
Where is the traditional Chinese medicine Evodia rutaecarpa suitable for planting? What are the main points of planting?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Where is the traditional Chinese medicine Evodia rutaecarpa suitable for planting? What are the main points of planting?

Evodia rutaecarpa is a dry and nearly ripe fruit of Evodia rutaecarpa, which has the function of dispelling cold and relieving pain, reducing adverse events and stopping vomiting. It is used to treat headache or epigastric pain caused by deficiency of liver and stomach, turbid upper inversion and so on. What is the growth habit of Evodia rutaecarpa? Where is Evodia rutaecarpa suitable for planting? What do you need to pay attention to when planting Evodia?

Where is Evodia rutaecarpa suitable for planting?

Evodia is also known as Evodia, tea spicy, Wu spicy, Quyaozi, Fu hot seed, tea spicy, smelly bubble son, Zuo Li pure quiet son, gas spicy son, rice spicy son and so on.

Evodia rutaecarpa is suitable for growing on hillslopes and ditches below 1000 meters above sea level, warm and humid mountains, under sparse forests or open spaces at forest edges. Less wild, more cultivated. Artificial cultivation in low mountains and hills, Pingba sunny warmer places. Where it is windy, cold and too dry, it is not suitable for cultivation. Evodia rutaecarpa can be cultivated in deep, fertile and well-drained soil.

Evodia rutaecarpa is now mainly a domestic species supply market, Evodia rutaecarpa usually reaches the full fruit stage only three years after planting, and now it is distributed in Guizhou, Guangxi, Hunan, Yunnan, Sichuan, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hubei, Anhui, Shaanxi and other places.

Planting techniques of Evodia rutaecarpa

1. Mode of reproduction

(1) rhizome propagation

The strong tree growing for 4 ~ 6 years was used as the mother plant, but the soil around the trunk was not opened in February, and the thick lateral root of the pen was cut off (it should not be taken too much, otherwise the growth of the mother plant should be affected). It was divided into several segments, each section was 13 cm long and 20 cm long, which was used as cuttings to raise seedlings. Select a place with fertile soil and good drainage to make a wide border of 100cm to 130cm, trench according to 16cm row spacing, plant spacing 10cm 13cm, insert 10cm into the ditch, cover fine soil, rake flat, prevent stagnant water from rotting roots, pour a small amount of clear dung water, cover grass to keep warm, maintain humidity, and is conducive to germination. A new bud will grow after one month, and the clear dung water will be watered once. After that, the seedlings will be fertilized and weeded in time. Transplant in spring after January, and blossom and bear fruit for 2 ~ 3 years.

(2) cuttings propagation

Around February, before the budding of Amorphophallus konjac, 1-2-year-old branches were cut into 16-20 cm long segments, each with 2-2-3 buds, and the ends were cut into slants, inserted obliquely into the soil according to the row spacing of 26-30 cm and 13-16 cm (no inverted insertion). After planting, the soil was compacted, watered and shaded to keep the soil moist, and a small amount of thin human feces and urine could also be applied and transplanted one year later.

(3) transplanting

Transplanting in winter and spring, transplanting in winter is better (about December). In spring (March to April), the hole is dug according to the plant spacing of 330cm and 400cm, with a diameter of 50cm and 60cm. The depth of the hole depends on the length of the root, first apply rotten barnyard manure or river mud as base fertilizer, and plant seedlings to cover the soil and press. The initial seedlings are small and can be intercropped with peanuts, beans and sweet potatoes.

two。 Field management

Timely ploughing and weeding, and keep the soil moist, apply mature human feces and urine once before spring germination, the amount of fertilizer varies with the age of the tree, 10kg of human feces and urine is applied to each tree in three years, and the soil is covered with a ring-shaped shallow ditch about 48 cm away from the plant. Before blooming and fruiting in July, apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizer once, apply compost (or river mud, human feces and urine), plant ash and so on in winter to cultivate the soil to prevent freezing. The tree is 100 cm high, and the top is cut off in spring and autumn to form a stereotyped crown, which is conducive to growth and fruit.

3. Pest control

(1) Coal disease

Also known as coal fouling disease, is due to aphids, scale insects on the Evodia rutaecarpa, induced irregular black-brown coal spots. In the later stage, the leaves and technical stems are covered with thick coal seams, and the diseased trees blossom and bear less fruit.

Control methods: during the occurrence of aphids and scale insects, 2000-3000 times diluted 40% dimethoate EC or 25% isocarbophos 800 × 1000 times were sprayed, once every 7 days, for 2 times in a row. During the onset of the disease, the patients were sprayed with 150-200 Bordeaux solution, once every 10 days and 3 times in a row.

(2) Rust

The disease mainly harms the leaves of Evodia rutaecarpa. At the initial stage of the disease, yellow-green dots and orange blister spots are formed on the leaves, resulting in the death of the leaves.

Control method: spray Baume 0.3 degree stone sulfur mixture or 65% Dyson zinc wettable powder 500 times, once every 7-10 days.

(3) Old wood worm

The larvae ate in the trunk and died in the hollow of the stem. From July to October, glial secretions, sawdust and insect droppings appeared on the trunk below 30 cm from the ground.

Prevention and treatment: scrape off the egg block and the first hatchworm with a knife. If the larvae are eaten inside the wood, 50 times of the wettable BHC powder can be filled outside the wormhole, or 80% dichlorvos solution can be soaked with cotton to plug into the wormhole to seal the hole and kill the larvae.

(4) harvesting and processing

The plant blossomed for 3 years, the fruit matured from August to September, and the fruit was harvested red and orange. Take off the ear, expose to the sun, remove the stalk and impurities, put it in a bamboo cage or wooden box, and put it in a dry and ventilated place (1-1.5 kg of dried fruit in 3 years and 3.5 kg in 6-7 years). The general result is 20 years old.