
Cultivation techniques of Rhizoma Polygonatum

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Cultivation techniques of Rhizoma Polygonatum

1. Morphological characteristics

Rhizoma Polygonatum is a perennial herb of Liliaceae. The rhizome is transverse, fleshy, yellowish-white, slightly flat cylindrical. There are several stem scars, the stem scar is thicker, the thickest part can reach 2.5 cm in diameter, giving birth to a small number of fibrous roots. Stem erect, Terete, simple, 50-80 cm tall, smooth glabrous. Leaves sessile; usually 4-5 whorls; leaf blade linear-lanceolate to linear, 7-11 cm long and 5-12 mm wide, apex acuminate and curly, green above, light green below. Flowers axillary, pendulous, pedicels 1.5-2 cm long, apex 2 distinct, bearing 2 flowers; bracts small, much shorter than pedicels; perianth tubular, 8-13 mm long, white, apex 6-toothed, greenish white; stamens 6, inserted in middle of perianth tube, filaments smooth; pistil 1, as long as stamens, superior to ovary, with white hairs on stigma. Berries globose, 7-10 mm in diam., black at maturity. The florescence is from May to June. The fruit period is from June to July. Born on the edges of barren slopes and mountain woody forests or thickets.

Second, pharmacological action

Rhizoma Polygonatum has the effect of nourishing kidney and moistening lung, tonifying spleen and replenishing qi. It is often used to treat dry cough caused by yin deficiency and lung dryness, spleen and stomach weakness, kidney deficiency and essence deficiency, tiredness of food, sore waist and knees, dizziness and early whitening of hair. In winter, nourishing yin and filling essence and benefiting lung, spleen and kidney are the most important, so Polygonatum is the most suitable. In addition to pharmaceutical supplements, Huang Jing is also very useful in dietotherapy. Li Shizhen once said in the Compendium of Materia Medica that "Huang Jing needs medicine for taking food."

III. Cultivation techniques

The main results are as follows: 1. The land selection and preparation should be moist and fully shaded, and the soil should be loam or sandy loam with loose texture and good water retention. Before sowing, first turn deeply once, combined with land preparation, apply farm manure 2000 kg per mu, turn into the soil as base fertilizer, and then rake fine leveling, make the border, the width of the border is 1.2m.

2. Mode of reproduction

A. Rhizome propagated in late autumn or early spring late March, select 1-2-year-old strong, disease-free plant rhizome, select the tender part of the apex, cut into several segments, each section has 3 Mel 4 sections, the wound is slightly dried, according to the row spacing 22 Muk 24 cm, the plant spacing 10 Muk 16 cm, the depth 5 cm planting, after covering the soil slightly suppressed and watered, and then watered every 3 times every 5 days to keep the soil moist. When planting at the end of autumn, some manure and grass should be covered with soil moisture to keep warm.

B. after seed propagation for 8 months, mature and full seeds were selected for sand storage treatment immediately: 1 seed and 3 sandy soil were mixed evenly. Store in a pit 30cm deep in the shade and keep it moist. To sift out the seeds in late March of the following year, sow the seeds evenly into the shallow ditch on the border surface according to the row spacing of 12: 15 cm, cover the soil with about 1.5 cm, water it slightly, and cover it with a layer of grass to moisturize. Remove the cover grass before emergence. When the seedling height is 6ml / 9cm, the seedlings can be planted in a dense place and transplant one year later. In order to meet the shading conditions for the growth of Polygonatum polygonatum, corn can be planted on the ridge.

3. Field management should often plough and weed in the early stage of growth, once a year in April, June, September and November, shallow hoe and proper soil cultivation, and pull weeds in the later stage. In case of drought or the need for timely watering in sunny and dry places. After the first three times of intertillage, 1500 kg of soil fertilizer was applied per mu, 50 kg of superphosphate and 50 kg of cake fertilizer were mixed well, and then ditched and applied between rows, and then covered with soil and covered with fertilizer.