
A brief introduction to the propagation methods of Catharanthus roseus

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Catharanthus roseus is a sub-shrub, originally from the Mediterranean coast, India, tropical America, China now introduces many new varieties of Catharanthus roseus, flower friends will also plant Catharanthus roseus pot or planting trough to watch. Friends who like Catharanthus roseus often wonder how Catharanthus roseus reproduces.

Catharanthus roseus is a sub-shrub, originally from the Mediterranean coast, India, tropical America, China now introduces many new varieties of Catharanthus roseus, flower friends will also plant Catharanthus roseus pot or planting trough to watch. Friends who like Catharanthus roseus often wonder how Catharanthus roseus is propagated. The editor will briefly introduce to you the common breeding methods of Catharanthus roseus.

Catharanthus roseus

First, sowing and reproduction

Spring sowing in April. Catharanthus roseus has 750 seeds per gram, and the optimum temperature for germination is 18-24 ℃. The mixed soil of rotten leaf soil, culture soil and fine sand was disinfected by sowing Pansheng, and germinated 14-21 days after sowing. After emergence, at noon when the light is strong and the temperature is high, shade should be added for 2-3 hours. When the seedling is 5 cm tall and has 3 pairs of true leaves, it can be potted.

2. Cutting propagation

Cut the shoots in spring or early summer, 8 cm in length, cut off the lower leaves, leave the top 2-3 pairs of leaves, insert them into the sand bed or rotten leaf soil, keep the soil slightly moist, room temperature 20-24 ℃, and rooting 15-20 days after insertion.

3. Tissue culture and propagation

The stem tip was used as explant. The sterilized shoot tips were cut into several segments, each segment 0.4cm to 0.6cm, and were inoculated in MS medium supplemented with 6-benzylaminoadenine 5mg/L and naphthylacetic acid 0.2mg/L. After one month of culture, adventitious buds grew. Then transferred to 1/2MS medium to add kinetin 0.2 mg/L and indole acetic acid 2mg/L, white roots began to grow half a month later, and became complete plants.

The Propagation method of Catharanthus roseus

Catharanthus roseus blossoms all the year round, so it has the good name of "day and spring". Today we will talk about the breeding methods and words of Catharanthus roseus.

Propagation methods of Catharanthus roseus:

1. Cuttage propagation

The cutting time of Catharanthus roseus is usually in spring, so try to cut a relatively tender branch as a cutting. it can be a tender strip on a new branch or a new one on an old branch, as long as it is always tender. 8 cm long, with some leaves, cut off the lower leaves, leaving 2-3 pairs of leaves at the top. Then insert the bottom of the branch into the wet sand or rotten leaf soil, and try to control the temperature between 20 and 25 degrees during cutting. after watering, you can cover the basin soil and cuttings with a film to moisturize, and put the basin soil in a cool and ventilated place to wait for rooting. Keep the soil slightly moist, room temperature 20: 24 ℃, pay attention to shade and maintain humidity, take root 15-20 days after planting, when the seedling height is 10 cm, top to promote growth, then put on the three-inch pot, gradually turn to the seven-inch basin.

2. Water insertion propagation

The selection of water cuttings of Catharanthus roseus is similar to that of ordinary cuttings, but it is carried out in summer. Insert the truncated branch directly into the water, but always change the water for the cuttings, preferably every two days, to ensure the nutrient content and cleanliness in the water. When necessary, you can also add a few drops of nutrient solution to promote the rooting of water cuttings. Generally speaking, it takes about 20 days to take root.

3. Sowing and reproduction

Catharanthus roseus is often sown and propagated, and it is generally sown around April in early spring. Catharanthus roseus has 750 seeds per gram, and the optimum temperature for germination is 18-24 ℃. The mixed soil of rotten leaf soil, culture soil and fine sand was disinfected by sowing Pansheng, and germinated 14-21 days after sowing. After emergence, shade should be added for 2-3 hours at noon when the light is strong and the temperature is high. When the seedling is 5 cm tall, it can be potted when it has 3 pairs of true leaves, and when it has 6-8 pairs of true leaves, it can be planted. In May, the flower beds are watered every 3-5 days, and the flowers will be leafy if they are properly topdressing with phosphorus and potassium fertilizer.

4. Tissue culture propagation

Using the stem tip as explant, the sterilized stem tip was cut into several segments, each segment 0.4-0.6cm, and inoculated in MS medium supplemented with 5 mg / L 6-benzylaminoadenine and 0.2mg / L naphthoacetic acid. Adventitious buds were produced after one month of culture. Then transferred to 1/2MS medium supplemented with kinetin 0.2mg / L and indole acetic acid 2mg / L, white roots began to grow after half a month and became complete plants.

