
Introduction to the propagation methods of rose flowers

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The cultivation of roses is not difficult, and their adaptability is relatively strong. Friends who like roses often do not know how to plant them. In fact, the cutting difficulty of roses is lower than that of roses. The editor will introduce to you the common breeding methods of roses.

The cultivation of roses is not difficult, and the adaptability is relatively strong, friends who like roses often do not know how to plant, in fact, the cutting difficulty of roses is lower than rose, the editor will introduce to you the common breeding methods of roses.

Rose flower

Rose seed can be used for raising seedlings, but it is easy to survive by using tender wood cuttings in the same year in production. Valuable varieties are difficult to cut and can be propagated by pressing or grafting. Seedlings of asexual reproduction can blossom in the same year. For the seedlings used as potted flowers, the older branches of fine varieties should be selected, the seedlings should be raised by striping method, and attention should be paid to pruning the main buds and artificial dwarfing. For seedlings used as cut flowers, varieties that can form mother branches and colorful flowers should be selected to raise seedlings.

Key points of cutting:

1. Cutting time: any time except summer.

2. The selection of branches: the disease-free branches of the previous year are all available (the best semi-Lignification).

3. Treatment of branches: branch thickness (0.2cm-0.8cm diameter), length (8cm-15cm length), 4 nodes left, 1 Mel 2 nodes buried in the soil.

4. Cutting medium: pure vermiculite or perlite can be used for cutting if there are no conditions, or ordinary garden soil can be used if there are no conditions.

5. Management after cutting: proper shading after cutting, no need to take care of it carefully.

How to cultivate rose flowers the culture methods of rose flowers

Rose is a common vine climbing fence floret, more breeding in the courtyard, parks and other places, then how to raise roses? Let's learn about the culture of roses.

Introduction of rose flowers

A plant of the genus Rosa, which is the rose flower of a deciduous shrub, and the rose flower, also known as the white remnant flower, has been a famous flower since ancient times. Roses generally like to grow on the side of the road or the edge of the field and other places, when its flowers are in full bloom, you can choose to harvest and dry in sunny days to make medicine.

The rose is strong in nature and can be resistant to semi-shade and cold when it likes the sun, but it is not strict with the soil and can grow normally in the clayey soil. It is resistant to barren and taboo to low-lying stagnant water. Fertile, loose, slightly acidic soil is the best. Because the rose likes the sun, it is best to grow in a sunny environment, so that it can grow normally or well, but if it is in a shady environment, it will grow abnormally or even die.

Second, the culture method of rose flower.

1. Propagation: roses are commonly used in ramet, cuttage and striping propagation, and propagation can be carried out in spring, early summer and early autumn. In addition, you can also choose the method of sowing and breeding. Sowing is usually carried out after autumn, or spring sowing is carried out after sand storage, and it can sprout 1-2 months after sowing.

2. Soil: the rose flower is not strict in soil, resistant to drought and barren. It is most suitable to grow in deep, loose, fertile, moist and well-drained soil, and it can also grow normally in clayey soil. Whether planted in the ground or potted, the cultivation soil of rose flowers should be fully mature sandy soil as the best.

3. Watering: the watering of roses varies from season to season. Keep the soil moist and dry during winter dormancy. The branches grow before the beginning of spring, the branches and leaves grow, increase the amount of water appropriately, and irrigate once every morning and evening. Need to increase the amount of water in the growing season and flowering season, high temperature in summer, the amount of water evaporation increases, plants are in a weak semi-dormant state, the most avoid drying and dehydration, watering once every morning and evening to avoid sun exposure. When watering at high temperature, a small amount of water should seep out from the bottom of the basin each time, indicating that it has been watered thoroughly. Do not splash water on the leaves when watering to prevent diseases.

4. Fertilization: roses like fertilizer, and the base fertilizer is mainly slow-acting organic fertilizer, such as cow manure, chicken manure, bean cake, oil residue and so on. Adding liquid fertilizer and water every semimonthly can always keep the leaves thick, dark green and shiny. Before sprouting in early spring, thick liquid fertilizer can be applied once, no fertilizer should be applied at flowering stage, liquid fertilizer can be applied again after blooming in June, medium liquid fertilizer can be applied again when the fourth or fifth axillary bud is about to sprout in September, and rotten organic fertilizer can be applied to overwintering in December.

