
Common breeding methods of Dryopteris Dryopteris

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, In the process of cultivating Dryopteris, many flower friends often feel that the maintenance of Dryopteris is not as easy as expected. Because Dryopteris is an indicative plant of calcareous soil, we should pay attention to the cultivation environment when planting. Some flower friends who like Dryopteris may want to breed on their own.

In the process of cultivating Dryopteris, many flower friends often feel that the maintenance of Dryopteris is not as easy as expected. Because Dryopteris is an indicative plant of calcareous soil, we should pay attention to the cultivation environment when planting. Some flower friends who like Dryopteris may want to breed on their own. The editor will introduce to you the common breeding methods of Dryopteris, which can be understood by interested friends.

Dryopteris przewalskii

Dryopteris przewalskii is often propagated by ramets or spores, which can be propagated indoors in four seasons, but it is generally carried out in early spring. Take the mother plant out of the basin, cut off its rhizome, so that each piece has part of the rhizome and leaves, and then planted in a small basin. New plants can be obtained by covering the rhizome with mixed soil, irrigating and culturing in a damp environment.

The method of spore reproduction is to sterilize the peat and fine sand as the substrate in the oven at high temperature to kill germs and weed seeds. Then, put the sterilized soil into a shallow sowing basin. Cut the leaves with mature spores, concentrate the spores and spread them evenly in the shallow sowing basin, do not need to cover the soil, cover them with a piece of glass, soak the basin bottom with water, keep the basin soil moist, and place them in a semi-shady environment of 20 ℃ and 25 met. the spores can germinate into prothalli for about one month and can be divided after the basin is full.

Note that the glass on the sowing pot should be removed for ventilation 1-2 days before planting, so as not to cause plant rot or diseases and insect pests. In addition, it is very easy to spread spores to reproduce by themselves in a warm, shady and humid environment.

How to cultivate Dryopteris Dryopteris how to teach you the method of raising Dryopteris

For different people, the degree of difficulty of raising Dryopteris is different. As long as you are patient and careful, you can raise the fern very well. So, how to raise the fern well? Now let's follow the editor to learn!

First, how to raise Dryopteris?

1. Soil selection:

Dryopteris prefers loose, fertile acidic soil. Families can use the following formula: garden soil: rotten leaf soil: sand = 4:5:1 or peat soil: rotten leaf soil: sand = 4:4:2

2. Key points of fertilization:

The amount of fertilizer required by Dryopteris is not large, and it is generally possible to apply dilute liquid fertilizer once a month. If a small amount of calcium fertilizer can be applied, it will grow better. However, it should be noted that the leaves should not be stained when watering and fertilizing, otherwise the leaves will be withered and yellow and the ornamental effect will be affected.

Dryopteris likes fertilizer, but it doesn't require much fertilizer. The three seasons of spring, summer and autumn are the growing season of Dryopteris. 20 times of rotten liquid fertilizer can be applied once every 30 days, or 1000 times of "Huaduoduo" general fertilizer twice. In the meantime, 1000 times of ferrous sulfate solution can be added for 3 times.

No fertilizer is applied when the temperature is hot in summer. Stop fertilizing when the temperature is cool in autumn. When applying rotten liquid fertilizer to Dryopteris, use a thin-nozzle spray pot to apply slowly along the mouth of the basin, do not let the fertilizer touch the leaves, otherwise it is easy to burn the leaves.

3. Watering points:

Dryopteris likes warm, humid and semi-overcast environment. It needs to be watered once a day during the growing period, and once in the morning and evening in hot summer. At the same time, water should be sprayed to the surface of leaves and the ground around flowerpots to improve air humidity. Only in this way can we keep the leaves green. If the water supply is insufficient or the air is dry, the leaves will turn yellow or scorch the hem. In order to make the leaves green, it is best to keep the flowerpot on a wet sand table.

Dryopteris prefers moist soil and moist air. After the fern begins to grow in spring, it should be watered more to make the basin soil in a moist state, and often sprinkle water around it to increase air humidity. When the temperature is high from late spring to early autumn, the watering times should be increased while keeping the basin soil moist.

