
What are the planting techniques of Ophiopogon japonicus

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What are the planting techniques of Ophiopogon japonicus

What are the planting techniques of Ophiopogon japonicus? Ophiopogon is native to China and is also distributed in Japan, Vietnam and India. It is cultivated in southern China and other places. Born in shady and humid slopes, forests or streams below 2000 meters above sea level. The small root of Ophiopogon japonicus is a traditional Chinese medicine, which has the effect of promoting fluid to quench thirst, moistening lung and relieving cough.

Ophiopogon is the fruit of Ophiopogon, and Ophiopogon is a perennial herb of Liliaceae, which grows in clusters, likes warm and humid climate, and is suitable for loose, fertile, well-drained loam and sandy loam, over-sand and over-sticky soil. it is not suitable for the cultivation of Ophiopogon japonicus. How much do you know about Ophiopogon? Today, the editor will briefly introduce its planting method to you.

Ophiopogon japonicus growing environment

Before we understand the planting method of Ophiopogon, let's learn about the growth of Ophiopogon. Ophiopogon is a perennial evergreen herb. Rhizome short and thick, with slender stolons, membranous scales. It is suitable for a slightly humid soil environment, which needs more water. In addition to timely irrigation to infiltrate the soil after planting and promote the seedlings to send out new reports quickly, in the first ten days of May, the weather is dry and hot, the soil water evaporates quickly, and it should also be irrigated in time. In case of drought in winter and spring, it should be irrigated once or twice before the first ten days of February to promote root block growth.

Planting techniques and methods of Ophiopogon japonicus

Seed and seedling

Ophiopogon japonicus is propagated by separate plants. Before and after the Qingming Festival in Sichuan, from the Beginning of Summer to Grain in Beard in Zhejiang Province, when digging Ophiopogon japonicus, the dark green and robust plants were selected, the tuberous roots and fibrous roots were chopped off, divided into individual plants, and the residual whisker roots were cut off. Cut off part of the stem base (with white heart on the cross section of the rhizome, leaves do not spread as the degree), plant immediately. If it cannot be planted in time, it is necessary to "raise seedlings". Soak the stem base of the seedlings in clear water so that they can absorb enough water, then stand on the dug loose soil in the shade, and cover the soil around for preservation. If the temperature is too high, you can water it once a day or every other day. The time of raising seedlings is no more than 7 days.


Sichuan in April and Zhejiang in May, choose sunny or cloudy days. Sichuan is planted with trench strips, with a row spacing of about 15 cm and a depth of about 5 cm. First apply thin pig manure water in the ditch, and then plant seedlings according to the plant spacing of 6-9 cm, 3 plants in each clump, and cover the soil after planting, so that the seedlings stand upright and firm, so that the seedlings are straight and straight. Zhejiang adopts hole planting, hole depth is 3-5 cm, row spacing is 25 cm, plant spacing is 15 cm, and 9-10 seedlings are planted in each hole. Cover without base, compacted.

Fertilization of Ophiopogon japonicus

Ophiopogon japonicus has a long growth period and needs more fertilizer. In addition to applying sufficient basic fertilizer, topdressing should be applied in time according to the growth situation of Ophiopogon japonicus. Generally, topdressing more than 3 times, the first time is in mid-July. The second time is in early August and the third time is in early November. Nitrogen fertilizer should not be too much when topdressing, so as not to cause overgrowth of aboveground parts. In Zhejiang producing area, in addition to base fertilizer, some superphosphate was applied in the hole and mixed in the soil to increase the yield. In spring and autumn, root expansion and rhizome elongation increased, and the percentage was exuberant, so phosphorus and potash fertilizer should be applied again at this time.

Ophiopogon has high medicinal value, often used for lung dryness and dry cough, yin deficiency consumption cough, sore throat, fluid injury and thirst, internal heat and thirst, upset insomnia, intestinal dryness and constipation. The flowers of Ophiopogon are also very beautiful. If you like, you can try to plant a small amount of it at home.

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