
The method of planting Aster

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The method of planting Aster

Aster is also known as Little braid Mountain Aster, donkey ear picking and so on. Aster is a plant of the family Compositae, which is a commonly used traditional Chinese medicine. The root and rhizome are used as medicine to disperse cold and moisten the lungs, reduce qi and resolve phlegm and so on. Mainly produced in Anguo City, Hebei Province and Anhui, there are cultivation. Aster is a perennial herb, 40-150 cm high, short rhizome, fascicled numerous fine roots, grayish brown outer skin. Stem straight; distally much branched. Basal leaves large, tufted, spatulate. Deciduous when flowering, cauline leaves smaller, lanceolate. The flower heads are arranged into a compound corymbose shape, with short hairs on the pedicels, tongue-shaped flowers on the edge, lavender and yellow bisexual flowers in the center. Achenes oblong-Obovate, flat, crown hairs grayish white or light brown. The flowering period is from August to September and the fruiting period is from September to October. First, the growth habit likes temperature and humid climate, and is afraid of drought, especially in the period of fastest leaf growth from June to July, such as water shortage, growth hindrance, affecting yield. Strong cold resistance. In the north, the roots spend the winter in the soil. The soil requirements are not strict, except for saline-alkali land and sandy land or planting. However, the yield of fertile sandy loam is high. Second, the propagation of Aster is propagated by root and stem. The suitable sowing date is early April, and the suitable density is 17000 holes / mu. 15-20 kg rhizome is needed per mu. 1. Select loam or sandy loam with flat topography, deep soil layer, loose and fertile soil, convenient drainage and irrigation, and turn over 30cm before winter to make the soil fully weathered. Combined with the application of rotten barnyard manure 10000-15000kg per mu, plus cake fertilizer 50kg, turn into the soil to make base Yueba. When planting, shallow ploughing again, leveling the rake into a high border with a width of 1-1.2m, and opening a deeper drainage ditch around. 2. Aster seed material treatment technique cut off the young part of the lower part and the upper part of the Reed head, take the middle part, and cut it into small segments of 5-7cm, with 2-3 dormant buds in each segment. Aster is planted in spring and autumn. Spring planting after thawing in spring, no more than the Spring Equinox at the latest, autumn planting before and after Frosts Descent, spring planting with cutting. The seed planted in autumn should be stored in winter, the specific method is as follows: the seed is slightly dried, stored in the cellar, the bottom of the cellar is covered with sand, and then planted with a layer of sand at the top, and the temperature in the cellar is not frozen to prevent heat, mildew and rot, and stored until the next spring. 3. According to the row spacing of 21-24cm, open the shallow trench of 6cm depth, plant spacing 12-15cm, each pier 2-3 small segments, put the seed material flat in the ditch, then cover the soil, push and compaction with hoe. Planting 40-45kg per mu. Third, field management 1, watering and drainage spring planting in case of drought, watering 1-2 times before emergence, if soil moisture is suitable for 10-15 days, seedlings can emerge. The autumn planting is watered once before freezing, and covered with a layer of soil fertilizer or horse manure to protect against cold and preserve moisture, safe to survive the winter. Aster likes to be moist and is afraid of drought. during the peak growth period from June to July, it needs more water. It should be watered in time during drought to keep the soil surface moist. When it is hot and dry in autumn, water it for 2-3 times. Pay attention to ditch drainage in the rainy season, do not accumulate water in the field, otherwise it is easy to cause rotten roots. 2. Weeding by intertillage is carried out 3-4 times a year. The first time after the seedling, the soil should be loosened shallowly to avoid root injury, the second time at the seedling height of 7-9cm, the third time before the plant closure, after the closure, if there are weeds pulled by hand. Topdressing is carried out 2-3 times a year, the first time is to apply human and animal manure 1500kg after seedling completion combined with middle tillage mu, the second time to apply human manure water 1500-2000kg at seedling height 10cm, and the third time to apply compost 500-1000kg plus cake fertilizer 50kg mixed compost before closing, and then open ditches next to the plant and cover the soil after application. Before and after the Beginning of Autumn, 10-15kg per mu of urea was applied and irrigated into the border with water. 3. The purplish red rhizome with axillary bud should be used as the propagation material to remove the flower moss. If it is propagated with the Reed head, it needs bolting and flowering, which needs to consume a lot of nutrients. In addition to leaving the seed, the method of cutting off the flower moss is used in production to facilitate the growth and development of the rhizome. Therefore, when bolting is found in August-September, the flower moss will be completely cut off on a sunny day.