
Don't use vinegar in summer to increase the acidity of potted soil. The old flower farmer told you to use it a hundred times better than vinegar.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Summer is a dormant period for many plants, but for some flowers, it is blooming, blooming the most beautiful, such as gardenia, jasmine and so on. In order to give way to the flowers.

Summer is a dormant period for many plants, but for some flowers, it is blooming, blooming the most beautiful, such as gardenia, jasmine and so on.

In order to make flowers grow and blossom better, many flower friends will use salt-free vinegar to increase the acidity of the soil, so that they can grow very luxuriantly and the flowers will burst into pots.

Although using vinegar to change and increase the acidity of the soil can promote the growth and flowering of flowers to a certain extent, it is not the best way to know an old flower farmer before, he uses another thing, which can not only increase the acidity of the soil, but also promote the differentiation of new buds, more pregnant buds, and more importantly, it can effectively disinfect and sterilize, which is a hundred times more effective than vinegar.

The "it" used by old florists is willow juice, or willow acid and salicylic acid in willow juice. These things are used to grow flowers and make flowers grow wildly and bloom one crop after another.

Specific practice: collect a few fresh and healthy willow sticks, mash them in a container, then add some water to soak, and then use them one day later. Take the supernatant, directly dilute the liquid and pour it into the basin soil, which can be watered once every 2-3 days. After continuous watering for half a month, it is obvious that gardenia and jasmine become luxuriant, and the flowers bloom more, brighter and more fragrant.

Common maintenance of flowering period of gardenia and jasmine:

1. Gardenia

Gardenia is basically in full bloom in June. At this time, it is necessary to prune the residual flowers in time, reduce the consumption of nutrients, promote the extraction of new shoots, pick the heart when the new shoots grow 2-3 nodes, and trim off some axillary buds appropriately, so as to make the plant more full and luxuriant, and promote the next bud to bloom.

2. Jasmine flower

Good maintenance of jasmine can bloom for three periods, wave after wave, without interruption, so light, fertilizer and pruning are very important in the maintenance process.

To provide adequate fertilizer and light, but the sun is strong in summer, it is necessary to properly weaken the light, otherwise it is easy to burn leaves, thin fertilizer should be applied frequently, watering is generally once a day, and in the process of maintenance, it should be pruned continuously to reduce unnecessary consumption of nutrients and provide centralized support for pregnant buds to blossom and keep it blooming.

Potted soil to increase acidity is introduced here, flower friends have other additions, you can share with you in the comments area below, oh, if you want to know more about flower cultivation, you can pay attention to flowers!