
How to cultivate dandelion

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, How to cultivate dandelion

Soil preparation and fertilization

Choose loose, fertile, moist, well-drained sandy soil for planting. Turn 20-25 cm deep, level off and rake fine, making a border 10-20 cm long, 1.2-1.5 m wide and 15 cm high, or planting a small ridge 45 cm wide. Apply 4000-4500 kg of organic fertilizer and 15 kg of superphosphate per mu and spread them evenly into the border.

Sowing seeds

In the seed treatment, the seeds were soaked in 50 ℃ water and germinated under 25 ℃. Seeds have no dormant period and can be sown in the open field at any time from spring to autumn and in the greenhouse in winter.

The two methods of strip sowing or sowing are used to sow seeds on the border or ridge. Strip sowing: open a shallow horizontal trench on the border surface according to the row spacing of 25-30 cm, sow about 10 cm, cover 1 cm of soil after sowing, and then slightly suppress. The sowing rate is 50 grams per mu. Sowing: sowing on the flat bed, about 1000 grams per mu of seed, cover grass after sowing to keep warm and moisturize, remove the cover grass when emergence, about 7-10 days to emergence.

Greenhouse sowing in late November to early December, seedling transplanting. If cultivated in greenhouse or small and medium-sized arch shed, agricultural film can be buckled between February and March in the second year, and new buds can be harvested in late March, when the market price is higher and income can be increased.

Field management

During the growing period of dandelion, ploughing and weeding should be carried out frequently, and then once every 10 days or so until the ridge is closed. After closing ridges, the grass can be pulled manually, and the distance between seedlings and fixed seedlings is 3-5 cm and 8-10 cm respectively. The distance between sowing plants in the greenhouse is 6 cm.

Fertilizer and water management

Keeping the soil moist and soil fertility is the key to the growth of dandelion. After each seedling and harvest, one time of available nitrogen fertilizer was applied combined with watering. Do not water within 3-4 days after harvest to prevent rotting roots. Fertilizer should be applied 1-2 times during the growth period, each time 10-14 kg of urea and 5-6 kg of potassium dihydrogen phosphate per mu. Water regularly to keep the soil moist. Autumn sowers should pour frozen water and fertilize winter fertilizer before entering winter. 2500 kg of organic fertilizer and 20 kg of superphosphate were applied on each mu of border. After turning green during the Spring Festival, 10-15 kg of urea and 8 kg of superphosphate can be applied in combination with watering.


Once harvested or not harvested in the first year, the outer leaves can be picked in batches at the seedling stage or the leaves other than the heart leaves can be eaten with a knife. Since the second year, it will be cut every 15-20 days. When the length of the leaf base reaches 10-15 cm, the whole plant can be cut at one time, tied up and listed on the market. It can be harvested 2-4 times a year, that is, 1-2 times in spring and 1-2 times in autumn.