
High-yield cultivation techniques of Flos Lonicerae

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, High-yield cultivation techniques of Flos Lonicerae

Diedonghua, a commonly used traditional Chinese medicine, uses flower buds for medicinal purposes, with the function of relieving cough and resolving phlegm, moistening the lungs and qi, with an annual demand of more than a thousand tons. Mainly produced in Henan, Gansu, Shanxi, Hebei and other provinces, especially in Gansu Lingtai the best quality, Shanxi Guangling, Hebei Yuxian largest planting area.

The morphological characteristics are perennial herbs of the genus Compositae. Basal leaves, long stalked; leaf blade rounded-cordate, apex obtusely pointed or subrounded, base cordate, margin undulate sparsely serrate, dark green above, smooth glabrous, back densely white velutinous. Flowers bloom before leaves grow; head simple, terminal, flower stem several to dozens of branches, velutinous; bracts more than ten pieces, alternate on flower stem; involucre 1-2 layers; marginal ligulate flowers, pistils; central tubular flowers, male. Achene.

1. The slightly acidic sandy loam with half-yin and half-yang, moist and humus-rich should be selected for land preparation. It can be planted in mountainous areas, rivers and streams. Combined with land preparation, compost is applied to 1500 kg per mu, deeply turned, fined and raked flat to make a border with a width of 1.3m and a height of 20cm, and drainage ditches are opened all around.

Second, after planting in winter or thawing in early spring of the following year, hole or strip planting should be carried out on the finished border surface. Hole planting: dig holes according to row spacing 25 cm 30 cm, plant spacing 15 cm 20 cm, depth 8 cm 10 cm, plant roots 2 cm 3 nodes in each hole, spread and arrange, cover soil flat immediately after planting; strip planting: trench 25 cm according to row plants, depth 8 cm 10 cm, put into the middle root node every 10 cm (plant spacing) cm and then cover the soil and press it flush with the border surface. If the weather is dry, water should be watered once after planting. About 30 kilograms of roots are needed per mu.

3. Weeding in field management after seedling and leaf spreading in early April, combined with seedling replenishment, the first intermediate tillage and weeding was carried out, so the seedling root grew slowly, the soil should be loosened shallowly to avoid root injury, and the seedling leaves were well developed from June to July the second time, and the root system grew well, and middle tillage could be deepened properly. The third time in the first ten days of September when the aboveground stems and leaves had gradually stopped growing and the flower buds began to differentiate, the field should be kept weed-free to avoid unnecessary consumption of nutrients. Topdressing is generally not topdressing in the early stage of growth, so as to avoid overgrowth and easy to suffer from diseases. Fertilizer and water management should be strengthened in the later stage of growth. In early September, 1000 kg of soil ash or compost was applied per mu, and 1200 kg of compost and 15 kg of superphosphate were applied per mu in early October. Trench or dig holes beside the plant to apply, after application, cover fertilizer with border ditch soil, and cultivate the soil, in order to maintain the fertilizer efficiency, and prevent the flower buds from growing out of the ground, weak growth, affecting the quality of winter flowers. Drainage and irrigation winter flowers are afraid of both drought and waterlogging. In the dry weather in spring, it is necessary to irrigate and protect seedlings in time, and to dredge ditches and remove stagnant water in time in the rainy season to prevent flooding of seedlings. The leaves of winter flowers are in full bloom from June to August, and the leaves are too luxuriant, which will cause poor ventilation and light transmission, affect flower bud differentiation and cause diseases and insect pests to harm leaves. Therefore, it is necessary to sparse overlapping, withered and infected leaves, leaving only 3 or 4 heart leaves per plant, so as to improve plant disease resistance, produce more buds and increase yield. When intercropping is cultivated in the field, winter flower can be intercropped with corn, taro and other tall crops, which can not only make full use of land, increase income, but also play the role of sunshade, which is beneficial to the growth of winter flower.

Fourth, diseases and insect pests and their control. The main diseases and insect pests of winter flowers are brown spot, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and withered leaf disease. Aphids are controlled with aldicarb, and underground pests such as grubs are trapped and killed with octane scales and poison baits.

Fifth, harvesting and processing (1) harvesting: around the winter of the same year, when the buds are broken but not unearthed, and the bracts are purplish red. Too early, because the bud is still growing in the soil or close to the ground, it is not suitable to look for it; too late, the bud has been unearthed and opened, and the quality is reduced. When harvesting, pick the buds from the stem base with the pedicels and put them into the bamboo basket without heavy pressure or washing, otherwise the buds will turn black after drying, affecting the quality of medicinal materials. (2) processing: immediately after harvest, the buds are spread out in a ventilated and dry place to dry. After 3 to 4 days, the water vapor is dried, the soil is sifted out, the pedicels are removed, and then cool until completely dry. In cloudy and rainy days, dry with charcoal or anthracite by gentle fire, and the temperature is controlled at 40-50 ℃. When baking, the bud should not be too thick, about 5-7 cm, the time should not be too long, and should not be turned less, so as not to damage the outer bracts and affect the quality of medicinal materials.