When the temperature is low in late autumn, winter and early spring, the basin soil should be moist and the surface of the basin soil should not be dry. Sprinkle water around it regularly to increase air humidity at the same time.

4. Lighting requirements:

Although Dryopteris is a shade plant, it still needs some light in the growing season. Indoor maintenance is best placed on the east or north windowsill of the bedroom, and its light level is more ideal. 50% of the sun should be covered at noon in summer, and the light can be seen properly in the morning and evening. Too strong light will cause the leaf margin to scorch. If it is cultivated on the outdoor balcony, the sun should be shaded in summer to avoid direct sunlight, otherwise, it is very easy to cause the leaf edge to scorch.

5. Temperature requirements: the suitable temperature for the growth of Dryopteris is 15 ~ 20 ℃, and the winter temperature is not lower than 10 ℃ in order to keep the leaves fresh green. In midsummer, if the temperature is too high, you need to spray water to the plants every day.

2. Reproduction of Dryopteris Dryopteris

Dryopteris is generally propagated by ramet and spore reproduction.

1. Ramet propagation:

It is generally combined with changing pots for ramet propagation in spring. Take the mother plant out of the pot, separate the plant by hand, remove the old matrix, cut the rhizome appropriately according to the situation, plant it in the pot, you can get new plants, and water them in a semi-shady place for maintenance.

2. Spore reproduction:

The whole leaf with sporangia on the back can be covered with a plastic bag, and the spores can be picked off when the spores are mature, and the spores can be gently put into the bag and sown in a prepared shallow flowerpot. Instead of covering the soil after sowing, cover it with glass and cover it with plastic film, then immerse it in shallow water and let the water seep in through the holes in the basin floor until the basin surface is wet. After often keep moist, 30 days or so can sprout. If the spores are not sown, they can sprout and produce seedlings as long as the temperature and humidity are suitable.

Matters needing attention in culturing Dryopteris Dryopteris

1. Dryopteris should be planted or changed in spring. The basin soil is commonly mixed with humus, peat soil, a small amount of river sand and base fertilizer, do not hurt the root system when changing the basin, avoid wind blowing, and keep the basin soil moist and air humidity.

2. Dryopteris should be fully watered during the peak growing season, and water is often sprinkled around the plant. Watering taboo basin soil when dry and wet-apply dilute liquid fertilizer 2-3 times a month, fertilizer should not be sprinkled on the leaves, so as not to cause rotten leaves. Reduce watering in winter, do not fertilize, because clematis have calcium-loving characteristics, basin soil can add appropriate amount of lime, broken eggshells and other calcium fertilizers.

3. When withered leaves are found in the process of maintenance, they should be cut off in time to keep the plants fresh and beautiful and conducive to the germination of new leaves. When the leaves are too dense, the old leaves can be properly trimmed every autumn to maintain beautiful plant shape and good growth.

4. As the leaves of Dryopteris fern grow rapidly, some of the old leaves should be cut off regularly in the growing season. When the leaves are too dense, Dryopteris not only loses its elegant form, but also the new leaves growing in its heart are easy to die due to lack of light and form hollow.

IV. Four Seasons Management of Dryopteris

1. Spring management:

The pots of Dryopteris can be changed in April, and the pots can be changed once a year. Dryopteris likes yin and dampness and is afraid of strong light. There should be appropriate morning and evening light in early spring, and spring should be arranged in a room with bright scattered light.

After Dryopteris begins to grow in spring, attention should be paid to the management of water and fertilizer. When decorating indoors, special attention should be paid to increasing indoor air humidity. Improving indoor air humidity is the key to family cultivation of Dryopteris. Daily application of ferrous sulfate can not only increase the acidity of the soil, is conducive to its growth, but also make the leaves more green.

2. Summer management:

The high temperature, strong light and dry climate in summer are not suitable for the growth of Dryopteris. It should be cultivated in a brightly lit place indoors to keep the basin soil moist and spray around it to improve air humidity. Do not apply fertilizer when the temperature is hot. The iron fern is afraid of the wind and should not be placed in front of the electric fan and the air outlet of the air conditioner. The air humidity of the air conditioned room is lower, so the number of sprays should be increased.

