
Experts plant traditional Chinese medicine in pulse.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Experts plant traditional Chinese medicine in pulse.

I. Avoid random cross-regional planting

Traditional Chinese medicine has been said to be genuine since ancient times. "Genuine medicinal materials" refer to Chinese medicinal materials with excellent quality, high curative effect and strong regional characteristics proved by practice. Li Xianen, associate researcher at the Institute of Medicinal Plants of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, said, for example, that the effective substances produced in Sichuan are 2.73% higher than those produced in Hubei Province. Many geographical and ecological factors, such as latitude, altitude, topography and topography, affect light, temperature, soil and precipitation, and play a decisive role in the growth of Chinese medicinal materials. Liquoric root and Ephedra are suitable to grow on calcareous soil in northeast, north and northwest regions; mast prefers acidic soil in south; snow lotus flower, dandelion, cistanche and cynomorium songaricum can grow and develop under strong light conditions, while ginseng, notoginseng, coptis chinensis and asarum can only grow well under weak light conditions. If the tradition is violated, random cross-regional planting, coupled with lack of planting experience, often leads to a large number of diseases and insect pests, low yield, quality will be greatly reduced.

Second, buy seedlings to find reliable "dragon head"

Li Xianen especially reminded farmers. Buy seedlings do not trust herb seedling vendors. He had seen vendors who inflated the yield and purchase price of dogwood several times over, and who signed "regular contracts" with farmers for only three years. Li Xianen said that in fact, farmers could not earn money within three years. Because dogwood to grow more than 6-7 years to bear fruit, such as fruit, you look for him to buy, he said the contract has expired. For example, crocus can grow everywhere, but in fact, except Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, crocus planted in other areas will not harvest medicinal materials due to no flowering or few flowering. Li Xianen suggested that farmers 'friends, in order to prevent advertising and contract fraud, it is best to cooperate with local reputable companies, sign contracts with them according to the growth cycle of medicinal materials, and be led by them as leaders. In this way, seedlings, cultivation techniques and sales are all under the unified responsibility of someone, otherwise farmers, as self-employed operators, rely on their own production and sales, and face too much market risk.

3. Don't plant herbs into firewood

If the planting technology of medicinal materials is not standardized, the top should not be pinched when it is necessary, the pruning should not be pruned when it is necessary, the harvesting should not be carried out when it is not necessary, which will lead to the decline of the quality of Chinese medicinal materials and the decrease of farmers 'income. Professor Jin Shiyuan, a consultant to Tong Ren Tang and an expert on traditional Chinese medicine, once discovered that some farmers picked chrysanthemum and notoginseng, which take five or six years to grow, ahead of time. Roots should be harvested before flowering or after flowering, but some farmers picked them at flowering, and even experts could not recognize them after they were listed. Some farmers see that the current price is not good, they leave the medicinal materials in the field to continue to grow, and so on price increases, but such medicines as Radix Isatidis, Angelica dahurica and Angelica sinensis will bloom and sprout if they are not harvested in that year, and the medicinal roots will be "firewood"(i.e. serious lignification), which is not used.

Experts say some Chinese herbal medicines cannot be planted in succession. For example, rehmannia root should be stopped for 5-6 years after planting a crop; after planting ginseng and American ginseng in a piece of land, it should not be planted again for decades, otherwise the yield will drop by at least half and the disease will occur seriously.

IV. Avoid blindly following the trend

Ma Xiaojun, a researcher at the Institute of Medicinal Plants of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, proposed that overheating should be prevented in the development of medicinal herb bases. The market demand for medicinal materials is limited, with only 0.1 per cent of food crops, 1.4 per cent of fruits and 0.28 per cent of vegetables. The annual demand for each medicinal material is limited, such as ginseng 1800 tons, angelica 1200 tons, more will cause huge waste. Danshen, Banlangen, Platycodon grandiflorum and so on have encountered low-cost rotten market, at present some varieties also lurk this hidden danger, so in the decision-making of traditional Chinese medicine, can not blindly follow the trend, should do sufficient market research.

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