
Planting techniques of Radix Rehmanniae

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Planting techniques of Radix Rehmanniae

Growth habits:

Shegan prefers a warm and humid climate. The adaptability is strong, the requirement to the soil is not strict, the hillside wasteland can grow. Resistant to drought and cold, the seedlings can withstand a low temperature of-21 ℃. Avoid stagnant water.

Methods of reproduction:

Propagate with seeds and split roots.

The main results are as follows: 1. Land selection and soil preparation; generally mountainous and flat land can be planted, it is appropriate to choose sunny, deep sandy loam. Apply base fertilizer 2500 kg per mu, superphosphate 15 kg, turn about 20 cm deep, fine and flat, and make a border 1.2m wide.

2. Seed propagation: seed reproduction is often used. After the seed was collected in autumn, the seed was treated with wet sand stratification, the germination rate was high and the seedling emergence was fast. Soak the dry seeds in water for a week before sowing, change the water 3-4 times during the period, then put the seeds into baskets, cover them with linen cloth, often moisturize them with water, and sow when the seeds are white by more than 60%.

① live broadcast can be sowed in spring or autumn. Spring sowing is in late March and early April, and autumn sowing in lo from mid-March to early November. Strip sowing according to the row spacing of 20-25 cm, open 2 cm deep ditch, seed mu dosage of 3 kg, evenly sow seeds into the ditch, cover the soil slightly suppressed. Autumn sowing is the same as spring sowing.

Seedlings were raised by ②. Strip sowing is ditched according to the row spacing of about 15 cm, and the soil is covered after sowing to keep the soil moist. When the seedlings are 5ml 6cm high, they are transplanted to the field according to the row spacing of 20cm X 15cm, and then watered. The amount of seed used is 10 kg per mu.

3. Root-splitting propagation: before germination in spring and after the aboveground stems and leaves withered in autumn, the underground rhizomes were planed and divided into small pieces, each with 3 buds and some fibrous roots, digging holes according to the row spacing of 25 cm X 20 cm, 1 section in large blocks and 2 segments in small blocks, watering after compaction and keeping moist. The spring growers emerged in about 15 days. Use about 100 kilograms of rhizome per mu.

Field management:

1. Weeding in the middle ploughing: weeding and loosening the soil 3 times in time after the seedlings come out, so that there are no weeds in the field, and cultivate the soil in the rhizosphere for the last time to prevent the lodging of ten coffin plants.

2. Topdressing: shoot dry like fertilizer, fat at the end of the first year, but not topdressing. Fertilizer was applied twice in the second year, when the seedling height was 10-15 cm, 1 500 kg of human feces and water was applied once, and 1 000 kg of ring manure or compost was applied from July to August, combed in shallow trenches between rows and watered again.

3. Bud picking: flowering in the second year of sowing, in addition to leaving the land, the buds should be removed in time to reduce nutrient consumption, so as to provide early nutrients for the underground part to ensure yield and quality.

Pest control:

The disease has rust, which harms the leaves in autumn, and the diseased leaves show brown rust spots. At the initial stage of the disease, 25% triamcinolone acetonide was sprayed 2000 times, once a week, for 3 times. Insect pests are shoot stem drillworm, its larvae damage young heart leaves, leaf sheaths, stem base, resulting in running stem leaves were bitten off, plants withered. 50% carbaryl powder is sprayed during the peak incubation period of overwintering eggs.

Harvest and processing:

Shoot the stem and use the root as medicine. Harvest after 2-3 years of planting. It is appropriate to harvest in spring and autumn. After the aboveground part withered in autumn, or before sprouting in early spring, dig the underground rhizome, wash the soil and dry it. The yield of dry goods per mu is about 300 kilograms.