
High-yield cultivation techniques of Prunella vulgaris

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, High-yield cultivation techniques of Prunella vulgaris

Prunella vulgaris is also known as Prunella vulgaris, iron grass, stigma flower, lantern head, sheep intestine and so on. It is an one-to two-bearing herb of the genus Prunella of Labiatae. The nature is cold, bitter and bitter. It has the effect of clearing liver, dispersing knots and diuresis; it mainly treats distemper, mastitis, eye pain, jaundice, gonorrhea, hypertension and other diseases; mainly produced in Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Henan and other provinces.

Plant shape, plant height, 13ml, 40cm. Stem erect, often lavender, with fine hairs. Leaves ovate or elliptic-lanceolate, 1.5 mi 5 cm long and 1 mi 2.5 cm wide, entire or sparsely serrate. Inflorescences terminal, spikelike; bracts reniform, base truncate or slightly heart-shaped, tip protruding into long caudate acuminate, abaxially hirsute; calyx lip-shaped, front hirsute, rear smooth, upper lip long elliptic, 3-lobed, both sides extended into semi-lanceolate, lower lip 2-lobed, lobes triangular, apex acuminate; Corolla purple or white, lip-shaped, lower tubular, upper lip cap-shaped, 2-lobed, lower lip spreading, 3-lobed Stamens 4 and 2 strong, filament tip bifurcated, one end bearing anthers; ovary 4-lobed, style filiform. Nutlets brown, long elliptic, 3-angled. The florescence is from May to June. The fruit period is from June to July.

1. Soil preparation and fertilization: this variety is not strict on soil quality, including sandy loam, loess, white meal soil and wheat field soil, but sandy soil humus soil is the best. Before soil preparation, according to the degree of fertility of the land, generally apply 50 kg of phosphate fertilizer, 25 kg of urea or 50 kg of compound fertilizer per mu, ploughing and raking fine, and finishing 2 Mel flat beds with a width of 3 meters.

2. Sowing: seed reproduction is the main method, and direct seeding is generally used in production. The planting time is generally divided into early spring and early autumn, and the best season is from the Beginning of Autumn to White Dew every year, that is, from the first ten days of August to the first and middle of September of the lunar calendar, with sufficient moisture, about 15 days of emergence, fixed roots and overwintering in the year, vigorous growth, early maturity and high yield in the following year. The sowing is generally divided into two kinds: strip sowing and sowing. Strip sowing should be ditched with a hoe according to the row spacing of 5mi 7 inches, and the seeds can be evenly scattered in the ditch. Sowing can spread the seeds evenly on the border surface, sweep them gently with a broom after planting, and cover the seeds. If the soil moisture is poor, irrigate once after planting, keep the border surface moist, and the seed consumption per mu is about 2 kg. Seedlings can also be raised first and then transplanted before Ching Ming Festival in October of the lunar calendar or the following year. The seeds of Prunella vulgaris are small, the temperature is 25 ℃ and 30 min, and when there is enough humidity, the seedlings will emerge about 15 days after sowing.

3. Field management: Prunella vulgaris has strong adaptability, and there are few diseases and insect pests in the whole growth process. When the seedlings grew to 8 leaves, the seedlings were divided into two groups according to the row spacing of 5 and 6 inches, and the weeds were removed once. When the seedlings grew to 10 leaves, human and animal dung water or urea was applied once or 5 kg per mu. In the following year, there are generally 120 tillers per tree, which is about 50 centimeters high, with many balls and high yield.

4. Harvest and processing: Prunella vulgaris is mature by stages and should be harvested by stages. the general length is more than 8 cm (ball interlayer is more than 13 layers) can be exported and can be packed separately. When most of the balls are yellowish brown, the clubs and balls can be cut, dried and stored together, and the clubs will be graded and packed for sale when they are idle. The old mackerel can be retained after harvest and can continue to grow. Prunella vulgaris has been planted for many years in a year, with a yield of 150ml / mu and 200kg / mu and 250kg / mu respectively.