
Pest control of Fructus Arctii

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Pest control of Fructus Arctii

Burdock disease burdock gray spot is mainly harmful leaves, the disease spot is nearly round 1~5mm, brown to dark brown, the central part turns gray-white in the later stage, and there are light black mildew on both sides when it is wet, that is, the fruiting body of the pathogen. Prevention and control methods: clean the countryside in autumn and thoroughly remove the remains of diseased plants. Reasonable close planting, timely ploughing and weeding, and controlled application of nitrogen fertilizer. At the initial stage of the disease, spray Bordeaux solution of 1 Vol 150 or 500 times of 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder.

The disease spot on the burdock wheel leaf is nearly round 2~12mm, dark brown, and then the center becomes gray-white, the edge is irregular, there are slightly wheel lines, and there are small black spots, that is, the conidium of the pathogen. The method of control is the same as that of gray spot. Burdock powdery mildew, white powdery spots on both sides of the leaves, and black spots on the powdery spots in the later stage, that is, the closed capsule of the pathogen. Control methods: thoroughly remove the remains of diseased plants and reduce the source of overwintering bacteria. 1000 times of 50% methyl topiramate wettable powder was sprayed at the initial stage of the disease.

The main pests are safflower aphid and chrysanthemum aphid. Damage to stems, leaves, fruits, when serious can cause desperate production, can be sprayed 40% omethoate EC 1000 times, or 10% fenvalerate EC 3000 times, or 50% aphid pine EC 1000-1500 times liquid for control. Spodoptera litura, which feeds on leaves with larvae, creates notched holes, which can be sprayed with 90% trichlorfon crystal 800-1000 times. Helicoverpa armigera takes the larvae as the harmful leaf, causing the leaves to be engraved, and when it is serious, all the flowers and young fruits are damaged, resulting in a substantial reduction in yield. Control methods: winter ploughing and winter irrigation is adopted to eliminate overwintering pupae and reduce the source of insects in the coming year. 20w black light was used to trap and kill adults. Before the 3rd instar, the larvae were controlled with 1000 times of 90% trichlorfon crystal or 300 times of 25% imidophos. Ground tiger: larvae bite leaves or heart leaves, you can use trichlorfon poison bait, or artificial culling in the morning. Ants: feed on the main root and die in severe cases. The root circumference can be irrigated with 2000 times of dichlorvos EC, or animal bones can be trapped. It was harvested before and after "the Beginning of Autumn" in the second year after harvesting, processing and sowing. As the seed ripening period is very inconsistent, it should be harvested by stages. When the inflorescence involucre is withered and yellow, it can be harvested, cut off the fruit branches, dried in the sun, and finally cut off the whole plant to dry, remove impurities and collect. If it is not harvested for a long time, the fruit is too ripe and is easy to be blown down by the wind. As there are many hard thorns on the involucre, picking should be carried out in the morning and when it is soft in cloudy days, so as not to hurt your hands. If you pick in sunny days, you should wear gloves.