
New Apple Seedling: are there any new early-maturing apple varieties that are better than the best ones at present?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, If you like eating apples, do you know any early-maturing apple varieties? Have you heard of the latest apple variety, MN55 Apple? MN55, a new American apple variety, is a high-quality early-maturing red apple, and there is no corresponding official commodity name at present. It's on the eighth of every year.

If you like eating apples, do you know any early-maturing apple varieties? Have you heard of the latest apple variety, MN55 Apple? MN55, a new American apple variety, is a high-quality early-maturing red apple, and there is no corresponding official commodity name at present.

It will be ready for listing in August every year. The breed is a cross between Honeycrisp and AA44 of the University of Arkansas with surprising results, and industry insiders believe its market position is expected to surpass that of Honey Crispy. MN55 Apple has pushed Apple's launch season a month earlier than usual, meeting the demand for high-quality, early-maturing fruit, which used to wait until after September. Not only that, MN55 is extremely storable and can be sold until winter. In the taste, MN55 has a crisp taste, and the ratio of sugar to acid is moderate, and the fruit is pleasant.

The success of MN55 is not a coincidence or accident, because David Bedford is also the founder of the honey crispy apple variety. The launch of Honey Crispy Apple has set an industry benchmark for the development of new Apple varieties, and the taste requirements of new varieties are more stringent than ever. However, honey crispy apples are very picky about the growing environment, and it is not easy to grow once the ambient temperature is too high, so David began to consider crossing honey crispy apples with other varieties to improve them, and finally successfully developed a new variety MN55. So far, Stemilt has conducted field trials on MN55 and developed new seedlings for planting next spring, and they plan to launch a small number of seedlings in 2017, followed by a gradual increase in production.