
With the advent of winter, the cultivation of traditional Chinese medicine should be protected against cold and freezing.

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, With the advent of winter, the cultivation of traditional Chinese medicine should be protected against cold and freezing.

Winter is a cold season, due to the changeable global climate, there will be extreme cold weather in many areas, making overwintering medicinal plants extremely vulnerable to freezing injury. If relevant measures are not taken in time, the growth and yield of the following year will be affected. So, in winter, how can we make the medicinal plants survive the cold season safely? This paper introduces several common and simple anti-cold and anti-freezing methods for planting medicinal materials.

1. Cultivate soil and choke: combine ploughing and clearing ditches in winter to cultivate dry soil on the root of the plant (40-60 cm high), so as to increase the depth of the root system and reduce or avoid the damage caused by low temperature and freezing injury to the root system.

two。 Trunk whitening: using the reflection of white to light, whitening the tree trunk, narrowing the temperature difference between day and night, and avoiding frostbite. The formula of white coating for whitening is as follows: quicklime 1.5 kg, salt 0.2 kg, sulfur powder 0.3 kg, a little oil, 5 kg water, and then mix into a paste solution.

3. Straw cover: cover the rows of medicinal plants with straw, thatch and other straws, which can not only keep the ground temperature relatively stable, but also prevent the cold wind from directly invading the roots of the plants. The anti-freezing of herbal medicine seedlings should be covered with a layer of plant ash, and then protected by plastic film. For the anti-freezing of woody medicinal seedlings, the whole tree can be bundled with rice straw or wheat straw, cultivate the soil near the trunk of the ground and press it tightly.

4. Wet fumigation: in the night or early morning when frost is about to occur, wet weeds, leaves, sawdust, and grain husks are piled upwind of the medicine field and lit. The smoke formed after the smoke pile is ignited can ease the decrease of air temperature and has an obvious effect on anti-freezing. Generally speaking, 8-10 smoke piles should be set off in each mu of medicine garden. It should be noted that the smoke stack should be ignited when the external temperature is 10-2 ℃ lower than that of the crop.

5. Heavy application of wax fertilizer: before the soil was frozen, 1500-2000 kg of soil fertilizer per mu was applied between the rows of medicinal plants. This can not only improve the ground temperature, anti-freezing and warmth, but also play the role of winter fertilizer and spring use, improve soil fertility and so on.