
Cutting methods and matters needing attention of Prunus mume

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Phyllostachys pubescens, also known as Phyllostachys pubescens, Camellia oleifera and so on, is a kind of herbaceous foliage plant with little investment, but the ground is covered with greening quickly and well. now it is often planted indoors by flower friends. When your bamboo plum grows to a certain extent, you will often want to cut it.

Phyllostachys pubescens, also known as Phyllostachys pubescens, Camellia oleifera and so on, is a kind of herbaceous foliage plant with little investment, but the ground is covered with greening quickly and well. now it is often planted indoors by flower friends. When your hanging bamboo plum grows to a certain extent, you will often want to cut it and breed a new pot of hanging bamboo plum yourself. The editor will ask you to introduce the cutting method of hanging bamboo plum, and friends who like it can understand it together.

Hanging bamboo plum

The cutting substrate of Prunus mume is used for cutting nutritious soil or river sand, peat soil and other materials. The branches used for cutting are called cuttings. Cut the stem into 6 cm long segments, each with more than three leaf nodes, or use the top tip as cuttings. The culture soil should be mixed with 40% rotten leaf soil, 40% garden soil and 20% river sand, keep the basin soil moist during the growth period, and apply dilute liquid fertilizer or compound chemical fertilizer once in about 15-20 days. It should be cultivated indoors near the south window in spring and autumn, and in a well-ventilated place with bright scattered light in summer. Such as long-term lack of light, stems and leaves are easy to grow, internodes become longer, flowering less or no flowering. Higher air humidity is required. If the air is dry, the leaves are often easy to dry and the leaf tips are scorched. Therefore, the growing season should pay attention to often spray water on the stems and leaves, in order to maintain air humidity. In order to keep its branches and leaves plump, when the stem grows to about 25 cm, heart-picking should be carried out to promote branches, otherwise the branches will grow slender and affect the ornamental effect.

The leaves of hanging bamboo plum have two silver-green flash stripes, sandwiched with the green part in the center. Leaves with irregular pink, green, milky white and silver stripes, the most beautiful, but also the most difficult to plant. In order to plant bamboo plum well, the problems that need to be paid attention to are: light, temperature, watering, fertilization and reproduction.

How to raise Diaozhumei Culture methods and matters needing attention

Diaozhu plum propagates quickly and is often used for cultivation and ornamental. There are also a lot of hanging bamboo plum in the garden, campus, residential and other wet places have grown into a wild, semi-wild state, let's take a look at the breeding methods and points for attention!

How to raise Diaozhu Mei

1. Soil requirements

Hanging bamboo plum has no special requirements for the soil, it is basically the kind that can live as soon as it is inserted.

2. Moisture requirements

Diaozhu plum likes to be wet, watering once a day during the growing period, keeping the soil moist, spraying water to the leaves and reducing the amount of water in winter.

3. Fertilization requirements

During the growing period, liquid fertilizer can be applied once a month.

4. Temperature requirement

The suitable temperature for the growth of Prunus mume is 10-25 ℃, and the overwintering temperature should not be lower than 10 ℃. It likes semi-overcast and avoids the hot sun. But in the shade for a long time, often lead to long stems and leaves, leaf color lighter.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of Prunus mume

I. the culture method of hanging bamboo plum

1. Soil: the requirement of Diaozhumei on soil is not high, but it grows better in fertile and loose soil, so it is suitable to choose rotten leaf soil, 40% garden soil and 20% river sand.

2. Sunshine: Diaozhumei is afraid of strong light, so it needs to be maintained in a semi-shaded place, or give it 70% shade, and keep it indoors in a place with bright light as far as possible.

3. Temperature: the optimum growth temperature of Phyllostachys pubescens is 18: 30 ℃, avoid cold frost, the overwintering temperature is more than 10 ℃, the air temperature is below 4 ℃, and will die of frostbite when the temperature is close to 0 ℃.

4. Fertilization: Dianzhu plum requires more fertilizer and water, but it is most afraid of random fertilization, concentrated fertilizer and partial application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potash fertilizer. It is required to follow the principle of "frequent application of light fertilizer, less amount and more times, and complete nutrition".

5. Pruning: if the plant has been cultivated for too long, the basal leaves often fall off, which affects the ornamental. At this time, the overlong branches and leaves should be cut off to promote the new buds at the base of the stem to sprout and grow new branches and leaves.

II. Points for attention of Diaozhumei

1. Hanging bamboo plum should be cultured indoors near the south window in spring and autumn, such as lack of long-term light, easy growth of stems and leaves, longer internodes, little or no flowering.

2. Hanging bamboo plum requires high air humidity. If the air is dry, the leaves are often dry and the leaf tips are scorched, so attention should be paid to spraying water on the stems and leaves in the growing season to maintain air humidity.

3. In order to keep the branches and leaves plump, when the stem grows to about 20cm to 30cm, it should be heart-picked to promote the branches, otherwise the branches will grow slender and affect the ornamental effect.

4. Phyllostachys pubescens can survive the winter safely when the room temperature is more than 5 ℃. During the overwintering period, the plant is dormant and needs less water. If it is watered too much, it is easy to cause rotten roots and yellow leaves.