5. Lighting: the rose is a light-loving flower, which likes plenty of sunshine, and it is also resistant to semi-shade, cold and adaptability. it should be planted in all parts of the south except the severe cold in winter. Roses should have enough sunshine during their growth so that they can flourish and blossom more.

6. pest control: roses are easy to infect many diseases, and most of them are caused by fungi, such as powdery mildew, black spot, rust and so on. Usually maintenance should pay attention to pruning branches and leaves, conducive to ventilation and ventilation, before the occurrence of diseases and insect pests, can be sprayed liquid control, sterilization and disinfection. If diseases and insect pests have occurred, corresponding measures should be taken for treatment, so as not to affect the growth and flowering of roses.

The above is the rose culture method to share, rose culture is relatively simple, and ornamental is also good, breeding some in the courtyard or balcony is a good choice.

The breeding method of rose and the introduction of flower language!

Rose, also known as multi-flowered rose, rose, thorn rose, white residual flower, has been a famous flower since ancient times, the fragrance of the flower is very strong, the fragrance of the flower is attractive, the aromatic oil can be extracted from the petals, its value is higher than gold, and it has high medicinal and edible value. In addition, the rose has the role of adsorbing harmful gases, such as ether, hydrogen sulfide and so on, which can greatly reduce indoor pollution. Put it in the bedroom, can beautify the indoor environment, add a bright spot, enhance the sense of beauty. Today, I will briefly introduce the breeding methods and language of roses for you. Rose culture method soil requirements: rose resistant to drought, barren, suitable to grow in deep, loose, fertile, moist and well-drained soil, but also can grow normally in clayey soil. Whether planted in the ground or potted, the cultivation soil of rose flowers should be fully mature sandy soil as the best. Light conditions: roses are light-loving flowers and need plenty of sunlight during their growth. It is resistant to semi-overcast, cold and adaptability. it should be planted in all parts of the south except for the severe cold in winter. Roses should have enough sunshine during their growth so that they can flourish and blossom. Watering method: roses like to be wet, afraid of being wet and avoid waterlogging. From rose sprouting to flowering, watering is best to keep the soil moist but without stagnant water. After flowering, the amount of water should be reduced, the soil should be dry and wet when watering, and attention should be paid to drainage and waterlogging in the rainy season to avoid stagnant water and rotting roots. Fertilization method: in March, the roses can be treated with liquid fertilizer dominated by nitrogen for two times, which can promote the branches and leaves of the roses to flourish. In April and May, 2 Mel fertilizer mainly based on phosphorus and potassium can be applied three times to promote the rose flower to have more buds and blossom, and then apply a rejuvenation fertilizer after flowering, and then you can stop applying fertilizer. Pruning and shaping: pruning and shaping is an indispensable process in most flower breeding, and roses are no exception, especially when cultivated as potted flowers, we should pay more attention to pruning and shaping. In general, adult roses are pruned before germination every spring, and the amount should be moderate to ensure that the branches of the roses are dense and beautiful. The old branches and dense branches of roses should be often trimmed every winter to maintain good light transmission and ventilation so as to reduce diseases and insect pests. Prevention of diseases and insect pests: roses are vulnerable to some diseases in the process of growth, most of which are caused by fungi, such as powdery mildew, black spot, rust and so on. Usually maintenance of roses, should pay attention to pruning branches and leaves, conducive to ventilation, before the occurrence of diseases and insect pests, can be sprayed liquid control, sterilization and disinfection. If diseases and insect pests have occurred, corresponding measures should be taken for treatment, so as not to affect the growth and flowering of roses. Rock Rose language: reject Blue Rose language: desperate Purple Rose language: love oath White Rose language: pure Love Yellow Rose language: eternal smile Red Rose language: hope and you are passionately in love with Christmas Rose language: love in memory Pink Rose language: I want to live with you all my life I want to marry you wild rose language: romantic love, go to heaven with you to crimson rose language: just want to be with you; just want to know you alone black rose language: gorgeous love, desperate love, hatred, curse, you are mine