
Where is the reason why the yield of Pinellia ternata is not high?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Where is the reason why the yield of Pinellia ternata is not high?

Traditional Chinese medicine Pinellia ternata farmers used to say drought Pinellia ternata, is an herb of Araceae. According to the investigation and statistical analysis of the market situation of major drug markets and production areas in China in the past ten years, the gap between supply and demand of dry pinellia ternata is relatively large, and the trend is strong. It has risen from 20-28 yuan/kg to 40-50 yuan/kg. Under the realistic technical conditions of our country, the commodities produced by artificial cultivation are about 150 kg per mu, and the benefits per mu are considerable. So, with such high income, why haven't farmers increased their planting areas in recent years? Cause pinellia for many years high prices and aftermarket is still in short supply of reasons where?

I. High planting technology content

1, Pinellia ternata's life requirements for light are inconsistent, early growth of spring due to low temperature, need light conditions; growth of summer temperature is high, sunshine is strong, this time only in hidden conditions, can grow normally; into the late growth of autumn, due to the gradual weakening of sunlight intensity, coupled with more rain, soil and air humidity, so the need for light conditions.

2, Pinellia cultivation of soil, terrain selection requirements are stricter, it is afraid of drought and waterlogging, both afraid of salt and alkali can not be too acidic, both like organic matter and afraid of fertilizer; therefore, low-lying land is not suitable, slightly sticky land is not good, must be sandy loam or light loam, and waterlogging can be drained, drought can be irrigated, need to meet this standard can be planted, there can be no ambiguity.

3. Pinellia ternata investment is relatively high. Generally, the total investment of seed stem, fertilizer and labor is about 1500 yuan per mu. Generally, farmers are afraid to plant it for fear of being washed away after throwing it in. In addition, they do not understand technology or hear the failure of others.

Second, the current artificial cultivation area of Pinellia ternata is not true

Some time ago, in the field investigation, there are many farmers asked: "Director Li, why I planted pinellia ternata before how many seed stems, harvest or harvest how many seed stems, almost no yield increase?" This is also one of the most frequent telephone inquiries received recently. There are many reasons. The main reason is that some units or individuals with the purpose of selling seeds deliberately ignore the difficulty of planting technology, which gives growers the illusion of easy planting, good management, high benefit and quick short-term prosperity. Some simply do not have high-yield and high-quality cultivation technology, or even have less traditional planting experience than the old medicine farmers. How can we talk about high-quality and high-yield technology? Second, there are many wild varieties of Pinellia ternata in China, but few of them are suitable for artificial cultivation through cultivation and domestication. Under artificial cultivation conditions, wild Pinellia ternata has low adaptability to artificial environment, and the probability of "falling seedlings" increases. In addition, improper storage methods lead to more stem diseases and unstable yield.

Therefore, as far as the artificial cultivation of Pinellia ternata in China is concerned, it is still in the initial stage, and there are only a few bases that really cultivate more than 100 mu to produce Pinellia ternata commodities; and some claim that large-scale Pinellia ternata planting bases generally exist in name only, and their real purpose is to obtain special support funds for traditional Chinese medicinal materials from the state. If the purpose is achieved, the so-called Pinellia ternata base will be renamed. This is a fact, and the author has never fabricated it.

III. Gradually decreasing wild resources

Pinellia ternata grows wild on hillsides and streams under damp grass or sparse forests. In addition, it also grows in farmland. However, with deep cultivation and extensive use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides, Pinellia ternata in farmland has basically disappeared. Due to reclamation, deforestation and disorderly excavation in successive years, the growth environment of Pinellia ternata has been seriously damaged, and its resources are gradually reduced. In addition, the distribution of wild Pinellia ternata is scattered, and natural disasters such as drought and waterlogging are frequent. At present, it is on the verge of exhaustion.

The comprehensive analysis results show that the pinellia ternata market is unlikely to be saturated in 3-5 years, the price will rise steadily, the market is optimistic, and the prospect is broad. However, it is because of the special habits of Pinellia ternata and the difficulty of planting technology that its market prospects are promising. Therefore, it is recommended that first-time growers be cautious.