herbs can be interplanted in the field in the past few years, combined with intercropping for intercropping, weeding and topdressing.

two。 Topdressing: urea or ammonium sulfate 10-15 kg per 667m2 for seedling height 6~10cm, trench between rows for seedling height 30~40cm, barnyard manure 1000kg, superphosphate 15kg per 667m2, and watering after application. In the fruiting period, after fruit harvest every autumn, the application of farm fertilizer 50kg, calcium superphosphate 2kg and ammonium bicarbonate 1kg to each plant could obviously increase yield and rejuvenate the tree potential, and the fruit drop was also significantly reduced. In addition, the mixture of 0.1%-0.1% urea and 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate was used for extra-root topdressing once a month, which also had a significant yield-increasing effect.

3. Spraying plant auxin: at full bloom in early June, spray 10mg/kg naphthylacetic acid (NAA) or 8~10mg/kg 2mem4murD. In the young fruit stage in the middle of July, 30mg/kg 2mer 4rel D or 50mg/kg naphthylacetic acid (NAA) was sprayed once every 3-4 days, twice in a row.

4. Spraying and watering: in the full bloom, choose sunny afternoon or evening without wind, spray water evenly on jujube flowers with sprayer, spray once every 3-5 days or irrigation in the field, which can reduce the drop of flowers and fruits and increase the rate of fruit setting.

5. Jujube head picking heart: in the early flowering stage, when the new jujube head branch is more than 30cm, the jujube head without renewal leaves 3 or 4 secondary branches, which can germinate into robust jujube strands, which is the main fruiting mother branch of sour jujube, which can blossom and bear fruit year after year.

6. Release bees in jujube orchard: sour jujube is an insect-pollinated flower, releasing bees at flowering stage, using honeybees to strengthen pollination can increase the seed setting rate by about twice, and increase the yield by more than 20%.

7. Pruning: after planting, when the diameter of the stem is about 3cm, the height of 80cm is used to set the stem. When pruning in winter, leave 5-7 branches in the upper part of the trunk and cut off all the branches below 80cm and near the ground in order to form a sturdy trunk and obvious crown.

7.1 the pruning of young trees is mainly to enlarge the crown and cultivate a strong skeleton. After planting, when the stem diameter is about 3cm, the stem is fixed, and the height is 80cm. In the first year, three or four strong branches were selected from the new branches and cultivated into the first layer of main branches, which extended radially around to form the first layer of crown. The central trunk continues to grow upward, and the lateral branches on it can be properly retained as auxiliary fruiting branches. The erect long branches germinated on the main branches can be cut off from the base, while the parallel thin and weak branches can be retained to facilitate the normal growth of the main branches. The secondary branch of jujube head on the main side branch should be retained, which is the main fruiting part of wild jujube tree. Topping the branches that have been growing continuously for 3 years (removing the main buds) is beneficial to the rejuvenation of jujube strands on each secondary branch. In the second year, three or four strong branches were selected from the new branches issued in the same year, which were cultured into the second layer of main branches and formed the second layer of crown. The spacing of each layer is 40~50cm. In the third year, the height of the whole tree is controlled at about 2m when it is cut off at the top of the third canopy 40cm. After 3 years of shaping and pruning, a high-yield tree with distinct layers, satisfactory crown, ventilation and light transmission, three-dimensional results and convenient management can be formed.