The flower words of Catharanthus roseus:

The flower words of Catharanthus roseus: happy memories, everlasting youth, faithfulness

Catharanthus roseus, also known as calendula, 04:00 spring, Rixin, Yantouhong, 30,000 flowers, every spring, spring flowers, four seasons plum, five-petal plum, Yanlai red, blooming every day, etc., belong to trailing flowers, winding or climbing on trees and stones, once they begin to grow, they multiply quickly, and the whole courtyard is. It is easy to transplant. It is a plant that can take root everywhere and is quite adaptable. Therefore, its flower language is "adaptation", and the people who are blessed by this kind of flowers are not afraid of adversity and have the heart to cope with any adverse environment and situation. In the face of lovelorn once or twice, it is not a setback.

Is Catharanthus roseus poisonous? the Culture method of Catharanthus roseus

Catharanthus roseus has its unique aroma, this flavor is not very rich, but you will not forget after you ask, so Catharanthus roseus is poisonous? Next, let's talk about the breeding methods of Catharanthus roseus.

Brief introduction of Catharanthus roseus

Catharanthus roseus, scientific name: Catharanthus roseus (L.) G.Don, alias calendula, 04:00 spring, Rixin, Yantouhong, thirty thousand flowers. Many varieties have been bred in Taiwan, and the greater the trend of flower breeding. In terms of the use of Chinese herbal medicine, the whole herb can relieve pain, anti-inflammation, sleep, laxation and diuresis. There are also doctors who are compatible with the compound prescription for the treatment of cancer, as a blindly in the medicine, it may take into account its anti-tumor ingredients. The toxicity of the whole plant needs to be considered. After accidental ingestion, it will cause leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, muscle weakness, limb paralysis and other symptoms. The alkaloids in its milk, such as vincristine and vincristine (vincristine), are extracted as chemotherapy drugs for a variety of cancers such as leukemia and Hodgkin's disease.

Catharanthus roseus is an annual evergreen herb, tufted, slender stems, prostrate or procumbent, up to more than 1 meter long, leaves opposite, oval or ovate, apex acute, green, glossy, leaf margin and veins with golden yellow and gray-green markings, generally flowering from April to May, flowers solitary veins, blue, Corolla butterfly. The flowering period is very long, and it blossoms non-stop from spring to autumn, so it has the good name of "day and spring".

Is Catharanthus roseus poisonous?

Catharanthus roseus is a plant of oleander family. Like oleander, its juice is poisonous, among which flowers are the most toxic. But in general, it will only be poisoned when the wound touches the sap or eats the sap by mistake. Slightly touching the flowers and leaves of Catharanthus roseus will not cause harm to the human body, as long as we usually pay attention to it, do not break the branches and leaves casually. If you accidentally eat Catharanthus roseus, it will cause leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, muscle weakness, limb paralysis and other symptoms. Therefore, it is recommended not to grow Catharanthus roseus indoors, which is neither safe nor good.

The culture methods of Catharanthus roseus:

1. Sunshine: Catharanthus roseus is a light-loving plant. During the growing period, there must be sufficient sunshine, green leaves and bright colors. If you grow in the shade for a long time, the leaves will turn yellow and fall.

2. Soil: the soil should be fertile and well drained, resistant to barren soil, but must not be alkaline. Clayey soil with hardening and poor ventilation results in poor growth of plants, yellowing leaves and no flowering.

3. Temperature: like warm, slightly dry and sunny environment. The suitable temperature for growth is 18: 24 ℃ from March to July, 13: 18 ℃ from September to March of the following year, and the winter temperature is not lower than 10 ℃.

4. Fertilization: compound fertilizer and liquid fertilizer can be applied alternately every ten days. The bottom of the Catharanthus roseus pot soil should also be covered with a layer of base fertilizer as far as possible to ensure the nutrient content of the pot soil.

5, watering: Catharanthus roseus avoid dampness and fear of waterlogging, basin soil watering should not be too much, too wet affects growth and development. In particular, indoor winter plants should be strictly controlled watering, it is better to dry, otherwise it is easy to freeze. Open field cultivation, midsummer showers, pay attention to timely drainage, so as not to cause the whole area to die by waterlogging.

6. Insect pests: Catharanthus roseus plants are poisonous, so they are more resistant to diseases and insect pests. The main diseases in seedling stage are: seedling quenching disease, Botrytis cinerea and so on. In addition, it is necessary to prevent the occurrence of fertilizer damage and drug damage in seedling stage. If it happens, it should be watered with clean water immediately to strengthen ventilation and reduce the harm.

7. Disease: the stem and leaf rot of Catharanthus roseus mainly occurs in the rainy season, and its pathogen is Phytophthora. When the disease is serious, it leads to a large number of deaths, which seriously affects mass production. Chemical control methods: before the rain with 65% good life 600 million 800 times or 1% equivalent Bordeaux solution protection. If the disease is timely sprayed with 72% Kloe 600kg 800 times or 25% Pulex 600kg 800 times, the control effect is better once a week.

8. Pruning: Catharanthus roseus is a herbaceous plant, which is more suitable for potted plants, but it should be careful not to let the plant grow too high, affecting indoor decoration and ornamental, so after surviving in the pot, it is necessary to pick the heart several times to promote multiple branches and blossoms, and the residual flowers must be cut after flowering.