
Does traditional Chinese medicine honeysuckle prevent insect pest have what move?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Does traditional Chinese medicine honeysuckle prevent insect pest have what move?

Honeysuckle has been known as a good medicine for heat-clearing and detoxification since ancient times. Honeysuckle not only can spread wind and heat, but also good at clearing blood toxin, for all kinds of heat venereal diseases, such as body fever, rash, spots, heat sore carbuncle, sore throat and so on. The traditional Chinese medicine honeysuckle is used as a flower bud or with an early blooming flower. The so-called flowers are delicate and vulnerable to "bullying" by pests. The main diseases and insect pests of traditional Chinese medicine honeysuckle are powdery mildew, honeysuckle brown spot, coffee tiger longicorn beetle, and so on. So how should honeysuckle prevent insect pests?

Pest diseases of traditional Chinese medicine Flos Lonicerae and its prevention:

1. Honeysuckle leaf wasp

Belonging to the family Hymenoptera, it is a serious pest of honeysuckle in Sichuan Province in recent years. The larvae endanger the leaves, and the newly hatched larvae like to climb to the tender leaves to feed, eat neatly from the edge of the leaves, and then transfer to the adjacent leaves after eating up the whole leaves. When the occurrence is serious, the leaves of the whole plant can be eaten up, so that the plant can not blossom, which not only seriously affects the flower yield of the same year, but also makes the leaves later in the next year, and the damaged branches die.

(1) morphological characteristics of adults: female is 9mm long, wingspan 21mm 22mm, male 7mm 8mm, wingspan 18mm 19mm. The body is blue and black with metallic luster. The antennae are black, 3 segments and 3 segments are longer, and the villi of the 3rd segment of the male are more obvious than those of the female. Wings translucent, light brown, ovipositor serrated. Egg: milky white, reniform, 1.2-1.5 mm long and 0.7-0.8 mm wide. Larvae: the body length is 22 mm 23 mm, the head and forefoot are black, the body is pink, the dorsal midline is a light green longitudinal band, the dorsal line is golden longitudinal band, the valve line is light green, and there are many black small hairy tumors on the back; there are 3 rows of 14 in the forechest, 16 in 3 rows in the middle and back of the chest, 18 in 3 rows in 2-6 segments of the abdomen, and the hairy tumor in the center of the back is larger. The 5th instar larvae are 3.5 mm in length and 0.4 mm in head width, 6 mm in length and 0.7 mm in width, 8 mm in length and 0.9 mm in width, 12.3 mm in length and 1.3 mm in width, and 17.4 mm in length and 1.7 mm in width in the 3rd instar. Pupa: dark brown, with a long oval cocoon.

(2) the occurrence regularity of honeysuckle leaf wasp occurs for 5 generations a year in Sichuan, overwintering with mature larvae forming cocoons and pupation in the soil. The adults emerged in early March of the following year and flew to places with nectar and aphids to feed on nectar and honeydew secreted by aphids. The adults are active in sunny days, especially from 12 to 15:00, with strong flying ability, 2m above the ground and a horizontal distance of 10m to 20m. Perched under the branches on cloudy and rainy days. After 3-4 days of adult activity, the female began to lay eggs. During spawning, the female cut open the epidermis on the edge of the leaf surface with a serrated ovipositor, and laid 3 eggs under the epidermis. Each female laid 624 eggs. The marginal tissue of the leaves at the spawning site becomes immersed in water and then turns dark brown. The life span of adults is 3-14 days, the ratio of female to male is 3 ∶ 1, and the third generation is 1.6 ∶ 1. The egg period is 5-14 days, and the hatching rate is 84%. The larval stage is 10-19.5 days. The larvae dispersed and mainly harmed the tender leaves. After feeding, the head, chest and feet of the larvae gradually turned black, the body was green, and the 4th instar body was pink. The larvae shed their skin at 7 o'clock in the morning and in the evening. After maturing, the larvae crawled down the plant and entered the deep soil layer or dead leaves of 0.5~1cm, where they cocooned and pupated. The pupation period of each generation was 7-19.5 days, and that of overwintering generation was 185 days. The damage of the first and second generations was serious in the whole year, but it was not harmful to the varieties of honeysuckle with thick leaves and long and hard velvet hairs.

(3) Prevention and control methods.

Artificial control of ①: when there is a large number of insects, cocoons can be dug under trees in winter and spring to reduce the source of overwintering insects.

② chemical control: spraying 1000 times of 90% trichlorfon or 1000 times of fenvalerate during larval occurrence.

2. Powdery mildew

Harm to the leaves and tender stems of honeysuckle. At the initial stage of the disease, round white velvety mildew spots appeared, and then they were continuously expanded and connected into pieces to form white powder spots of different sizes. Finally, it causes fallen flowers and withered leaves, making the branches withered.

Prevention and control methods:

① breeding disease-resistant varieties: the varieties with thick branches, dense and short nodes, thick green leaves and dense villi are mostly varieties with strong disease resistance.

② reasonable close planting, shaping and pruning, improving ventilation and light transmission conditions can enhance disease resistance.

③ uses 50% colloid sulfur 100g, add 90% trichlorfon 100g, add 50% dimethoate 15g, spray 20kg water, and can also control aphids.

When ④ is serious, spray 25% trimethoprim 1500 times or 50% topiramate 1000 times, once every 7 days, continuously spray 3 times 4 times.

Coffee tiger longicorn beetle

Overwintering in both larval and adult states. The overwintering adults bit through the stem epidermis of Flos Lonicerae in the middle of April of the second year, and the overwintering larvae pupated from the end of April to the middle of May and emerged as adults in late May. After mating, adults lay eggs under the old skin of thick branches. After the eggs hatch, the larvae begin to eat into the xylem, causing the trunk or branches to die. After breaking, the decay path is full of sawdust and insect droppings.

Morphological characteristics

Adult: 9.5mm to 15mm long, black, rough on the top of the head, with granular lines. The length of the antennae is half of the body, there are 6 white hairs at the end, the anterior chest dorsal plate is bulging like a ball, there are 10 yellow and white hair spots on the back, and one yellow and white hair spot on each side of the ventral side. The sheath wing is chestnut brown, with several tortuous white lines formed by sparse white hairs, the base of the sheath wing is slightly wider, narrowing to the end, the surface distribution is fine and the trailing edge is straight. There were sparse leukoplakia in the middle and posterior thoracic and ventral plates, and one leukoplakia on each side of each segment of the abdomen. Most of the middle and hindleg segments and the front part of the tibia are reddish brown, and the rest are black. Eggs: oval, about 0.8 mm long, milky white at first birth, and then light brown. Larvae: the body length is 13-15 mm, the first instar larvae are light yellow, and the color is slightly darker after maturity. Pupa: naked pupa, about 14 mm long, light yellowish brown.

Prevention and control methods:

① was killed with 1 part of sugar, 5 parts of vinegar, 4 parts of water and 0.01 parts of trichlorfon.

When ② found that the stems and leaves suddenly withered from July to August, remove the withered branches and capture them manually.