
How to cultivate Pinellia ternata with three crops a year

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, How to cultivate Pinellia ternata with three crops a year

Pinellia ternata belongs to the medicinal materials of Araceae. Although the raw product of Pinellia ternata is poisonous, it does not prevent it from becoming a commonly used traditional Chinese medicine. As a widely used traditional Chinese medicine, how to cultivate Pinellia ternata plants?

Pinellia ternata is a common large quantity of traditional Chinese medicine harvested all the year round. it has wide adaptability, easy cultivation and simple management. If the high-yield and multi-cropping cultivation technique is adopted, three kinds and three harvests in one year can be realized, and the benefit is extremely remarkable. Especially interplanting with wheat, corn, sorghum and other crops, the economic benefit is higher.

In this paper, the cultivation, harvest and processing techniques of Pinellia ternata are introduced as follows:

I. selection of land and land preparation

It is better to plant Pinellia ternata with loose and fertile soil. During soil preparation, 3000-5000 kg of miscellaneous fertilizer, 25-30 kg of phosphate fertilizer and 100kg of plant ash are applied per mu, and ammonium hydrogen phosphate is avoided. Deep ploughing fine rake, 1.3 meters wide, 0.17 meters high, 0.3 meters wide, the ditch can be intercropped with wheat, corn, sorghum or kenaf and other long-stalk crops.

2. Sowing method

There are three ways to reproduce Pinellia ternata:

One is tuber propagation. Pinellia ternata has been cultivated for 2-3 years, and the underground tubers can be excavated after falling seedlings in June, August and October every year. The medium and small tubers with thick transverse diameter 0.5~10cm, strong growth and no diseases and insect pests were selected as seed, and the small seed stem was better than the big one. Mix it with moderately dry and wet fine sand, store it in a cool and ventilated place, and plant it in winter or spring of the following year. It is better to plant in spring, and the yield is low in autumn and winter.

The second is bulblet propagation. In summer and autumn, mature bulbs under petiole were used for strip planting, row spacing 10~16cm, plant spacing 6~10cm, hole opening, 3-5 plant buds per hole, thick 1.6cm covered with soil. At the same time, the application of appropriate amount of mixed fertilizer can not only promote the germination and growth of bulbs, but also increase the yield of mother tubers.

Third, seed reproduction. Pinellia ternata, which is more than two years old, can blossom and bear fruit one after another from early summer to autumn and winter. this method is used in seedling shortage or breeding. About 10 days after flowering in autumn, mature seeds were collected and stored in wet sand.

Tubers are usually used to propagate three kinds of three crops a year, that is, April, July, July, October, and April of the following year. The number of seed blocks per mu varies with the size, and the general seed requirement per mu is more than 40 kg. When planting, ditches can be opened with a row spacing of 18 cm. Select white, disease-free tubers sown according to the plant distance of 10-15 cm, compaction the soil, in case of dry weather, water along the ditch, and then sow the soil.

III. Field management

Mainly do a good job of weeding and cultivating the soil, hoe when you see the grass, first shallow and then deep. After growing for about one and a half months, there are buds on the petiole and the soil begins to be cultivated. Combined with soil cultivation, phosphate fertilizer and plant ash or potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be applied. If the soil is not cultivated, the pearl antler will be exposed and new beads will not grow; in case of drought, it should be frequently watered with small water and ploughed to cultivate the soil after pouring. In the late growth stage of Pinellia ternata, burdock should be cut off so as not to consume nutrients and affect the growth of tubers.

IV. Disease and pest control

To prevent and cure virus diseases, you can spray 1500 times of Zhanling liquid, control leaf spot and root rot, spray and irrigate 1800 times of carbendazim wettable powder or 1800 times of agricultural antibiotic 120 water agent. 1000 times of phoxim can be sprayed to control thrips and diamondback moth larvae.

V. harvesting and processing

When harvesting, ploughing can be done with ploughing, careful selection, medicine for the big ones and seed for the small ones. The medicine is first accumulated indoors for 4-5 days to make it sweaty and easy to desquamate. Then put it in a sack or woven bag, put it on a board or slate, rub it with water, peel it, then pour it into a sieve and immerse it in water, bleach off the dregs and sell it directly to the local medicine purchasing department.

The above is about the cultivation of Pinellia ternata in a year, if there is a drug farmer planting Pinellia ternata can be used as a reference, if you have better planting experience, welcome to reply to this article to share with us!