
Key points of planting techniques of Cinnamomum cassia

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Key points of planting techniques of Cinnamomum cassia

Cinnamon, also known as jade cinnamon, can produce cinnamon and cinnamon oil, which is widely used in medicine, food and light chemical industry. The output of cinnamon in China accounts for about 50% of the world output, which is not only for domestic needs, but also one of the traditional export materials for earning foreign exchange. Nowadays, green, safe and pollution-free food has become the common demand of consumers at home and abroad. Therefore, pollution-free production of cinnamon is particularly important. Although cinnamon is planted in mountainous areas, the pollution of its planting environment is less, but the following factors still affect the quality and safety of cinnamon: 1. The use of pesticides and hormones in the production process of China's cinnamon economic forest has been low for a long time. Poor infrastructure, in a semi-wild state, there are many problems in pest control, such as the widespread use of chemical pesticides. In some places, highly toxic, high residue and even highly toxic pesticides are used. With a large number of times and large doses of drugs, not only beneficial natural enemies are killed, but also the ecological environment is destroyed. In addition, in cinnamon flower and fruit protection, improper use of chemical flower protection agents, fruit protection agents and other hormone substances will also affect the quality and safety of products. 2. Secondary pollution in the process of cinnamon processing, in order to prevent insects and mildew, some cinnamon were treated with sulfur, and some cinnamon processing sites had poor environmental hygiene conditions, which affected the quality and safety of the products. 3. After the processing of contaminated cinnamon products during storage and transportation, mildew often occurs due to improper storage methods, which not only affects the appearance and quality, but also harms human health. At the same time, if the whole process from the processing site to the sales market is not strictly managed, cinnamon products will also be contaminated. 4. Adulteration of cinnamon oil often occurs driven by market interests, and illegal traders adulterate cinnamon oil, which makes the content of cinnamaldehyde in cinnamon oil on the low side, which not only deceives consumers, but also affects the healthy development of cinnamon oil processing industry. In view of the above problems, the following pollution-free and high-yield technologies are put forward: 1) choose a good ecological environment to build the cinnamon base. The construction of the cinnamon base had better be far away from the urban areas and industrial areas, and the straight line distance from the main roads should be more than 500 meters. It is very important to pay attention to the construction of ecological environment. 2) the three main cinnamon varieties planted in China are Chinese cinnamon, southern cinnamon and Ceylon cinnamon. Chinese cinnamon has strong adaptability and wide distribution, and it is the main domestic variety at present. Southern cinnamon is a big-leaf variant of Chinese cinnamon. Since 1967, seeds and seedlings of this species have been introduced many times from Guangning Province, Vietnam, and planted in Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, Fujian, Zhejiang and other provinces (regions). The thickness and oil content of southern cinnamon is higher than that of Chinese cinnamon, and its adaptability is stronger than that of Ceylon cinnamon, so it is an ideal cultivated species in China and is worth popularizing. Ceylon cinnamon, which originated in Sri Lanka, is a famous high-quality variety in the world. It has been introduced and cultivated in Guangdong, Hainan, Yunnan, Guangxi and other places in China, but it is still in the stage of small-scale trial planting. This variety needs to have a high level of heat, and it is not suitable to be planted in the north latitude, so its planting range is limited to a certain extent. In the cultivation of cinnamon, we should choose improved varieties, cuttings and strong seedlings to develop clonal cinnamon forest. 3) reasonable planting density in general, it is suitable for young trees to close after planting cinnamon for about 5 years, and it is not appropriate to be too thin or too dense. The purpose of Qiaolin operation is to cultivate high-grade cinnamon for big trees. the row spacing is 8 × 6 m or 2.5 × 5 m. 3 × 4 m, 4 × 4 m or 2.5 × 5 m can be used gently, and 40 trees per mu can be planted. The purpose of dwarf forest operation is to produce ordinary cinnamon, cinnamon leaf oil, etc., with a row spacing of 1 × 1.5 ~ 2 meters, gently 1 × 1 meters or 1.3 × 1.3 meters or 0.8x2 meters or 1 × 1.2 meters, and it is appropriate to plant 400 plants per mu. The mountain area can be dense, the flat land should be rare, and the area vulnerable to wind damage should be dense. 