
Cultivation techniques of traditional Chinese Medicine Ophiopogon japonicus

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Cultivation techniques of traditional Chinese Medicine Ophiopogon japonicus

Land selection and preparation

It is appropriate to choose loose, fertile, moist and well-drained sandy loam, or sloping land for cultivation. Maidong bogey continuous cropping. Soil preparation should be carried out in time after the current crop harvest. Ploughing 20-25 cm, and ploughing and raking for many times, so as to be loose, fine and flat. Sichuan production areas generally do not make borders, such as the area of the field is too large, the soil surface is uneven, can be divided into small soil ridges for drainage and irrigation. The Zhejiang producing area forms a flat border with a width of 1.5-1.7 meters and a ditch width of 40 cm. Apply sufficient base fertilizer when preparing the soil, generally use compost 1500-2000 kg per mu, can also use 50-70 kg calcium superphosphate or 1000-1500 kg barnyard manure, sprinkle it into the ditch when planting, or sprinkle it into the soil when preparing the soil.

Planting method

1. Preparation and treatment of seedlings

Ophiopogon japonicus is propagated by separate plants. Before and after the Qingming Festival in Sichuan, from the Beginning of Summer to Grain in Beard in Zhejiang Province, when digging Ophiopogon japonicus, the dark green and robust plants were selected, the tuberous roots and fibrous roots were chopped off, divided into individual plants, and the residual whisker roots were cut off. Cut off part of the stem base (with white heart on the cross section of the rhizome, leaves do not spread as the degree), plant immediately. If it cannot be planted in time, it is necessary to "raise seedlings". Soak the stem base of the seedlings in clear water so that they can absorb enough water, then stand on the dug loose soil in the shade, and cover the soil around for preservation. If the temperature is too high, you can water it once a day or every other day. The time of raising seedlings is no more than 7 days.

2. Planting

Sichuan in April and Zhejiang in May, choose sunny or cloudy days. Sichuan is planted with trench strips, with a row spacing of about 15 cm and a depth of about 5 cm. First apply thin pig manure water in the ditch, and then plant seedlings according to the plant spacing of 6-9 cm, 3 plants in each clump, and cover the soil after planting, so that the seedlings stand upright and firm, so that the seedlings are straight and straight. Zhejiang adopts hole planting, hole depth is 3-5 cm, row spacing is 25 cm, plant spacing is 15 cm, and 9-10 seedlings are planted in each hole. Cover without base, compacted.

Field management

1. Intercropping

Ophiopogon needs a shady and humid environment, and intercropping is carried out in all the main producing areas. Sichuan usually grows corn between summer and autumn. On the second day after planting of Ophiopogon japonicus, one row of corn was planted every 5 rows of Ophiopogon japonicus, and the plant spacing was 50 cm. 1-2 seedlings were left in each litter after emergence, and 1 plant was harvested before the Beginning of Autumn. Before Greater Heat, in other rows of Ophiopogon japonicus, one row of autumn corn was planted every five rows of Ophiopogon japonicus, and the Autumn Equinox harvested. Winter and early spring, when Ophiopogon japonicus root growth period, generally do not plant crops, so as not to affect the yield of Ophiopogon japonicus.

Ophiopogon japonicus in Zhejiang Province has wide plant spacing and long growth time, and most of the interplanting crops are watermelon, kohlrabi, red onion, summer corn, broad bean and so on. It is usually planted in the first and second year. No interplanting in the third year, so as not to affect the yield and quality of Ophiopogon japonicus.

2. After about half a month of weeding and planting seedlings, weeding should be done once, and the soil should be loosened to a depth of about 3 cm. Weeds grow vigorously from May to October, so it is necessary to choose a sunny day to weed and loosen the topsoil once a month.

3. Fertilization

Sichuan is generally topdressing 3 times for 4 times. For the first time in July, 1200 kg of human and animal dung water and 25 kg of rotten vegetable cake were applied per mu. For the second time, 1500-2000 kg of human and animal manure water, 40-50 kg of rotten vegetable cake and 75 kg of ash were applied per mu in the first and middle of August. The third time in the first ten days of November, 1500-2000 kg per mu of human and animal manure water, 25 kg of vegetable cake, 75 kg of fire ash or 20-25 kg of calcium superphosphate, and the fourth time in the late February of the second year after planting, 2000-2500 kg of pig manure water per mu, urea 5 kg, calcium superphosphate 7 kg, potassium chloride 5 kg.

Fertilization in Zhejiang is slightly different from that in Sichuan. There is a habit of "early application of root fertilizer and heavy application of spring and autumn fertilizer". When Ophiopogon japonicus was planted for half a month, combined with drought resistance, 700 kg of light human and animal fertilizer and 10 kg of superphosphate were applied per mu to promote early rooting, multiple roots and early tillering. After July, 1200 kg of human and animal feces and urine and 15 kg of superphosphate were applied per mu. Spring and autumn are the periods of root expansion and a large number of tillers, so phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied again. It was applied once in March and September, 50kg of superphosphate or 100kg of cake fertilizer per mu, 1200 kg of human feces and urine, and 150,200kg of plant ash. From then on, fertilize 2-3 times a year.

4. Irrigation

After the Beginning of Summer, the weather is getting hotter and the water evaporation is large, so it should be irrigated in time. If there is a drought in winter and spring, water should be irrigated 1-2 times before and after the Beginning of Spring to promote root growth. Rain Water is concentrated in summer, so the stagnant water in the field should be eliminated in time to prevent high temperature and humidity from occurring diseases and insect pests and affect production.