
Cultivation techniques of Gong Chrysanthemum

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Cultivation techniques of Gong Chrysanthemum

1. Main habits and morphological characteristics

Gongju is a perennial perennial root herb, sensitive to sunlight and a short-day plant. It is easy to bud and blossom under 10 hours of short-day sunshine every day. Like light to avoid shade, lack of light will lead to plant dysplasia and reduction of flowering.

Gongju likes to be ventilated and cool, so it is most suitable to grow in fertile, loose, moist and well-drained sandy loam. But the moisture resistance is weak, the soil drainage is poor, the humidity is too high, it will grow poorly and even rot and die. If it is too dry, it will have few branches and slow growth, especially when there is a lack of water at flowering stage, the leaves will become smaller and the number of flowers will be reduced, which will reduce the yield and reduce the quality.

Gong chrysanthemum likes to be warm, but it is also more hardy. Its root overwinters underground and can withstand a low temperature of minus 10 ℃ and 15 min. Flowers can withstand micro-frost, but in case of heavy frost, the yield and quality are greatly reduced.

The branches of Gong Chrysanthemum are fragile, and their natural growth is easy to be lodged or broken by the wind. The general plant height is 60ml / 100cm. The root system distributes horizontally in the topsoil layer, the rhizome divides into adventitious buds, and the flowers grow at the ends of branches or leaf axils. The flower color is white, for the flat petal chrysanthemum.

2. Selecting land, preparing land and applying sufficient basic fertilizer

The Gongju plot should be on a flat land where there is no pollution source and where chrysanthemums have not been planted before. There is a wide range of Gongju suitable for planting in our city, which can be planted in a piece of land on the gentle slope of Pingshan, or intercropping in gaps such as tea mulberry orchards and grain and oil arable land. However, the site selection must be based on the habits of Gongju to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. It is required to avoid the wind and the sun, fertile soil and convenient drainage and irrigation. Avoid shading plots, sticky soil and tuyere planting. Low-lying stagnant water plots and low valleys prone to frost damage are not suitable to be selected. In the areas with heavy fog, it is disadvantageous to produce high-quality chrysanthemums because of affecting the quality of harvest and baking and being prone to diseases. Chrysanthemum continuous cropping has serious diseases and poor production, so it is appropriate to implement rotation and stubble.

In order to grow chrysanthemum, it is best to plough deeply in winter (25cm) and apply sufficient basic fertilizer in spring. According to soil fertility, 1000 kg per mu of organic fertilizer such as fence manure and compost, 50 kg of phosphate fertilizer and 100 kg of cake fertilizer are applied. Flat land is made into ridges and drains are dug, with a distance of 30 cm and a width of 70 cm. Mountain drainage is better and there is no need to make ridges.

Third, cultivate strong seedlings

For chrysanthemums that cannot raise seedlings, the growth is weak and the flowers are thin. Chrysanthemum must cultivate strong seedlings to produce. The propagation of Gong chrysanthemum seedlings is commonly used in production. The chrysanthemum bred by this method has tall plants, many branches, many flowers and large flowers.

1. Ramet breeding method

After the chrysanthemum is harvested, all the old stems of the chrysanthemum are cut off, leaving the roots of the robust plants in the soil. Or dig up the roots and bury them in a selected piece of fertile and well-drained sandy soil. Loosen the soil, apply winter fertilizer, and pay attention to the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, in order to promote the healthy growth of chrysanthemum seedlings. The seedlings can be divided and transplanted when the seedlings are 5 Mel and 8 inches high.

2. Cutting propagation method

In order to expand the propagation rate of chrysanthemum, gong chrysanthemum can also be propagated by cuttings. The method is: from April to June, the shoots of about 10 cm long and with 2 Mel 4 nodes are cut from the new branches or ramet-developed plants of the old plants, the lower part of the leaves are cut oblique or flat, the leaves of the lower part are removed, the upper leaves are cut in half, and inserted into the seedbed soil about 1/2 cm apart, each plant is 10 cm apart, watered thoroughly and semi-shaded. After the dew dries every morning, spray with an appropriate amount of water, the amount of water should not be too much. It can take root and sprout after half a month. After that, the seedlings were promoted by applying light dung water every 5 days, and the seedlings could be transplanted in one month. The chrysanthemum seedlings bred by this method have large flowers. In addition, when the climate is overcast and humid, strong branches can be directly cut into seedlings in the countryside.

