
Pest and rodent control of Fritillaria thunbergii

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Pest and rodent control of Fritillaria thunbergii

I. Diseases

The disease of Fritillaria thunbergii has a great influence on its yield, the light one affects the yield of the same year, and the serious one lacks seedlings, breaks strips, or even destroys the whole garden, resulting in no harvest.

1. Rust harmed the stems and leaves of Fritillaria and began to occur in May. Yellow round disease spots first appeared on the back of the leaves and the lower part of the stem, then gradually expanded, and the yellow powder fluttered with the wind and fell on other Fritillaria plants to infect the disease, which spread very rapidly, resulting in early seedling inversion and affecting the yield.

Control methods: a, after Lesser Fullness of Grain in spring, clean up Fritillaria plants and weeds; B, apply "capping dung" and inorganic chemical fertilizer (phosphorus and potassium fertilizer) every year; C, chemical control: spraying 150x Bordeaux solution after spring seedlings spreading leaves, or spraying carbendazim and topzine once every 10 days, the occurrence of rust can be completely controlled.

2. Sclerotinia disease

Serious harm to the bulb, not timely control will lead to the end of harvest. The bulbs infected by the disease first formed black spots, gradually developed to the whole bulb and all turned black, and the underground part withered and died. Sclerotinia sclerotiorum developed rapidly, with an area of 1 square meter this year and 2 square meters the next year. All the big and small Fritillaria in the disease area died.

Control methods: a, sexual reproduction is adopted to avoid planting with soil and bacteria, and rotation is carried out once; B, when planting, each 100kg seed is disinfected with carbendazim 1kg; C, soil disinfection is carried out during mid-ploughing in spring and autumn every year, 10g copper sulfate is sprinkled per square meter, and then mid-ploughing is used to fully mix the pesticide with soil; the above two pesticides are used alternately in spring and autumn. ④ found that the diseased plants were eradicated together with the surrounding soil, and the diseased holes were disinfected with quicklime.

Through the prevention and control of rust and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, the gray mold and yellow rot of Fritillaria can be cured without treatment.

II. Insect and rodent damage

1. Golden needle worms (ginger worms) and grubs are underground pests that bite the bulbs of Fritillaria. Prevention and treatment: the trichlorfon can be perfused with 800 times liquid.

2. The ground tiger (intercepted worm) bites Fritillaria seedlings at night. Generally, one ground tiger can harm 310 plants in one night. Control: sprinkle trichlorfon powder 2kg every 667m2, or spray it with 800x liquid.

3. Mole cricket bites the bulb of Fritillaria and truncates the seedling. Prevention and cure: steam the corn pond and make poison ear trap according to the proportion of 50g trichlorfon per 5kg. It can also be perfused with 700x liquid trichlorfon.

4. The zokor (blind mouse) eats a lot and eats Fritillaria bulbs, and it has the habit of storing Fritillaria bulbs in autumn. Every morning, evening and rainy days, afraid of light, wind, sensitive hearing, if the tunnel is ventilated, it will block the hole.

Prevention and control methods: a, make use of its habit of blocking holes, artificial capture; B, put rat poison in green onion white, and then put green onion in the hole to trap and kill, the effect is very good.

5. The mole is an insectivorous animal, but it has a series of holes in the Fritillaria bed, which makes the Fritillaria seedlings die of a cold. Can be caught manually or trenched and intercepted when digging holes in the morning, evening and cloudy days every day.