
Introduction to the main technical points and efficacy of planting methods of Sophora japonica

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Introduction to the main technical points and efficacy of planting methods of Sophora japonica

Huai Mi alias Huai Hua, Flos Sophorae, Flos Sophorae, Sophora seed, is the legume plant Sophora Sophora japonica L. Dried flowers and buds. When summer flowers bloom or buds form, they are harvested and dried immediately to remove branches, stems and impurities. The former is commonly called "Huai Hua", while the latter is commonly known as "Huai Mi". Its bitter nature, slightly cold; return to the liver, large intestine meridian, with cool blood to stop bleeding, clear liver and purge fire effect, mainly used for hematochezia, hemorrhoids, blood dysentery, metrorrhagia, hematemesis, hematemesis, liver heat eye red, headache and vertigo and other diseases. Originated in China, it is widely cultivated in north and south provinces, especially in North China and the Loess Plateau. It is also distributed in Japan and Vietnam, wild on the Korean border, and introduced in European and American countries. So, how is Huai Mi planted? Let's introduce the planting method of Fructus Sophorae:

(1) selection of land and land preparation

The nursery land should choose loam or sandy loam with flat terrain, good drainage and irrigation conditions, fertile soil humus and deep soil layer.

(2) planting methods

1. Seed collection and seed treatment

Sowing is used to reproduce. Seeds can be collected from October to winter. Trees with more than 30 years old, strong growth and no diseases and insect pests are selected, soaked in water after harvest, rubbed to peel, washed and dried, and net species are obtained. Soak in 80 ℃ water for 5 hours for 6 hours in early March, remove and mix well with twice the sand, place it flat in the room, thick 20~25cm, sprinkle some wet sand on top, cover tightly, avoid seed exposure, cover with a layer of plastic film, moisturize and keep warm, promote seed germination, and often turn, so that the seeds in the upper and lower layers are warm and humid, and germinate neatly. From late March to early April, the seeds can be sown after the seeds have 3 cleft mouths.

two。 Sowing method

Generally pick Sichuan field ridge sowing, according to the row and 50~65cm sitting ridge, sowing in the ridge soil to open a shallow trench, ditch deep 7cm, sowing 10cm about strip cutting, after sowing with base fertilizer, and then covered with 5cm, compaction.

3. Seedling stage management

Pay attention to keep the soil moist after sowing and prevent the harm of seed flies in the seedling stage. After the seedlings came out, the seedlings were divided into 2 to 3 times from April to May, and the seedlings were fixed according to the plant distance 10~15cm. In May and August, weeds were removed according to the situation, keep the nursery clean, and pay attention to drainage and waterlogging prevention in the rainy season. After the seedlings were defoliated and the land was frozen, the seedlings were dug and graded and planted in the ditch for overwintering in preparation for transplanting the following year.

4. Planting and management

After the soil thawed in the following spring, the one-year-old seedlings were transplanted according to the row spacing of 70 × 40cm, and the management of fertilization and watering should be carried out. Usually, after 2 years of cultivation, the large seedlings with high lm were selected before budding in the third year, and the substandard seedlings were left for another year and planted in the fourth year. As a four-sided greening tree species, locust trees are used for cultivation of courtyard trees, street trees and environmental protection forests in various parts of North China. Dig the pit before cultivation, mix the excavated pit soil and base fertilizer evenly and then fill it into the pit. When planting trees, the backfill should be solid, pour water thoroughly, and seal the flooded flat after the water seeps down.

(3) Prevention and control of diseases and pests

The main results are as follows: (1) canker occurs in seedling stage or after transplanting in case of drought, causing damage to branches. Control methods: ① strengthened management, applied sufficient water and fertilizer to enhance disease resistance; ② mixed with lime ∶ sulfur ∶ salt ∶ water according to 5 ∶ 1.5 ∶ 2.36, and smeared on the tree trunk; ③ for seriously diseased seedlings should be cut off in time and redried.

(2) Locust inchworm is harmful to leaves, which mostly occurs in the period of leaf growth. Control method: spray with 1000 times of fenpropathrin or 1000-2000 times of phoxim emulsion.

(3) aphids generally occur in late spring and early summer, harming tender shoots, leaves and buds, and the peak period is from July to August. Prevention and control method: spray 2.5% cypermethrin emulsion 3000-5000 times or 40% omethoate 800 times.

(4) harvesting and processing

When the summer buds are collected and dried in time, the branches, stems and impurities are removed, and the medicinal Fructus Sophorae is obtained. Processed and dried locust rice is oval or oval, 2-6 mm long and about 2 mm in diameter. In case of overcast and rainy days, it can be dried or Kang dried, and the drying temperature is about 40 ℃. Fruit ripening after autumn, after harvest to remove impurities, processing and drying, that is, locust horn.