IV. Timely transplanting

It is better to adopt split propagation and transplant in the middle and late April. It is better to choose strong flower seedlings which are disease-free and 8 inches long and have no diseases and insect pests. When planting seedlings, we should pay attention to the change of weather and choose the time to adapt to transplanting in cloudy days after rain, and the survival rate is high. The soil is dry and it is not suitable to transplant in sunny days and hot sun. 4000 plants were planted per mu, with row spacing of 40 cm, plant spacing of 33 cm, and 2 trees per hole. The adoption of reasonable wide and narrow row planting is beneficial to the ventilation and light transmission in the later growth stage of the chrysanthemum garden, and is convenient for field operation. The top of the seedling can be removed when transplanting to promote slow seedling and branching growth, and root water should be irrigated when transplanting in wet soil and rainless weather. If there are few seedlings, they can be sparsely planted, and then striped propagation can be carried out to increase density, and striping can be repeated until the number of seedlings is sufficient.

Topping and pruning

In order to promote branching, increase the number of flowers, make the trunk stout, reduce lodging, and improve yield and quality, chrysanthemum must be topped and pruned for 4 times. The first time in mid-May to choose a sunny day, leaving the base of about 5 cm, all the upper pruning, pay attention to pruning in sunny days. After pruning, the plant sent out 5 new branches and 6 new branches. In the second time, the new branches were topped about 6 cm in length, about the middle of June. After the second topping, the plant sent 12 new branches. The third topping is from late June to early July, and the growing plants can top 4 times, but the topping work must be completed before the end of July. The number of topping should not be too much, otherwise the branches are too much, the plants are not strong, the flower heads are thin, and the yield and quality are decreased. If you don't cut it or just cut it once, the branches are too little and the number of flowers is reduced. The time and times of topping should be timely and appropriate according to the plant growth. In addition, over-dense branches and weak branches should be cut off in time to improve nutrition, ventilation and light transmission conditions, so as to promote more flowers and large flowers. In order to avoid the spread of knife-cut nails, the diseased plants should be removed before the occurrence of the virus.

VI. Weeding by ploughing and cultivation of soil and roots

In the growing period of Gongju, it is necessary to hoe and plough frequently, that is, to use artificial weeding to achieve the purpose of weeding and loosening the soil. Generally, there are 5 times of weeding by ploughing and weeding, that is, one in early May, one in early June, one in early August, and one in early September. Mastering the ploughing should be shallow in the early stage and deep in the later stage to avoid damaging the root of chrysanthemum. In the later stage, when ploughing and weeding, the soil should be cultivated or braced every time to protect the root system and prevent lodging. It is not suitable for mid-ploughing in July, but can be mowed and covered, that is, to prevent water evaporation and grass.

7. Fertilizer and water management and support lodging prevention

Chrysanthemum needs a large amount of fertilizer for growth and flowering, and fertilizer should be applied in time according to the growth needs of chrysanthemum. Fertilization time is usually carried out after weeding. From May to July, manure water was applied for 5 times to promote seedlings and strong trees. From the end of August to the first ten days of September, we should appropriately increase the application of phosphorus and potash fertilizer (100ml 150kg per mu, 0.5% urea), and the next human and animal manure (1000 kg per mu) to promote flower bud differentiation. In October, chrysanthemum needs a large amount of fertilizer and appropriate application of nitrogen fertilizer, which can apply cake fertilizer, human and animal manure and a small amount of urea to promote bud blooming. After bud formation, 0.3% urea plus 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate or Tianyuan liquid fertilizer can be used for foliar spraying.