
Cultivation techniques of Coix seed

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Cultivation techniques of Coix seed

Cultivation techniques of Coix

Coix seed is the dried seed of Coix, also known as Coix seed, Coix rice, six millet, medicinal corn and so on. It has the effect of invigorating spleen and relieving dampness, clearing heat and expelling pus. It mainly produces Jiangsu, Sichuan, Hebei, Liaoning and other provinces, and is cultivated all over the country.

1. Morphological characteristics

Herbs annual or perennial, 1m tall. Stem erect and stout, with 10 Mel 20 nodes, hollow internodes, rooting on basal nodes. Leaves alternate, arranged in a vertical row; leaf sheath smooth, with a white thin-film ligule between the leaf blade; leaf blade long lanceolate, apex acuminate. Base slightly sheathlike phimosis, midrib obvious. Raceme, axillary from the upper leaf sheath, spikelets unisexual; the upper part of the inflorescence is a male spikelet, with 3 spikelets on each node, 2 male florets and 3 stamens The lower part of the inflorescence is a female spike, enclosed in a bony involucre, often 2mur3 spikelets born in a node, and the female spikelet has 3 female florets, one of which develops, the ovary has two red stigmas, extending beyond the sheath, there are staminodes at the base, and when the caryopsis is mature, the outer involucre is hard and oval. The seed coat is red or yellowish, the seed kernel is ovate, the back is oval, and there is a groove in the center of the ventral surface. The florescence is from July to September and the fruiting period is from August to October.

Second, growth habits

Coix prefers warm and humid climate, avoid high temperature and muggy heat, do not bear cold, avoid drought, especially at seedling stage, heading stage and filling stage. Seedlings begin to emerge when the temperature is 15 ℃, when the relative humidity is more than 25 ℃ and the relative humidity is 80% and 90%, the seedlings grow rapidly.

The seeds are easy to germinate, the optimum temperature for germination is 25 ℃ 30 min, and the germination rate is about 85%. The life span of seeds is 2MUR 3 years.

III. Cultivation techniques

1. Soil selection and preparation: Coix growth is not strict on the soil, except for over-clayey soil, the general soil can be planted. However, it is better to choose sandy loam soil with sunny direction and convenient drainage and irrigation. Coix has strong tolerance to salt damage and moisture in saline-alkali land and marsh, so it can also be planted on seashore, lakeside, river and irrigation canals. Avoid continuous cropping, the previous crop to legume crops, cotton, potatoes and so on. Before land preparation, 3000 kg of farm manure per mu was applied as base fertilizer. Deep ploughing fine rake, leveling, except for a small area, generally do not need to make beds, but the land should be opened around a good drainage ditch.

two。 Propagation method: seed propagation, seedling transplanting or field direct seeding.

The main results are as follows: (1) seed treatment should be carried out before sowing in order to promote seed germination and prevent smut. 1. Soak the seeds in 5% lime water or 100 times Bordeaux solution for 24 hours and rinse with clean water. 2. Soak the seeds in 60 ℃ warm water for 30 minutes. Mix seeds with 75% pentachloronitrobenzene 0.5 kg and 100 kg.

(2) sowing: the sowing time varies with varieties, usually from March to May. Early-maturing species can be sowed early and late-maturing species can be sowed late.

1. Daejeon live on demand or on-demand. The row spacing of on-demand plants varies from variety to breed. Early-maturing species can be denser and late-maturing species can be thinner. Generally, they will sow 5 seeds per hole at 2540 cm × 30 mi 50 cm, sow 3 cm deep, cover with fire-ash soil, and pour sparse dung water, using 4 Mel 5 kg per mu.

two。 Raise seedlings and transplant. Complete the seedbed, sow the seedlings, cover the fine soil slightly, and keep the soil moist. After 40 days, the seedlings can be transplant when the height is 12ml 15 cm, the row spacing is the same as direct seeding, 3 seedlings are planted in each hole, dilute dung water is poured after planting, the amount of seeds used per mu is 30ml / mu, and the seedlings can be transplanting about 10000 square meters.

3. Field management

The main results were as follows: (1) Seedling replenishment: when the seedlings had 4 true leaves, 3 strong seedlings were left in each hole. The seeder will plant seedlings at a distance of 3ml / 6cm. 5When there were 6 true leaves, the seedlings were fixed according to the plant distance of 12murl 15cm.

(2) weeding in middle ploughing: it was carried out in 3 times. The first time was a shallow hoe when the seedling height was 5 Mel 10 cm, the second time when the seedling height was 20 cm, and the third time when the seedling height was 30 cm, combined with fertilization and soil cultivation.

(3) topdressing: also divided into 3 times. For the first time, 2000 kg of dung water was applied per mu when the seedling height was 5ml 10 cm; the second time, when the seedling height was 30 cm or booting, 3000 kg of dung water was applied per mu; and the third time, 2% superphosphate solution was used for extra-root topdressing at the flowering stage.

(4) drainage and irrigation: sufficient water should be ensured at seedling stage, panicle stage, flowering and filling stage, timely watering in the evening in case of drought, keeping the soil moist, and water in border ditches should be eliminated after rain or ditch irrigation.

(5) removal of foot leaves: after jointing, remove the old leaves and invalid tillers below the first branch to facilitate ventilation and light.

(6) artificial pollination: the flowering period is from 10 to 12:00, vibrating the plant with ropes and other tools to make the pollen fly, which has an obvious effect on improving the seed setting rate.

4. Pest control

(1) smut: also known as smut, serious damage and high incidence. Control methods: strictly carry out seed treatment, rotation, find diseased plants, pull out and burn immediately.

(2) Leaf blight: it often occurs in the rainy season, causing damage to the leaves. Prevention and treatment: at the initial stage of the disease, Bordeaux solution was sprayed with 100-fold Bordeaux solution or 65% zinc wettable powder 500-fold solution.

(3) the corn borer starts from late May to early June, and the damage is serious from August to September. In the seedling stage, the 2nd instar larvae enter the heart leaf to bite the mesophyll or vein. At heading stage, the 3rd instar larvae drilled into the stem at heading stage. Control methods: before sowing, clean the countryside; plant coked lotus root around Coix site; use 50% carbaryl powder 0.5kg plus fine soil 15kg in heart leaf stage to form poisonous soil or 1000 times solution of trichlorfon to irrigate heart leaves, or 1000 times of Bt emulsion.

(4) armyworm: also known as night larva, larva is harmful to leaves. Control methods: spraying 50% dichlorvos 800 times liquid in larval stage; also using sweet and sour venom (sugar: vinegar: spirit: water = 3RV 4RV 1RV 27) to trap and kill adults; during pupation stage, dig the earth to kill pupae.

IV. Harvesting and processing

Coix can be harvested in the same year, and the specific harvest time varies with different varieties and sowing dates. Early-maturing varieties can be harvested in August, while late-maturing varieties can be harvested in November. The grain maturation of the same plant is also different. Generally, it can be harvested when the lower leaves of the plant turn yellow and about 80% of the grains have matured and changed color. The cut plants can be centrally placed for 4 days and then threshed with a threshing machine. The shell Coix was obtained when the threshed seeds were dried. It's available for preservation. Grind off the shell and seed coat with a sheller, screen and dry to get Coix seed for medicinal and edible purposes. 5. Before the harvest of seed retention technique, high-yield individual plants with strong tillering, dense fruiting and consistent maturity period were selected as seed plants. When the seeds were mature, they were harvested, seeds were selected, varieties were eliminated, there were diseases, insect pests and immature seeds, and full and glossy seeds were selected for reproduction in the following year.