
The gentleman orchid who had been raised for five years did not blossom and took out a look and found that there was no soil at the root.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Flower friends who have raised orchids all know that orchids are not easy to raise, and their growth rate is extremely slow, and it takes at least 5 years for them to blossom, but some flower friends still keep them from blooming for 5 years.

Flower friends who have raised Cymbidium all know that Cymbidium is not easy to raise, and its growth rate is extremely slow, and it will take at least five years for it to blossom, but some of the orchids who have been raised for five years still do not blossom. After consulting the flower master many times, I found that the problem lies in the root. It was only after taking the orchid out of the flowerpot that I found that there was no soil at the root of the orchid. This makes flower friends also can't laugh or cry.

Flower friend raised this gentleman orchid, its leaves from the beginning 3-5, grow to now 20 leaves, the plant looks very strong, the leaves are also thick and bright, but the only disadvantage is not flowering, flower friends after expert advice, found the problem, the original flower friends raised for 5 years, but never changed the flowerpot, thought it was no big deal.

Flower friends feel that changing pots is more troublesome, see that the gentleman orchid grows so strong, so he steals lazy, unexpectedly is because he is lazy, just let the gentleman orchid grow up like this. When the flower friend saw the dense root system, and did not have a trace of soil, the flower friend instantly understood that the daily nutrients were absorbed by the root system, which led to the root system so strong, such a gentleman orchid will not blossom.

Flower friends quickly cut off the weak roots and rotten roots of Cymbidium, soak them in potassium permanganate solution for 15 minutes, dry them, prepare a larger flowerpot and reconfigure some new nutrient soil. then cut off the old leaves under the orchid plant and put them back into the pot and put them in a cool and ventilated place.

About three months later, I heard the flower friend say that the flower arrow of his gentleman orchid had come out. Finally, the editor would like to remind flower friends that you should not be lazy in growing flowers, watering when watering, changing pots when changing pots, fertilizing when fertilizing, nothing less, otherwise, flowers will have all kinds of problems, in the end, all that is left is empty flowerpots.