
Growing cinnamon is covered with treasures

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Growing cinnamon is covered with treasures

Cinnamomum cassia Presl is the dry bark of Cinnamomum cassia Presl, also known as Mugui, Jiangui and Yugui. It is a famous traditional Chinese medicinal material in China. It is more than stripped in autumn and dried in the shade. It grows mainly in tropical regions, and is cultivated in China, India, Laos, Vietnam and Indonesia. China is mainly distributed in Guangdong and Guangxi, Yunnan and Fujian, among which Guangdong and Guangxi are the most. Cinnamon tree is a treasure all over, its young fruit (cinnamon seed), twigs (cassia twig) and bark (cinnamon bark) can be used as traditional Chinese medicine. Cinnamomum cassia bark is a precious traditional Chinese medicine and condiment, which has the functions of warming kidney, tonifying yang, dispelling cold and relieving pain. Cinnamon oil distilled from Cinnamon leaves is a synthetic raw material of precious spices and various organic spices, and can be used medicinally. Now cinnamon oil has been widely used in the catering industry. Its wood is a good material for furniture. Cinnamon has so many functions, so what is its planting method and harvesting method?

(i) Land selection and preparation

Yellow soil with deep soil, loose texture and good drainage should be selected as the best, and it is not suitable to breed seedlings in soil with high groundwater level and large sandy content. Land preparation should be fully ploughed and sunned. After the topsoil is whitened, the ridge width is 1.2 meters, the ditch width is 40 cm, the soil blocks are broken, and the harrow is leveled. Planting should choose hillside land, because hillside land is mostly yellow soil, and the soil is loose and deep, which is conducive to the growth of deep-rooted plants.

(ii) Cultivation methods

1. Seed collection and seed treatment

From February to March, when cinnamon seeds are purple and black, they can be harvested in batches. The recovered fresh fruits should be washed in a pool to remove the peel and pulp, and then picked up to dry the surface moisture before sowing. Seeds should not be exposed to sunlight and long-term long-term storage. If you buy it in the market, you need to pick fresh and full fruit, buy it and wash it immediately, and dry it in the ground.

2. sowing method

One mu of land can be sown about 50 kg, can be dibble or broadcast, seed spacing about 6 cm, after sowing, that is, with a thin layer of soil cover the surface, after watering directly covered with fern grass.

3. seedling management

After 20 days of sowing, the seedlings grow 6-7 cm high, which can be removed to build a shade shed about 1.2 meters high. After 30 days, when the leaflets of the seedlings are as big as fingers, potassium dihydrogen phosphate foliar fertilizer can be sprayed, and then sprayed once every 15 days, or combined with pesticides and fungicides. After 80 days, when the seedlings grow 5~6 leaflets, 50 kg compound fertilizer can be applied per mu. After the winter solstice, when the seedlings grow to 30~35 cm high, the scaffolding can be removed, the water and fertilizer can be controlled to dry the seedlings, and the leaf tips can be dried until they are old and ripe, so as to ensure a higher survival rate when transplanted in February ~ March of the next year.

4. planting and management

Plant spacing between 80~100 cm is appropriate, enough water can be planted. Weeding and fertilization should be done once every quarter. In the first three years, nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer should be applied to promote growth, and potassium fertilizer should be applied in the fourth year. In the fifth year, when the tree height has reached 3~4 meters and the diameter is about 10 cm, it can be used as the first harvest. After harvest, the roots will grow new buds, leaving 2-3 strong plants and cutting off the rest. Every winter, in addition to removing weeds, it is also necessary to trim drooping branches and diseased branches to make the trunk straight and strong, ensuring a bumper harvest in the coming year. From December to March of the following year, cinnamon bark, cassia twig and cinnamon leaf should be harvested in winter and spring, and the diseased branches and fallen branches should be taken out of the cinnamon field and burned intensively to clear the garden.

(3) Pest control

(1)Root rot: mildewed season, in the poor drainage nursery, the ground performance is serious, control methods: ① prevention and control of water;② timely detection of diseased plants and uproot burned, with quicklime disinfection bed surface.

(2)Cinnamon leaf brown spot disease: April to May occurrence, damage new leaves, can be sprayed with Bordeaux mixture.

(3)Cinnamon wood moth: is one of the main pests of cinnamon. Control methods: ① In the larva incubation period, 50% phosphorus amine emulsifiable solution 1000-1500 times or 2.5% enemy kill 4000 times spray, once every 10 days, a total of 2-3 times;② with Beauveria powder control;③ combined with pruning, pruning pest.

(4)Leaf curl insect: larva in summer and autumn, will curl several leaves into a nest, lurking among them, eating harmful seedling leaves. Control methods: with trichlorfon 1000 times liquid or 80% dichlorvos emulsion 1500 times liquid spray.

(5)Cinnamon brown longicorn beetle, larvae harm trunk, control methods: ① summer and autumn with iron wire inserted into the trunk larvae moth milk, stab larvae, or with dichlorvos cotton stuffed insect hole poison. At the beginning of April, adults were found and killed artificially.

(4) Harvesting and processing

The purpose of coppice operation is to collect leaf steam oil and produce products such as cinnamon, cinnamon heart. After 3~5 years of afforestation, 40- 50kg cinnamon bark can be stripped per mu on average, and 1.5- 1.7kg cinnamon leaf steamed oil can be harvested every year. The best time for cinnamon stripping is in late March, when bark is easy to peel and roots sprout quickly.

Trees are used to cultivate cassia bark, cinnamon seeds and seeds. After afforestation 15-20 years of felling peel cinnamon, 2~3 months of harvest called spring cinnamon, poor quality, can be in late June, at the base of the tree first peel a circle of bark. It can not only increase the accumulation of phloem oil, but also facilitate peeling.

After cinnamon is harvested, it should be processed. The processing specifications include:

Whole edge laurel: peel more than 10 years of cinnamon, both ends of the clip in the wooden concave-convex plate, dried.

Cinnamon plate: cinnamon folder in the folder, drying to 70 or 80 percent dry, out of vertical and horizontal stack pressure, drying is served.

Guangui (Guitong): Peel the dry skin and thick branch skin of 5~6-year-old young trees, dry them for 1~2 days, roll them into a tube and dry them in the shade.