4) strengthening pruning and shaping cinnamon is the most valuable in cinnamon products. High-grade cinnamon must be smooth and free from knots. Therefore, serious pruning and shaping to keep the trunk of cinnamon straight and smooth is a very important work in cinnamon caressing. The pruning and shaping methods of dwarf Guilin and big Guilin are different. Dwarf Guilin mainly produces cinnamon. Pruning and shaping should remove the lower branches in time to ensure the growth of the trunk. Generally from the second year of planting, pruning is carried out once a year in autumn and winter, and a sharp knife can be used to cut off the branches close to the trunk, requiring smooth cutting and no splitting to ensure that the trunk is 2.5-3 meters smooth and straight. Big Guilin mainly produces high-grade medicinal cinnamon such as "Qibian Gui" and "Bangui", which requires that the trunk be straight and tall, free of knots, and dressing requires "first morning and second smoothness". Generally speaking, pruning should be carried out once or twice a year from the third year after planting, and each pruning should be limited to the branches less than 3 from the ground to the canopy. The twigs are flattened close to the trunk with a sharp knife, but can not hurt the trunk bark; if the larger branches cannot be cut off with a single knife, they can be sawed with a saw to ensure that the incision is smooth to facilitate healing. The smaller the branch, the easier it is for the wound to heal, so pruning should be carried out in autumn and winter, sooner rather than later. 5) strengthen fertilization management and focus on fertilization in the first 3 years after planting. Generally, fertilizer is applied roughly three times a year, the first time before February to March in spring, nitrogen fertilizer is mainly applied, urea or ammonium bicarbonate is applied 0.05kg / plant, and organic fertilizer or cake fertilizer is applied 2.5kg / plant where possible. The second time from July to August, nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers were mainly applied with smoked soil, calcium superphosphate and farm manure. Organic fertilizer could also be mixed with 0.5 kilograms of superphosphate 0.25 kilograms per plant, 5 kilograms per plant, plus 0.5 kilograms of compound fertilizer. The third time from November to December, the application of organic fertilizer, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can add 1.5-2.5 kg phosphate rock powder for every 50 kg stable fertilizer for one month, 10-15 kg per plant, and 0.05-0.15 kg of plant ash or potassium chloride. Available fertilizer can be poured or sprinkled in shallow trench after loosening the soil, and organic fertilizer and phosphate fertilizer can be applied in annular ditch deep in 15~20cm, and then covered with soil. Fertilizer is applied to the outer edge of the crown, the amount of fertilizer increases with the age of the tree, and should be watered when there is no rain after applying dry fertilizer. In addition, the fertilization scheme can be made according to the results of cinnamon nutrition diagnosis in order to obtain the best economic benefit. It is required to use pollution-free water sources and pay attention to the problem of chemical fertilizer residues. 6) popularizing the planting of mixed forest to establish cinnamon mixed forest, popularizing and applying the mixed model of cinnamon and star anise, cinnamon and tea, cinnamon and medicinal materials to protect the natural enemies in the forest and achieve the purpose of biological control of diseases and insect pests is an effective measure to realize pollution-free cinnamon production. 7) the comprehensive prevention and control of diseases and insect pests should be based on agricultural measures, artificial control, utilization of natural enemies and increasing tree resistance, and use non-toxic plant sources, mineral sources, biological pesticides and pesticide synergists as far as possible, so as to reduce the number of spraying, so that there is no need for pesticides containing heavy metals, highly toxic pesticides, high residue pesticides and all-lethal pesticides. 8) to strictly prevent pollution in the process of processing, packaging, storage and transportation, cinnamon products should firmly establish the awareness of environmental protection, actively adopt advanced environmental protection technologies at home and abroad, and adopt scientific and reasonable postharvest processing methods. Strict classification, cleaning, drying, packaging, storage and transportation should be carried out according to market demand, so as to prevent postpartum loss and pollution of cinnamon. 9) to improve the management mode of cinnamon products and vigorously carry out cinnamon green marketing, it is necessary to obtain cinnamon green certificate as soon as possible, trademark registration, product listing and sale, high quality and high price, so as to protect the legitimate interests of producers and consumers. Make our cinnamon production to a new level as soon as possible.