5. When raising bamboo plums, we should pay attention to regular light to prevent the stems and leaves from growing, do not shine directly in the hot sun in summer, and do not pour water before pruning the new stems.

What are the advantages of raising bamboo and plum at home?

1. The ornamental value of Diaozhumei

The leaves of Diaozhu plum are luxuriant and semi-fleshy, with purple florets at maturity. Hanging bamboos and plum stems will hang down, and the branches and leaves dance gently with the wind, lush and green, making the whole family seem full of vitality, very ornamental value, and make the whole family feel warm and comfortable.

2. Fresh air

At the same time, green plants already have the function of absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, which can also clean the air, which is very suitable for home breeding. The leaves of Diaozhu plum are complete, round and lush, which can be used as furniture decoration.

3. The medicinal value of Prunus angustifolia.

Diaozhumei has the functions of cooling blood and relieving pain, clearing heat and detoxification, diuresis, and has good pharmacological effects. Diaozhumei medicine can treat the main body without swelling; adverse urination; gonorrhea; dysentery; subbelt; hemoptysis; eye swelling and pain; sore throat; sore carbuncle; burn and scald; the effect of venomous snake bite, which can be used for the treatment of acute conjunctivitis, sore throat and so on.

What are the common varieties of hanging bamboo plum?

1. Four-color hanging bamboo plum

The leaf surface is dark green, with red, pink and white stripes, purple on the back.

2. Different color hanging bamboo plum

The leaves are green with two distinct silver stripes.

3. Small hanging bamboo plum

The leaves are small and the plants are smaller than the original species.

4. Purple hanging bamboo plum

The leaf shape and flower shape are basically the same as those of bamboo plum. The plant shape of purple hanging bamboo plum is slightly larger than that of four-color bamboo plum, and the leaf base is hairy. The leaves are dark green and red wine, with no white stripes.

The growth of Diaozhumei is very strong, the requirement of the environment is not high, and the reproduction is very fast. So raising a pot at home as an ornamental can be considered, but it likes to grow in a humid environment, so watering has become an aspect that needs to be paid more attention to in daily maintenance.

[hanging bamboo plum culture] Culture methods and matters needing attention of hanging bamboo plum

Hanging bamboo plum is a perennial foliage herb, when the light is sufficient, the leaves will show purplish green, if the leaves are preserved in the whole overcast environment, they will be relatively green, so hanging bamboo plum is farmed by many flower friends. the following arrangement is the breeding methods and matters needing attention, hoping to be helpful for the first contact with hanging bamboo plum.

Culture method of hanging bamboo plum 1. Culture of hanging bamboo plum: fertile soil

Dendrocalamus angustifolia has strong adaptability and low requirements for soil, but it grows better in fertile and loose soil.

2. Culture of hanging bamboo plum: sufficient light

Diaozhumei has a high demand for light, neither direct sunlight nor too dark light. Use bright care to promote the growth of its stems and leaves.

3. Culture of hanging bamboo plum: watering the right amount

Hanging bamboo plum is suitable for maintenance in a cool place, can not be exposed to the sun in summer, to appropriate shade, usually pay attention to moisturizing, give more water. Diaozhumei is more diligent in watering during the growing period than in the dormant period. even so, it is necessary to keep it dry as a whole.

4. Culture of hanging bamboo plum: temperature and humidity control

Phyllostachys pubescens can endure low temperature of 8 ℃, not cold-resistant, afraid of heat, normal growth above 14 ℃, high air humidity, dry, pointed and scorched edges of leaves in dry air, not resistant to drought and moisture, and lax requirements for soil acidity and alkalinity.

5. Culture of hanging bamboo plum: proper fertilization

In the non-growing period, Diaozhumei's demand for fertilizer is not high, it can be fertilized once a month. For growing plants, nitrogen fertilizer or nitrogen-based compound fertilizer should be applied every half a month.

6. Culture of hanging bamboo plum: pruning

The basal leaves of the plants which have been cultivated for too long often fall off, affecting the ornamental. At this time, the overlong branches and leaves should be cut off to promote the new buds at the base of the stem to sprout and grow new branches and leaves.

Matters needing attention in culturing Prunus mume

1. The culture soil should be mixed with 40% rotten leaf soil, 40% garden soil and 20% river sand, keep the basin soil moist during the growth period, and apply dilute liquid fertilizer or compound chemical fertilizer once in about 15-20 days.

2. In spring and autumn, it should be cultivated indoors near the south window, and in summer, it should be placed in a place with good ventilation and bright scattered light. Such as long-term lack of light, stems and leaves are easy to grow, internodes become longer, flowering less or no flowering.

3. Hanging bamboo plum requires high air humidity. If the air is dry, the leaves are often easy to dry and the leaf tips are scorched. Therefore, the growing season should pay attention to often spray water on the stems and leaves, in order to maintain air humidity.

4. in order to keep its branches and leaves plump, when the stem grows to about 20cm to 30cm, it should be coring to promote the branches, otherwise the branches will grow slender and affect the ornamental effect.

5. It can survive the winter safely if the room temperature is kept above 5 ℃ in winter. During the overwintering period, the plant is in a dormant state and requires less water, if the watering is too much and the basin soil is moist for a long time, it is easy to cause rotten roots and yellow leaves. In winter, it should be placed on the south-facing windowsill to make it see more sunshine.