3. Autumn management:

Dryopteris can still grow normally in autumn, so attention should be paid to the management of water and fertilizer. After the temperature drops at the end of autumn, we should pay attention to maintain the indoor temperature, gradually reduce the amount of water, make the basin soil moist, and gradually move it to a place with morning and evening light for cultivation.

4. Winter management:

Dryopteris is not resistant to cold and should be kept above 5 ℃ at room temperature. At this time, the growth of Dryopteris is stagnant, and the leaves are dark green, which can appropriately increase the light in the morning and evening (avoid the strong light at noon) and water less, so that the basin soil is partial to and does not apply fertilizer.

When the indoor temperature is kept above 10%, the fern grows better, the leaves are bright green, and the basin soil should be kept moist, but not fertilized. When the indoor temperature is higher, the air humidity will be correspondingly lower, so we should pay attention to supplement the air humidity.

Basic understanding of Dryopteris Dryopteris Culture methods of Dryopteris

Dryopteris is one of the most common and popular green plants in our country. it has beautiful stems and leaves and small plant type. it is very suitable for small potted plants to decorate household windowsills and other places, and is welcomed by many owners. Let's take a look at the introduction of how to raise Dryopteris.

First, the basic understanding of Dryopteris.

Dryopteris Dryopteris (scientific name: Adiantum capillus-veneris Linn.) is a perennial evergreen herb, also known as iron grass, young girl's hair, iron grass, water pig hairy soil. Its light green thin leaves with jet-black and shiny petioles are particularly elegant and elegant. It is 0.1m high and is 0.5 m high. It is named Dryopteris Dryopteris because of its slender stem and color like iron wire. Dryopteris is also an indicator of calcareous soil. Because of its fear of dryness and strong light, it must be placed in a place where there is no direct sunlight for maintenance. There are also many varieties of Dryopteris Dryopteris, such as Dryopteris przewalskii, Dryopteris renifolia and so on. It belongs to the species of the world and is wild in all regions.

2. Culture methods of Dryopteris Dryopteris

1, basin and soil: pot fern, pot can choose light glaze basin and tile basin; basin soil must have good water permeability and ventilation, generally with humus-rich peat soil or rotten leaf soil, and then add about 1 gray 3 coarse sand and fine sand, and put in some bone powder, and the bottom of the basin should be covered with some broken tiles or coarse sand to facilitate drainage, rhizome planting depth of 1.5 rain 2.5 cm. Plant or turn the pot to change the soil in spring. Humus soil or peat soil is commonly used in potted plants, and a small amount of river sand and base fertilizer are added to form the culture soil. Change the box every spring, do not hurt the root when changing the basin, avoid the wind blowing, and keep the basin soil moist and high air humidity. It can be managed normally after the new branches grow.

2, temperature: Dryopteris likes cold climate, the growth temperature is between 15 ℃-25 ℃, the temperature of leaves can not be lower than 7 ℃, otherwise the page may be frostbitten. In the air-conditioned room, if pot cultivation is used, the excessive evaporation of water can be avoided, thus withering the leaves.

3. Moisture: Dryopteris likes the environment with high humidity very much, so it should be watered 5 times a day in spring, summer and autumn, and can be reduced to 2 times in winter, but it still needs to be sprayed frequently to prevent the leaves from being too dry.

4. Fertilization: fertilization is necessary for Dryopteris Dryopteris, but to grasp the principle of "a small amount and more application", we can use 1000 Murray 2000 times diluent such as Huabao.

5. Pruning: after the beginning of autumn, as the temperature drops, Dryopteris will grow slowly, and the old leaves will gradually turn yellow, so cut them off.

6. Diseases and insect pests: potted Dryopteris Dryopteris, often with leaf blight, can be controlled with Bordeaux solution at the initial stage, and can be controlled with 70% methyl topiramate 1000 Mel 1500 times in severe cases. If the plant is damaged by scale insects, 40% omethoate 1000 times solution can be used for control.