
Introduction to high-yield cultivation techniques of saffron

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Introduction to high-yield cultivation techniques of saffron

Saffron, also known as saffron, saffron, Saffron, Fulan, etc., is a perennial herb of Iridaceae. Saffron is native to Spain, the Netherlands and other Mediterranean coastal countries. The introduction experiment began in China in 1965 and has been successfully introduced in 22 provinces and cities, such as Shanghai, Zhejiang, Henan, Beijing, * and so on. Saffron is a valuable gynecological medicine, and it is also widely used in daily chemical, food, dye and other industries. it is a valuable raw material for beauty cosmetics and spice products, and the bulb can be sold as a high-grade flower.

I. growth characteristics of saffron

Saffron is a subtropical plant, like mild, cool, afraid of heat, more hardy. It is better to use rich sandy soil and avoid stagnant water. The optimum temperature of saffron is 2-19 ℃. If the temperature is-18 ℃ in the north of China, the saffron can survive the winter safely by taking some measures against cold. Under the condition of high temperature of 25 ℃ in the south of China, proper shading can prolong the growth time of saffron and benefit the bulb weight gain of saffron.

Second, the soil preparation technology of saffron

According to the requirements of the environmental conditions of saffron, the land with warm winter, sufficient light, loose and fertile land was selected. Saffron likes crop rotation and avoids continuous cropping. Beans, corn and rice are the best crops in the previous crop, and they can also be intercropped in the orchard. Shallow root crops of the genus saffron. In the north, the temperature is low in winter, and it is not convenient to topdressing, so it is very important to apply sufficient base fertilizer. Combined with ploughing, 100 kg of lime or 1.5 kg of pentachloronitrobenzene was applied to disinfect one mu. 5000 kg of rotten circle fertilizer, 50 kg of superphosphate, 30 kg of nitrogen fertilizer and 200kg of rotten cake fertilizer were applied per mu as base fertilizer. Fine rake flat according to the north-south direction to dig trenches to build the border, 1.3 meters wide, 30 centimeters high, the border surface is tortoise back shape, the border spacing is 30 to 40 centimeters.

III. Sowing of saffron

Saffron is cultivated in the open field in September. The north should be early rather than late. Early planting, early emergence, first root, then sprouting, the plant grows healthily. If it is late, it will sprout first, then take root, and the plant growth is also poor. Indoor flowering bulbs pick 80% of the flowers indoors from late October to mid-November and immediately transplant them in the field, while the other 20% are picked in the field. Separate the bulbs from the small ones before planting. The big ones are thinner and the smaller ones are denser. In general, the row spacing is 20 × 20 cm, the trench depth is about 10 cm, the head of the bulb is upward, and the bulb is covered with soil by 2 × 2.5 times the height of the corm, that is, 3 cm. Deep planting of bulbs is also one of the ways to cultivate large bulbs. After planting, pour the root water thoroughly to keep the soil moist, and the seedlings will emerge for about a month. IV. Indoor management technology of saffron

IV. Indoor management technology of saffron

Saffron bulbs can blossom normally on their own stored nutrients without supplying water, soil and fertilizer. And flower picking is convenient, labor-saving, labor-saving, not affected by external climatic conditions, no diseases and insect pests, no pesticide pollution, the yield can be increased by about 30% compared with the open field, and it is convenient to remove lateral buds. In view of the above advantages, our country mostly adopts the method of indoor flowering and field multiplication of corms.

The shelf of saffron can be designed to be about 1 meter long, 60 centimeters wide, 30 centimeters and 40 centimeters between layers, and about 5 layers high. With plank, bamboo pole, 1 square meter can put bulbs about 10 kilograms, generally a room can put about a mu of bulbs.

From August to October, the bulbs of saffron are separated from each other, and those with less than 8 grams of non-flowering can be planted directly in the field. Large bulbs are placed upward on the shelves, while small bulbs can be placed directly on the floor. Keep the humidity above 80% in the room. Sprinkle water on the ground when the humidity is not enough, and it is strictly forbidden to sprinkle water on the bulb so as not to take root ahead of time. The indoor growth period of saffron is about 60 days.

5. Field management of saffron

Saffron grows in the field from mid-November to early May next year for about half a year. During this period, the following work should be done:

1. Supply fertilizer and water scientifically. About 20 days after planting, 2000 kilograms of human and animal manure were watered per mu. When there is more water in the case of drought, the saffron will turn green in the middle of February next year, applying 3000 to 4000 kilograms of human and animal manure per mu. Since March, the growth of saffron has entered an exuberant stage, spraying 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate every 10 days for 2 times.

2. It is necessary to regulate and control the moisture reasonably. If the soil moisture is not enough after planting, the saffron should be irrigated with enough water. There is little rain and drought in the northern region, so it is necessary to irrigate and prevent freezing before winter, and then irrigate again in April next year to meet the needs of growth.

3. Pay attention to anti-freezing and seedling protection. Although saffron is a cold-tolerant crop, it is necessary to take anti-freezing measures in the severe cold weather of-10 ℃ ~ 20 ℃, covering the border with a layer of hay, covered with plastic film and wind barrier.

4. Weeding and loosening the soil in time.

5. The lateral buds should be removed in time. When planting bulbs, excess lateral buds have been removed. If another lateral buds are found to grow in the field, they are inserted into the soil with a knife and the leaves are removed together.

6. Do a good job of pest prevention and control. Saffron throughout the growing period is basically low temperature, fewer diseases and insect pests, generally in the spring to prevent. In case of rot, pour with 5% antiseptic 800 times solution. If there are aphids, spray with 2000 times of dimethoate emulsion. At the same time, we should do a good job to prevent rat bites, eat bulbs and prevent rabbits from eating saffron leaves in the field.