
The Phalaenopsis bought can grow stems and strong flowers in this way.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Phalaenopsis is a very beautiful plant, if well maintained, you can see only lifelike butterflies falling on the branches when they bloom. People who see this kind of flower for the first time will be shocked. Although Phalaenopsis is very long.

Phalaenopsis is a very beautiful plant, if well maintained, flowering time can only see a lifelike butterfly falling on the branches. Anyone who sees this flower for the first time will be shocked.

Although Phalaenopsis grows very beautiful, but it is not simple to cultivate, Phalaenopsis culture without a certain basis for flower cultivation and to understand its growth habits can not be raised well. Although many flower friends have raised Phalaenopsis, they cannot let it bloom beautiful flowers. Some flower friends will raise Phalaenopsis well at the beginning, but they will still encounter yellow leaves or rotten roots. So how does the butterfly orchid need to be raised? In other words, how to buy back Phalaenopsis will not die and how to raise Phalaenopsis flowering it? Today, Flower Valley will introduce you to the family cultivation of Phalaenopsis.

Phalaenopsis breeding method

Phalaenopsis want to grow well, breeding environment is very important, breeding environment has several aspects, respectively, light, humidity, temperature, watering and fertilization, in addition, we also need appropriate pruning and regular pot change soil. Let's study it in detail below.

1. Light

Phalaenopsis like to grow in a semi-shady environment, before and after flowering we must ensure adequate scattered light. Do not keep them in the sun, or they will not bloom, yellow leaves or other bad growth problems due to too much light.

2. Humidity

The growth of Phalaenopsis requires a relatively high humidity in the air. If the humidity of the air is below 60%, it will lead to yellow leaves, thin plants and difficult flowering, so it is best to maintain the humidity of the air at about 60%~80%. Therefore, when the air is dry, we need to act up and humidify the air spray, otherwise we will face the risk of death.

3. Temperature

The optimum growth temperature range of Phalaenopsis is 16℃~30℃. In winter, the temperature should not be lower than 13℃, otherwise it will lead to freezing damage. In summer, it should be kept in a cool place, and the temperature should not be higher than 32℃. It can be seen that the cultivation of Phalaenopsis is very demanding for temperature! Of course, it wasn't just about the temperature.

4. Watering

Spring and summer are the peak seasons for Phalaenopsis growth, so we need proper watering. Autumn and winter season need to reduce watering appropriately, winter low temperature when the need to extend the watering time. As for when to water Phalaenopsis, we need to carefully observe the pot soil, in order not to occur in the case of dry need timely supplementary watering. Do not allow the soil to dry out.

5. Fertilization

Phalaenopsis growth season we need regular topdressing, generally every half month to fertilize once, we can also according to the principle of thin fertilizer application before flowering nutrient supplement, you can add some fertilizer when watering every week. It is advisable to add phosphate fertilizer two or three times before flowering.

6, pruning

Phalaenopsis flowering is generally around the Spring Festival, the entire time course is estimated at about 3 months. After the flowers wither, we need to cut off the flowers and flower stems that have already bloomed. It is recommended that we cut off the fifth node from the soil, so that they will bloom for the second time within a year. If our Phalaenopsis wants to bloom better next year, we cut it directly from the base, allowing it to retain more nutrients to promote the growth of the plant, which will grow more beautiful flowers next year.

7. Change the basin

With the growth of Phalaenopsis, most of the nutrients in the pot soil will be consumed in a certain period of time. At this time, we need to change the soil regularly, and change some more fertile soil, which can effectively meet its growth and flowering. Change basin change soil proposal everybody is in 4~5 months undertake. If the plant grows larger, we need to replace it with a larger pot to meet its expansion needs.

Phalaenopsis breeding precautions

Phalaenopsis cultivation needs to pay attention to a variety of conditions, watering can not be delayed can not be more, a thorough irrigation, can not be irregular. Fertilization can not be more or less, according to the thin fertilizer application is the most stable!

Flowers need to be pruned in time after they bloom to avoid excessive nutrient consumption leading to thin plants. Yellow leaves and rotten roots need timely treatment and prevention.

The above is the flower valley for you to introduce how to raise Phalaenopsis will not die and promote the flowering of Phalaenopsis some breeding skills, if you also like Phalaenopsis, pay attention to the flower valley bar, we provide you with updated and better flower cultivation experience and skills every day.