
How to cultivate medicinal snakegourd efficiently

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, How to cultivate medicinal snakegourd efficiently

Trichosanthes is a plant of Cucurbitaceae (Trichosanthes kirilowii Maxim.) Or the dried fruit of bilateral Trichosanthes (Trichosanthes rosthornii Harms). Seeds, pericarp and roots are also used for medicinal purposes after drying. The medicinal use of Trichosanthes was first published in the Classic of Shennong Materia Medica in the Eastern Han Dynasty, formerly known as Guilou, which is listed as middle-grade, with sweet, slightly bitter and cold taste. Return to the meridians of the lung, stomach and large intestine. With heat-clearing phlegm, wide chest loose knot, moistening dryness and smooth intestines. For lung heat cough, phlegm yellow thick, chest pain, chest ruffian fullness, breast carbuncle, lung carbuncle, intestinal carbuncle swelling pain, constipation and other functions. Trichosanthes is distributed in most parts of the country. It is a traditional Chinese medicine commonly used in China. It has a long history of application and is well-known at home and abroad. So, how can Trichosanthes be cultivated in order to achieve high efficiency and high yield?

(1) Variety classification

Trichosanthes can be divided into wild species and cultivated species, and the cultivated species can be divided into Trichosanthes and Trichosanthes. Trichosanthes kirilowii is an excellent variety. In addition, there are bilateral Trichosanthes, Chuangui Trichosanthes, southern Trichosanthes and so on.

(2) growth habits

Trichosanthes prefers warm and humid environment, which is cold-tolerant and drought-resistant, so it is suitable to cultivate in places with more rainfall and convenient irrigation.

(3) planting techniques

1. Land selection and preparation

Select sandy soil with ventilation and light transmission, deep soil layer, loose and fertile soil and good drainage. 2000-3000 kg of farm fertilizer, 40 kg of cake fertilizer and 30-40 kg of phosphate fertilizer were applied per mu. Deep ploughing and fine raking were carried out in late autumn and early winter, and leveled in the following spring. Make the border to be sown.

2. Planting method

The main results are as follows: (1) the seeds were mostly sowed between Qingming and Grain Rain in the northern producing areas. Before sowing, the seeds were soaked in 40 ℃ warm water for 24 hours, removed and hung slightly. According to the row spacing of 20 cm, plant spacing of 12 cm, hole-on-demand. The hole is 4 cm deep, put 1-2 seeds in each hole, cover the soil, and then water it. Always keep the ground moist before emergence. When the humidity is about 20 ℃, seedlings can emerge in about 20 days. After transplanting in the next spring, the row spacing was 120 × 150 cm.

(2) the selected species and plants were propagated by split-root propagation, and the male plants were selected for the purpose of collecting roots (trichosanthin). During the period from Qingming Festival to the Beginning of Summer, the root was dug out, cut into segments of 6-9 cm, and the wound was smeared with plant ash. Be careful not to hurt the fibrous root. Those with fresh white cross-section can be used as seed roots, but those with yellow tendons in cross-section should not be planted. On the finished border surface, dig abundant according to the row spacing of 120 × 150 cm, put the roots flat, cover the soil 5-10 cm, and suppress slightly. The soil above is sealed for 25 centimeters to preserve moisture. If the climate is normal, sprout half a month after planting, flatten the soil, and the seedlings can grow. In times of drought, ditches are opened and watered.

(3) pressure vine propagation because Trichosanthes has the characteristic of growing adventitious roots. when Rain Water is sufficient and the temperature is high in summer, the strong vine is pulled into the ground and the soil is pressed at the base of the leaves. After rooting, the stems and branches can be truncated to form new plants. However, the growth of this method is slow, and it is generally only used to replenish seedlings.

3. Field management

(1) manage the soil mound about half a month after planting before emergence. If the seed root has sprouted and the soil is not dry, the soil pile can be flattened to facilitate the emergence of seedlings. Before emergence, such as heavy rain, you can gently loosen the soil when the land is slightly dry after the rain, but not too deep to prevent damage to the buds.

(2) after seedling management, if the soil is dry, it can be ditched and watered at a distance of 9-12 cm from the seed root. After each fertilization, make a ridge at a distance of 30 cm from the plant, and water it. Keep the soil moist throughout the growing season. Drain water in time after rain to prevent stagnant water. During the growth period, weeding should be done frequently and the soil should be loosened for 2-3 times. after the second year of cultivation, pruning and thinning buds should be carried out every year in order to ventilate and reduce the occurrence of diseases and insect pests.

(3) introduction of seedlings on the shelf when the stem is about 30 cm long, sorghum straw is inserted next to each Trichosanthes, tied together with string, and the upper end is tied to the shelf in order to guide the stem vine to climb onto the shelf. The seedlings cannot be pulled and tied too tightly so that the shelves will not be moved by the wind and damage the stems. Choose 2-3 sturdy stems for each tree and put them on the shelf. Remove excess stems and branches to facilitate nutrient concentration and ventilation. Three lines of Trichosanthes are on a rack. Excessive branches and axillary buds on the top of the shelf should be pinched off in time.

(4) in the first year after topdressing, if the base fertilizer is insufficient, you can top fertilizer once in June, and twice a year from the second year, the first time when the seedling is 30 cm high, and the second time in the middle of June (before flowering), all of which are mainly organic manure. 500-1000 kg of rotten dung or 50 kg of bean cake, 15 kg of urea and 15 kg of superphosphate were used per mu. Trichosanthes likes to be fat. There is no limit to the amount of soil miscellaneous fertilizer, and other organic fertilizers can also be applied. Apply it in a trench about 15 cm away from the plant, cover the soil after application, and water the border.

(5) some male Trichosanthes (Trichosanthes mandshurica are mostly male plants) are planted properly between the rows or beside the shelves by artificial pollination. At 8-9 am in the morning, the pollen grains of male flowers are dipped with a new brush or cotton and awarded to the stigma of female flowers; the pollen grains can also be immersed in water, filled with eye drops and dripped on the stigma. Artificial pollination can increase the rate of fruit setting, especially cross-pollination, which is a measure for local drug farmers to increase production.

(6) after overwintering management, after picking Trichosanthes, before freezing, cut off the stem which is more than 30 centimeters from the ground, leave the stem plate on the ground, and then plane up the soil between plants and accumulate on Trichosanthes to form a 30-centimeter-high mound to prevent freezing injury.

(4) harvesting and processing

1. Harvest: before and after the Autumn Equinox, when the fruit is still green but the seed has become real-time, it can be picked. If it is too late to pick, Trichosanthes can be cut off from the root to make Trichosanthes hang on the shelf for a period of time, but the suspension time should not be too long. Picking early fruit is immature, less sugar, poor quality; too late, high moisture, difficult to dry. Picking method: cut off the fruit with a stem of about 30cm and weave it evenly into petals, do not let the two fruits lean against each other to prevent mildew and rot, handle gently during operation, do not shake and collide.

2. Processing: