
Cultivation techniques for high yield of sesame

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Cultivation techniques for high yield of sesame

I. Land preparation

The sesame seed is small, the root system is weak, and the seedling grows slowly. Fine soil preparation is one of the important measures to sow the whole seedling and strengthen the seedling. Sesame is afraid of waterlogging, so in low-lying and rainy areas, on the basis of ploughing and land preparation, ditches should be made to do a good job of drainage and waterlogging prevention. The urban area of Tianjin has little rain and snow in spring, sowing sesame seeds in spring, ploughing and raking in winter to preserve soil moisture, and raking the ground at the top in early spring. After the previous crop harvest, the summer sowing land should be ploughed in time to destroy stubble, fine soil preparation, then the soil is fine and loose, the surface is flat, the mouth moisture is good, in order to facilitate sowing the whole seedling.

II. Fertilization

Sesame is a crop that needs more fertilizer. For every 100 kg of seeds, 9 kg of nitrogen, 2 kg of phosphoric acid and 9 kg of potassium oxide are needed. Adequate application of basic fertilizer, good seed fertilizer, topdressing by stages and timely application of potassium fertilizer are effective measures to increase the yield of sesame. Organic fertilizer should be the main base fertilizer. The distribution of sesame root layer is shallow, and the effect of shallow application of base fertilizer is good. According to the experiment, the yield of 1500 kg per mu and 15-18 cm in shallow application was 11.7% higher than that in 24 cm. The amount of seed fertilizer is small and the effect is high, which can meet the nutrient needs of seedling stage. The application of seed fertilizer can be mixed with seeds, or it can be removed from sowing ditches or holes, and then sown. The sowing rate should not be too much. General mu application 5MUE 8kg cake fertilizer, or sulfuric acid plating 3MUE 4kg or soil fertilizer 300MUR 400kg. Sesame should be fertilized by stages at seedling stage, bud stage and full flowering stage, and the effect of increasing yield is obvious. Topdressing before flowering can fully meet the nutrient needs in the period of vigorous vegetative growth and reproductive growth. Spraying phosphorus and potassium fertilizer during flowering can increase capsule, grain weight and oil content. Generally, 0.4% solution of potassium dihydrogen phosphate is sprayed in the afternoon of sunny weather. Spray 5 Mel every 6 days, spray 2 MUR 3 times in a row, 50 MUR 60 kg each time. Spray again in case of rain after spraying.

Third, sowing seeds

Sowing is an important part of sesame production. "Sesame seeds are delicate, and if you destroy them, you will not accept them." Only by planting enough, planting well, and realizing the whole seedling sowing, can stable and high yield be achieved. The Beginning of Summer Sesame, Lesser Fullness of Grain Valley. Spring sowing sesame seeds should be sown in early May. The sowing methods of sesame include strip sowing, sowing and on-demand sowing, and strip sowing is better. The sowing seeds are uniform, the depth is the same, and the seedling emergence is neat, which is convenient for uniform seedling close planting and field management, but it is necessary to prevent excessive sowing rate and seedling emergence crowding. It is appropriate to sow about 0.5 kg per mu. Ganoderma lucidum should be sown shallowly, and the sowing depth should be about 3 centimeters. When the soil moisture is insufficient, it can be sowed deeper or deeper to cover the soil. It should be suppressed in time after sowing, so that the seeds are closely connected with the soil, which is beneficial for the seeds to absorb water and germinate.

IV. Reasonable close planting

Reasonable close planting of sesame, increasing the number of pillars per unit area, expanding leaf area, making full use of light energy and soil fertility, coordinating the contradiction between body and population growth, and making it produce more organic matter is an effective measure to increase yield and oil content. The determination of density should be comprehensively considered according to the characteristics of varieties, cultivation conditions, planting methods and so on. In general, single-stem varieties have tall plants, tolerance to fertilizer and water, and late maturity, which should be denser than branching types; varieties that are resistant to barren and adapt to a wide range of plants, short plants and early maturity should be denser; spring sowing should be thinner than summer sowing sesame. The reasonable density of sesame planting is 6000 / mu for branched varieties and 8000-10000 for single-culm varieties.

V. Field management

Sesame seeds are small, and the number of emergence is more than ten times higher than that of remaining seedlings. due to the slow growth of seedlings, sesame seeds are vulnerable to seedling famine and grass famine at seedling stage. Therefore, to strengthen the management of seedling stage and ensure the whole seedling and strong seedling is the key to increase production. If the soil hardens in the rain after sowing, the soil shell must be broken in time to facilitate the emergence of seedlings. After emergence, shallow hoe should be used to kill grass and seedlings in time to prevent wasted seedlings. When the seedlings grow 2 true leaves, the seedlings are interspersed, and when 4 true leaves appear, the seedlings can be fixed. When the disease and insect are serious, the seedling setting can be postponed appropriately, and the seedling can be kept according to the plan, and the weak seedling, strong seedling and even seedling can be kept evenly. Sesame seeds should generally be ploughed three or four times before flowering. The seedlings should be ploughed for the first time when they grow the first pair of true leaves, which should be shallow rather than deep, mainly to weed and preserve soil moisture to prevent excessive root damage. The second intertillage was carried out when the sesame grew 2 Murray and 3 pairs of true leaves, with a depth of 5 murine 6 cm. The third ploughing should be carried out in 5 pairs of true leaves, and the depth can be deepened to 8-10 cm. When the sesame begins to blossom, the fourth mid-tillage combined with soil cultivation is beneficial to soil moisture conservation, toppling prevention, drainage and waterlogging prevention. Although sesame has a certain ability of drought resistance, it should be watered if the soil is dry at seedling stage and flowering stage. Sesame is most afraid of water stains after flowering, if the soil moisture is too much, it will make a large number of buds fall off, and in serious cases, rotten roots will die. Therefore, before the rainy season comes, we should do a good job of field drainage to ensure that the rain stops and does not suffer from waterlogging. The florescence of sesame is long, the sprouting fruit in the lower part is nearly ripe, the upper part is still blooming and fruiting one after another, and the ripening is very inconsistent. In order to make sesame ripening more consistent, so that nutrients are concentrated to supply the fruiting capsule, so as to achieve full seeds, early maturity and yield increase, timely measures should be taken to hit the top. The time of peeling the top should be carried out before the growth of the single-culm type varieties stopped and when the tip of the stem just came to the tip. Pick early, affect the number of flowering and knot capsules, play late, can not play the role of heart picking. The coring of branched varieties can be divided into two times. For the first time, the centroid of the main stem was knocked off in advance to ensure the growth of branches. Before the growth of the second branch stops, when the tip is pointed, remove the tip of the branch. Picking the heart should be carried out on a sunny day, take off the small top, about 3 centimeters is appropriate. In addition, attention should be paid to the control of underground pests at seedling stage and to pests such as aphids and sesame moths in the middle stage of growth.

VI. Seed retention and harvest of sesame

The main results are as follows: 1. Seed retention is mainly carried out in the field. The seed selection criteria are strong and disease-free plants, consistent characters, neat maturity, low capsule position, tight growth of capsule, strong disease resistance and other high-yield characters. After plant selection, cut and play singles, and remove the upper and lower capsules. The branched variety kept the capsule on the main stem, then soldered and played singly, and used the seeds under the first time as seed.

2. The ripening of the harvested sesame gourd fruit is very inconsistent, and the immature capsule can play a good role in post-ripening on the plant. If it is not harvested until the whole plant is ripe, the lower capsule has already been cracked, the seeds are lost, and the high yield cannot be harvested. In general, when the basic leaves of sesame are withered and yellow, the upper capsule turns yellow, and the seeds in the middle and lower sprouts show the inherent color of the variety, it is a suitable harvest time. Early harvest, not only the yield is low, and the oil content is not high. Sesame is about early September, and summer sesame is about mid-late September. We should seize time to harvest in time. Strive to finish it in a short time and harvest it in the morning.